WotLK Beta Patch Notes
Quote:As it reads now, for this skill to be effective, it requires the preknowledge of each players threat status obtained through the Meter add-ons. If you don't have a Threat Meter by the time you see that someone needs the buff it's too late.

A few months back they said they wanted to integrate threat into their default info. Whether it's as detailed as Omen or even has UI by default, who knows. I haven't heard anything about that in a long time, so they may not be going for that still.

Sans-threat meter I think the onus would be on the DPSers to call out when they want one. Pre-threat meters I didn't know when I would pull aggro, but I had a pretty good idea when to Vanish. In the generic case, threat meters shouldn't be preventing you from pulling aggro, anyway. It should allow you to do more DPS while still not pulling aggro, and give you less "test" time where you aren't sure where your boundaries are.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Or there may be times at which it will become obvious that you should tone down someone's threat for them. For instance, if someone gets Power Infusion.
Quote:I've seen a lot of the discussion related to this change. And for the most part I like the concept of the move towards the "Hand" system. But the one thing i never see anyone mention with this change is that Blizzard has essentially added a skill to the game which, to use effectively, requires the player to use an add-on. How is this a good design idea exactly? Unless they are planning on creating their own Threat Meter into the UI, no matter how good the "Hand" system is conceptually there shouldn't be a skill in the game which requires an add-on to use.

As it reads now, for this skill to be effective, it requires the preknowledge of each players threat status obtained through the Meter add-ons. If you don't have a Threat Meter by the time you see that someone needs the buff it's too late.

You could say that for someone that would rip aggro, to use all of their DPS abilities effectively they have to use an addon, as well. Otherwise they are just guessing at how much the tank has been dodged/resisted (his threat level) and have a feel for your threat, but not much more, and are guessing.

I guess if a guild decided to raid without addons, and guilds have done it, I hear by way of anecdotes, then I imagine the strats would look something like: Toss hand of salv when the boss is at 80% and again at 20% on person X (some high DPS player likely to top the meters).

It could also be used on fights where you need to force tank transitions, regardless of having a threat meter or not.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
Quote:You could say that for someone that would rip aggro, to use all of their DPS abilities effectively they have to use an addon, as well. Otherwise they are just guessing at how much the tank has been dodged/resisted (his threat level) and have a feel for your threat, but not much more, and are guessing.

Many (not all) dps classes also have some form of temporary threat dump, so effective use of thier skills can allow them to mitigate most issues of crit-strings, etc.

It's hard to have any realistic judgement on how threat is going to work in wotlk. The mechanic has been revised so completely. But having played a paladin through the Decursive arms race when i saw this change warning bells started going off.

Crystal Ball prediction: This skill will be changed a good bit before release.
My invite from the Blizzard WWI code arrived this morning, currently installing and copying my character to the PvP EU realm 'Coldarra'.
I really can't wait!:)
I would be joining you Gnu, except Blizzard seem to assume that all WWI attendees had European WoW accounts, and conversely that all Blizzcon 07 attendees had US server accounts. Trying to upgrade my (North American) account last night, I got "invalid authentication key" messages. Hopefully the problem will be sorted by the time I get home.

How did you find the WWI?
Quote:Many (not all) dps classes also have some form of temporary threat dump, so effective use of thier skills can allow them to mitigate most issues of crit-strings, etc.

It's hard to have any realistic judgement on how threat is going to work in wotlk. The mechanic has been revised so completely. But having played a paladin through the Decursive arms race when i saw this change warning bells started going off.

Crystal Ball prediction: This skill will be changed a good bit before release.

I don't see serious issues with requiring people to get Omen (or having Blizzard make a baseline threat meter which - like all the other things they've made baseline - invariably suck compared to the third-party versions) for the expansion. It's lightweight, simple to understand, and unobtrusive. I'm utterly sick of clueless DPS - and even tanks - not having a threat meter of some variety and then wondering how they died and/or caused a wipe.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Quote:I would be joining you Gnu, except Blizzard seem to assume that all WWI attendees had European WoW accounts, and conversely that all Blizzcon 07 attendees had US server accounts. Trying to upgrade my (North American) account last night, I got "invalid authentication key" messages. Hopefully the problem will be sorted by the time I get home.

How did you find the WWI?

Yeah, I heard there were a lot of problems with the US/EU crossover, strange that they couldn't predict those issues. The (one) server is currently horribly unstable though, so you're not missing out on that much. Roughly twice an hour you get booted with a nice "world server down" message.:)

The WWI was quite a blast. I met up there with a Swedish friend who's currently living in Italy and his Italian girlfriend, and a Dutch former WoW player who showed up mostly for the social aspect and SC2. We had some nice food, played some nice games, visited some nice buildings and enjoyed the awesome costumes and dances. :D

Pretty insane start of the weekend when ran into Samwise just inside the building, and caught him a bit "off duty". He's a really nice guy, and he even posed for a picture with the four of us! :)
Samwise is their best artist, IMO. I've still got the Warcraft III poster that came as the back of a product catalog with one of their games. Occupies a space of honor on one of my apartment walls:)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.

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