Flagship studios closing?
Quote:If World of Warcraft did not exist, how differently would Flagship Studios have fared?

As others have said, the failure of HG:L is not something that can be laid at the feet of WoW. HG:L was released way before it was ready (although EA is often blamed for this, as far as I can tell it was FFS who did it out of financial necessity). While there's obviously some overlap in audiences, I think there was a big opportunity for HG:L to pick up a lot of ARPGers who didn't like EQ/WoW style MMORPGs, but the bugs and incompetence, plus visceral resistance to subscriptions for an ARPG, killed that.

Without dwelling on the problems of HG:L (and believe me I could write an essay on that topic), what's really sad is that the game is just now coming into its own. The combat system, item system and classes have always been good IMO (though not everyone agrees, of course). They aren't D2 clones but are done in an interesting and different way, and I've enjoyed playing every one of the six different classes.

A big problem with the original released game was a feeling of monotony with the environments, but those have been expanded for subscribers (that continual expansion of the game being why they neeeded subscriptions). The latest patch 2.0 on the test servers has several new random instance types that are the best they're created so far. It genuinely feels a little spooky, for example, to run through a modern office building killing demons in the cubicles.

Unfortunately, it's hard to see how that patch will ever be polished for release on the live servers, or if those servers remain up at much longer, or how any further development could take place at this point (except conceivably for the asian markts).
Quote:The more this plays out, the more I think all the IP really will transfer over to other entities, and the game will live on in some form "under new management." Sad days, but I don't think the servers will be going down anytime soon.
You know, when you say that (and looking at everything being said about HG:L and FSS in this thread), it makes me think of Fury, and what happened with that game sounding remarkably similar to what's happening here.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm

Quote:If World of Warcraft did not exist, how differently would Flagship Studios have fared?
Although I would love to play more WoW, right now I can't. So I play CD and DII instead, and although I love them both, they are getting a little thin. A new game of that genre would be welcomed. But I did not get HG:L. Mostly because the reviews and comments indicated that the game was unfinished, uninspired, and buggy. I really don't need that stress now. So, at least in my case, WoW was not a factor.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:I purchased the game in mid-April.

It has bugs and requires a strong computer. I get random freezes, even though my machine exceeds the minimum requirements by a fair margin.

I enjoy playing the game. Hopefully FFS can keep the MP servers live until someone buys/bails them out, or they can transfer the MP stuff to SP.

Roland, Friday at 12:01 AM is tonight, not tomorrow night.
Even if FSS survives, this experience has jaded their most die hard supporters(founders) and I doubt many will be eager to quickly invest in the next product.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Quote:Agree or disagree, the forums close tomorrow at midnight. It seems the BS PR machine, though working overtime, just can't keep up.
More like, they laid off all moderators/community managers and are not interested in unmoderated official fora.
Hugs are good, but smashing is better! - Clarence<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
Quote:Flagship seems to be the most poorly run game developer company since Interplay. They get a contract that forces them into a "release on X date" instead of "wait till it's done". They give up IP rights to something they created. They get too ambitious at the start.

It seems to me most of Flagship's problems have nothing to do with programmers/artists/etc and everything to do with upper management.
Or... Consider the pressure EA placed upon them to release in order to reclaim their investment and profits from package sales. With the post-release coffers tapped by EA, and the released "Alpha" quality product fell on its face, FSS and crew were left to try to sew it together on a shoe string. In the creative gaming business (or any other really), when you sell your soul to the likes of EA, there is hell to pay. I've just never seen cutting corners with software or any artistic endeavor to be fruitful for the art, and only fruitful for the most unscrupulous of investors.

I have relatives who were screwed by SCO, but thats not unusual for SCO. Of course, EA is not unknown in the legal realms of unethical corporate behavior either. Consider EA's history of predatory dealings with Take-Two, DICE, Bioware, Pandemic, Maxis, Origin, Westwood Studios, Bullfrog, or UbiSoft. But, then again, I am biased against EA. I consider EA to be the anti-Midas of the software age, they turn gold into crap.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

From the HG:L forums today.

Tiggs Wrote:Hello,

I am happy to announce that the forums will not be going down tonight.

Someone pulling a rabbit out of a hat?
Sense and courtesy are never common
Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. - Lazarus Long
Quote:From the HG:L forums today.
Someone pulling a rabbit out of a hat?
Probably Tiggs agreed to run it without pay until <strike>he</strike> she gets busy with <strike>his</strike> her next job.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Quote:Probably Tiggs agreed to run it without pay until he gets busy with his next job.

Tiggs is a female.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

Quote:Tiggs is a female.
At this range, that's a minor detail:)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

At this range, that's a minor detail:)

For some reason, I don't think Tiggs would agree with you on that one.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Quote:Tiggs is a female.
Correction noted and made. With the action video game industry, I had a 99.99% chance of being correct while only guessing.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Quote:For some reason, I don't think Tiggs would agree with you on that one.
Since we are already off topic: Why would you think so? Tiggs is posting in the capacity of Flagship employee. Gender is not any part of the issue.

I don't care (at this range ;) ) what gender you are. :whistling:
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Quote:For some reason, I don't think Tiggs would agree with you on that one.

Then perhaps she should have gone with Tiegs instead of Tiggs.;)

Quote:I don't care (at this range ;) ) what gender you are. :whistling:
I'm glad you use 'gender'. There is a story of an Englishman, asked by an attractive form filler, "Sex?" replied. "Madam, 'Sex' is an activity engaged in for recreation and procreation. 'Gender' specifies one's plumbing. Do you wish to rephrase the question, or shall my answer be 'yes'?" :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Quote:With the action video game industry, I had a 99.99% chance of being correct while only guessing.

I've been noticing alot of "community managers" these days are female, actually. It seems almost like an asset in securing the job.
Quote:I've been noticing a lot of "community managers" these days are female, actually. It seems almost like an asset in securing the job.
Maybe the <strike>men</strike> boys are too busy playing the game. :)
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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