Saw it tonight in 3D. Too dark and blurry through my 3D-glasses. Also, the 3D-effects were hardly as impressive as the artistic style of the Pandoran fauna and flora. The glasses diminished the experience, they didn't improve it.

What do you guys and gals think is the significance of the title? Maybe it's an obvious answer, but I'd like to hear different interpretations.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
First 3d movie for the wife and I as well.

She had a headache by the end. I took a dizzy spell a few hours after the movie. I do have horrible eyesight, though. Visually speaking, we both thought that the preview for 'Alice in Wonderland' looked more impressive than 'Avatar'. We can't wait for that one.
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it."-Dogbert

"The truth is always greater that the words we use to describe it."

[Image: fun.jpg]

Quote:wat exactly r u talking about
Try this.

Here, let me help you out. Which way did you come in?


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Go see Avatar again leave the wife at home & your Brain at the box office :P

I thought it was is a bit like Dances with Wolfs...btw the voice for the Na'vi Chief Eytukan was Wes Studi [Toughest Pawnee: Only a white man would make a fire for everyone to see.:P...Dances w/Wolfs] :blush:

I wish I had seen it in 3D...>I gave Avatar 4 out of 5 Stars ****

ps: I LUSTED for Sigourney Weaver :wub:
Quote:Saw it. Cameron remade Pocahantas, with Space and Starcraft as moderating influences.

Mrs Occhi really wanted to see it. She fell asleep less than an hour into it.

I of course stayed awake.

Needed more, not less, Starcraft emulation, for my money.

My one moment of intrigue: if the guy and the girl having sex do that braid nerver bundle merge thing, what is the point of genitalia? Also, isn't he treating her like the riding beast he merged with a few minutes before, or was she enticing him to "fly united" with her as he'd "flown united" with that flying lizard a bit before?

Interesting sexual synergy in that one, that I think most people missed.

Yes, my brain comes up with this crap all by itself. It's a curse.

Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Quote:ps: I LUSTED for Sigourney Weaver :wub:
That proves you rightfully earn your oldest living member title.

Maybe in 40 years I'll see this movie again and think "oh wow she was hot". :lol:

Quote:That proves you rightfully earn your oldest living member title.
That's one of the perks of aging, the number of beautiful young women keeps increasing -- 'young', of course, being relative to your own age. :P

Quote:Maybe in 40 years I'll see this movie again and think "oh wow she was hot". :lol:
Don't wait 40 years, rent Alien today:)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:Don't wait 40 years, rent Alien today:)


So you can see her before all the plastic surgery ruined her!
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

Google...>sigourney weaver, alien<... and google will fill in...>underwear :P
(Results 1 - 10 of about 71,100 for sigourney weaver alien underwear. )

YouTube Alien Video

Quote:Sigourney Weaver - The legendary vest and skimpy panties scene from "Alien"

In Brief: Our Top 7 Underwear Moments of All Time

[Image: Sigourney%20Weaver-%20Alien.jpg]

Quote:That proves you rightfully earn your oldest living member title.

Maybe in 40 years I'll see this movie again and think "oh wow she was hot". :lol:
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
That's one of the perks of aging, the number of beautiful young women keeps increasing --
HA! You've just given me the reply I will give people when they say I am getting older.B)
Seen it last Sunday, in 3d. Was nice, but the 3d effect wasn't everwhelming. Story was classic Hollywood nonesense. But it sure looked nice.
Former www.diablo2.com webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
Quote:Saw it. Cameron remade Pocahantas, with Space and Starcraft as moderating influences.

Mrs Occhi really wanted to see it. She fell asleep less than an hour into it.

I of course stayed awake.

Needed more, not less, Starcraft emulation, for my money.

My one moment of intrigue: if the guy and the girl having sex do that braid nerver bundle merge thing, what is the point of genitalia? Also, isn't he treating her like the riding beast he merged with a few minutes before, or was she enticing him to "fly united" with her as he'd "flown united" with that flying lizard a bit before?

Interesting sexual synergy in that one, that I think most people missed.

Yes, my brain comes up with this crap all by itself. It's a curse.


Thank you, Occhi! That movie could have been SO much more. And Time magazine's review, describing it as "breaking the mold" almost made me physically ill.

I noticed the braid thing, too. Jeez, anything to thrill a teeny-bopper, hm? Speaking of which, last time I checked you couldn't show nipples in a PG-13 movie. Oh, wait, you can if you're James Cameron (see Titanic).

And did anyone else notice the reference to The Core? Unobtanium, anyone? Gag me with a spoon!

Overall, I gave it a C. Unoriginal story, painfully predictable plot, mediocre acting, blatant robbery from numerous other movies (the mechs were from The Matrix, only with cockpit canopies), and it insulted my ancestor (Pocahontas, I kid you not). I even called it Pocahontas in Space on my Facebook notes. It's ONLY redeeming feature was the special effects, which I have to admit were mind-numbing. Oh, yeah, and the Zerglings were a nice touch.

"How heroic. How compassionate. How selfless. I think I'm going to be sick."
-Skeletorr, the new HE-MAN
Quote:Google...>sigourney weaver, alien<... and google will fill in...>underwear :P
(Results 1 - 10 of about 71,100 for sigourney weaver alien underwear. )
Oh look, another porn spammer! I'll just fire up the banninator...

...oh wait, it's King Jim.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

Quote:Oh look, another porn spammer! I'll just fire up the banninator...

...oh wait, it's King Jim.

That's not porn, that's art. :P


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:And did anyone else notice the reference to The Core? Unobtanium, anyone? Gag me with a spoon!
The term unobtainium has been around since way before The Core.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields

No porn here that picture is ART like Pete said :wub:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Quote:Oh look, another porn spammer! I'll just fire up the banninator...

...oh wait, it's King Jim.:w00t:
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Speaking of Unobtanium, they didn't even explain what it was used for! Its just UNOBTANIUM... and it is valuable for some reason. And because our villians are greedy to the core, they'll do anything to get it. Could the villian be anymore one dimensional? Maybe unobtanium cures cancer in humans? That would cause an interesting dilemma. Is it okay for the humans to take the unobtainum from the natives because of all the good it can do for humans back on earth? Instead, the humans are just greedy jerks who just want to enrich themselves.

Also, with all their high technology, why didn't the humans dig an underground tunnel to the unobtanium, leaving the natives tree of life thingie intact above ground?
Because they are filthy, imperialist, neo-social darwinists.:)

Also, tunnels cost! Bullets and missiles have already been bought and paid for. If you're not using them, you've just thrown a gargantuan military budget out the window.;)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Quote:I'm getting quite sick of the same stock of characters for every movie ...
I have not seen it yet, but from what I've heard;

Military = evil, like to kill things, stupid myopic focus on mission over reason.
Natives = peaceful, nature loving, reasonable, noble, heroic.
Capitalists = evil, like to kill things, stupid myopic focus on profit over reason.
Scientists = good, smart, seeking harmony and truth.

So, pretty much a social commentary(thinly veiled propaganda) by Cameron.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


Quote:Scientists = good, smart, seeking harmony and truth.
That's a refreshing change. Usually they're evil, socially awkward, totally amoral, seeking fame or immortality at any cost. That is, when they're not just plain mad.

Tell kids often enough that scientists are geeks, nerds, eggheads, pencil-necks, weired, and usually mad and then wonder why there's a shortage? :angry:


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:That's a refreshing change. Usually they're evil, socially awkward, totally amoral, seeking fame or immortality at any cost. That is, when they're not just plain mad.

Tell kids often enough that scientists are geeks, nerds, eggheads, pencil-necks, weired, and usually mad and then wonder why there's a shortage? :angry:
These are biologists. :lol:


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