Instant Health Addon
Someone at EJ has posted a fairly revolutionary addon that purports to update your raid frames faster than normal, by no longer simply waiting on the regular health update events to fire (it does use those, as a safety net, but also uses the combat log).

This mod looks very interesting, for tanks and healers in particular. It is still having kinks worked out, but if it works bug-free for you, it could make a somewhat dramatic difference in reaction time to damage hitting your raid.
Instant Health Thread on EJ

In a nutshell, combat log messages tend to be received by your WoW client faster than events telling you that someone's health has been updated to a new value. This mod reads combat log messages and updates the health of raid members (and party members) based on that information, often resulting in much quicker information on someone losing health than you'd normally see on Grid, Healbot, or any other unit frames.

Essentially, it gives you more of a real-time feel for what is happening to the raid's health than you are used to, which can, as reported by many of the healers on EJ, be somewhat scary on high spike damage fights! However, more information coming to you faster can really only be a good thing.

Again, not 100% bug-free (doesn't work well with Blizzard's default target of target unit frame), but those kinks are being worked out pretty quickly, and if it DOES work bug-free for you, it should be quite cool.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
Been using this mod for a few weeks now, ever since it was first posted on EJ. I highly recommend it for all tanks and healers. Note that if you have a slow/bad computer, you're going to see an impact with this, however.

What I want now is an instant_debuff addon. Having health updates come instantaneously in real-time, but debuffs showing the old way (with lag delays), really shows how much delay comes in unitframes. It's irritating. :(

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:What I want now is an instant_debuff addon. Having health updates come instantaneously in real-time, but debuffs showing the old way (with lag delays), really shows how much delay comes in unitframes. It's irritating. :(

Get to coding then. I'll help you test it:P

I agree with you though. I know there is a world of difference on fights like Najentus and Rage between our better healers, that anticipate damage and do things like start casting a fast heal when they see someone light up as having "aggro" on grid, to try to catch someone just after they get nailed with a random secondary targeted attack and the healers that wait for a debuff to show up on Grid or (shudder) for someone to call it on vent for them.
Jormuttar is Soo Fat...
I heard about this one night, grabbed it, ran a Sunwell trash pug and two hours later, I was almost completely converted (In the time since, I have come to love it wholeheartedly). It takes a lot of the guesswork out of many, many healing assignments I can think of, and lets you react faster to boot.

My only "complaint" is the same as Bolty's but it's not like it falsely advertises anything. =) It does what it's supposed to do, and the debuffs would only be a bonus. A very nice bonus, but a bonus nonetheless. I'm actually pretty lazy about curing anything except with Poison/Disease Cleansing Totem (which only works in your own subgroup-and you get an instant tick when you cast it, so I use it reactively which is kind of more proactive than laying it preventatively), or during Vashj P2 since I might be the only one in range and a lot of the time I'm not doing anything anyway.
I waited a few weeks for them to iron out the initial bugs, then finally installed it this weekend. I haven't noticed too much of a performance hit so far, but the health updates feel much, much more responsive with this mod.


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