Lounger's ages

First results -- from Mirajj's data.

I took the data that Mirajj sent me and parsed it into a flat database in Excel. To get the ages, I had to make some assumptions and changes. I took the people who gave ages like "in my 30s" and replaced with '35'. The original list was, IIRC, from '99, the upgrade Mirajj sent me was from '01. The ages of people who did not upgrade from age to DoB is most likely from 1999. So I used June, 1999 as the date in calculating age from DoB. When only the year of birth was given, I used age = 1999 - DoB.

The results were:
Data Points      230

Youngest         8.0
First quartile  16.0
Median          20.0
Third quartile  30.0
Oldest          63.0
Mode            16.0
Average         23.8
Std dev of pop  10.3
The histogram with zeros removed is:
  Age  Count     Age  Count     Age  Count
    8    1        24    5        39    3
   10    1        25   10        40    2
   11    4        26    8        41    1
   12    6        27    3        42    2
   13   10        28    3        43    2
   14   15        29    8        45    2
   15   10        30    9        47    1
   16   20        31    5        48    2
   17   15        32    2        49    1
   18   14        33    3        52    1
   19    9        34    4        53    1
   20   11        35    4        54    2
   21    3        36    4        56    1
   22   10        37    5        63    1
   23    5        38    1
So, it would appear that in 1999 the group who represents the forbearers of the Lounge were primarily a young crowd. The ages from 13 to 20 make up nearly 1/2 the population. Only about 1/4 of the population was over 30. It'll be interesting to see how (if at all) things have changed in 10 years.

Of course, there are many flaws with his data. It is of the people who participated in the survey, which represents only a small portion of the total population of the DS. It's accuracy could not be checked. It is actually of the old DSF, and not the Lounge.

But, still, it is a starting point.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


I've processed the data that LennyLen provided so far.

Total of 433 data points, of which four were 7 or below and three were 99 or above. After eliminating these seven points, I used the remaining 426 for the analysis.

The results were:
Data points      426

Youngest        10.0
First quartile  23.0
Median          27.0
Third quartile  33.0
Oldest          67.0
Mode            26.0
Average         29.0
Std dev (pop)    8.4
The histogram with zeros removed is:
  Age  Count     Age  Count     Age  Count
   10    1        30   15        45    1
   11    1        31   10        46    5
   17    1        32   13        47    5
   18    4        33   12        48    2
   19   17        34   16        49    1
   20   15        35    5        50    3
   21   23        36   10        51    1
   22   28        37    5        54    2
   23   18        38    5        56    2
   24   35        39    5        57    1
   25   33        40   10        58    1
   26   36        41    7        59    1
   27   25        42    3        63    1
   28   17        43    3        67    1
   29   23        44    3

It is interesting that the first quartile and the median went up by seven years and the average went up by six. That seems to indicate an aging population. That the mode went up by ten years in ten years could indicate that there is a large core who've aged with the site. Or not B)

Of some concern is the small sub 18 population. That could either indicate that we're not attracting much 'young' talent. That may be good, since the Lurkers do tend to be more mature. Hopefully the people under 18 represent the more mature of their age group. That's definitely the case with the ones I've interacted with -- most were more mature (OK, more level headed) than I.;)

It will be interesting to see if this sample is representative of the population.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:Using the "<strike>Add</strike>Fast Reply" button at the bottom of the page instead of the Reply button in the post.


Quote:Of some concern is the small sub 18 population. That could either indicate that we're not attracting much 'young' talent. That may be good, since the Lurkers do tend to be more mature. Hopefully the people under 18 represent the more mature of their age group. That's definitely the case with the ones I've interacted with -- most were more mature (OK, more level headed) than I.
The program I wrote was reading the profiles in order of member number, so the selection I gave you was of the members who have been here the longest. I'm not on the laptop at the moment, so I can't check what the most recent profile I had was, but iirc, it was from 2004. I'm guessing that a lot of the younger members on this site have probably registered since then.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields

Quote:The program I wrote was reading the profiles in order of member number, so the selection I gave you was of the members who have been here the longest. I'm not on the laptop at the moment, so I can't check what the most recent profile I had was, but iirc, it was from 2004. I'm guessing that a lot of the younger members on this site have probably registered since then.
Good point. The 13 to 18 year olds of now would have been under 13 then. You're probably right, those bins will probably fill as we get the more recent data.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Two other people share my Halloween birthday! No one in the same year though. I've met one person in my life that was born on the same exact day as me; I am 6 hours older:P

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
Quote:Don't take that information too seriously, Pete, because I'll bet that I am not the only person who rarely uses my correct birthdate to register for anything over the internet. :wacko:

Meh, I never hide mine B)

ps. Hope all is well with you and T., fraulein.
Quote:Meh, I never hide mine B)

ps. Hope all is well with you and T., fraulein.
I'll be fifty in June.

Flock me, a half a century of ... whatever this is. Good reason to get pissed to the gills.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

Quote:I'll be fifty in June.

Flock me, a half a century of ... whatever this is. Good reason to get pissed to the gills.

Huh. You don't even give a day in June. Guess we'll just have to celebrate all month long so's not to miss it;)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I'll be 35 on April 12. When I started posting on the battle.net DSF forums I was a single college student living in a crappy apartment. Now I'm married, have a 6 year old son, and own a house and 2 cars. Time flies.

On a positive note, I was asked for ID whilst attempting to purchase a case of beer last week. The legal drinking age is 19 :w00t:
Quote:When I started posting on the battle.net DSF forums I was a single college student living in a crappy apartment. Now I'm married, have a 6 year old son, and own a house and 2 cars.
When I started posting on the battle.net DSF forums I was also a single college student living in a crappy apartment. Now I'm not a college student, but neither am I married, nor do I have kids, or own a house*. I do have a car, but it's about to die, and is completely illegal (having not being registered or warranted (I'm not sure what the Canadian/American version of warranted is, but I'm referring to a certificate to say that it's a safe vehicle) in over a year.

At least I'm not single any more.;)

* At the moment I'm technically homeless. I'm currently house-sitting until Friday, at which point my girlfriend and I were supposed to move into an apartment together in the centre of town. Unfortunately, the real estate agent screwed things up, and now we don't know when we can move in, so it looks like I'll be staying on a couch somewhere until things get sorted.

Pete: I'll have to wait until the aforementioned situation is resolved before I download the rest of the data. I'm curently restricted to dial-up.:(

"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:EDIT: This is the first time I've used curl, and it's slower than I thought. At this rate it's going to take 6 - 10 hours to get all the profiles.

It's probably too late, but...

I looked at the man page for curl (on a mac with OS 10.5.6) and it says:

Quote: you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in: ftp://ftp.numericals.com/file[1-100].txt

Curl will attempt to re-use connections for multiple file transfers, so that getting many files from the same server will not do multiple connects / handshakes. This improves speed. Of course this is only done on files specified on a single command line and cannot be used between separate curl invokes.

This may have other consequences... like one file for all profiles instead of one per profile.

Anyway, thanks for posting the code. It made my morning a little more interesting. I had no idea it would be so easy to do this.
Quote:It's probably too late, but...

I looked at the man page for curl (on a mac with OS 10.5.6) and it says:
Quote:you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in: ftp://ftp.numericals.com/file[1-100].txt

Curl will attempt to re-use connections for multiple file transfers, so that getting many files from the same server will not do multiple connects / handshakes. This improves speed. Of course this is only done on files specified on a single command line and cannot be used between separate curl invokes.

This may have other consequences... like one file for all profiles instead of one per profile.

Anyway, thanks for posting the code. It made my morning a little more interesting. I had no idea it would be so easy to do this.
Thanks, I probably should have read the full man page (I just skimmed the readme). I'll try that when I resume the downloading. I'm not sure whether it will work or not, as technically, I'm not connecting to multiple files, but one php file that I'm passing a different parameter to each call. It's definitely worth a shot though.
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Quote:I'll be fifty in June.

Flock me, a half a century of ... whatever this is. Good reason to get pissed to the gills.


32... is the age I was when I started posting on the DSF exactly 10 years ago........

Quote:Pete: I'll have to wait until the aforementioned situation is resolved before I download the rest of the data. I'm curently restricted to dial-up.:(
No problem. I appreciate you doing this at all, so take your time. Good luck with the housing situation; hope it gets resolved satisfactorily and soon.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:I'll be 35 on April 12. When I started posting on the battle.net DSF forums I was a single college student living in a crappy apartment. Now I'm married, have a 6 year old son, and own a house and 2 cars. Time flies.

On a positive note, I was asked for ID whilst attempting to purchase a case of beer last week. The legal drinking age is 19 :w00t:

ACK your son is 6 now? Wasn't it just last year you posted his baby pictures? Well it seems like it to me. Now that I think about it, I'm getting old. My oldest is 24 in the navy and youngest is 12 now. Seems so to have gone so quickly.
Quote:32... is the age I was when I started posting on the DSF exactly 10 years ago........

And 32 is the age I'll be in less than two-and-a-half years. What a coincidence!:)

take care
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

*returns to Lurker mode*
See you in Town,
Huh. You don't even give a day in June. Guess we'll just have to celebrate all month long so's not to miss it;)

I'll drink to that! :lol:
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:ACK your son is 6 now? Wasn't it just last year you posted his baby pictures? Well it seems like it to me. Now that I think about it, I'm getting old. My oldest is 24 in the navy a
May he have fair winds and following seas.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
58 this June.

Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long

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