Priest Healing Quiz!
I bugged an applicant to my guild with the following questions to see how he'd respond. See how you fare!

01) What is the +healing coefficient of Circle of Healing? It is an instant cast spell. So is Renew - so why might these two spells have a different coefficient?

02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks?

03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty?

04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others?

05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde?

06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?

07) How much threat does Fade dump at max rank?

08) You're engaging a boss. It is pulled, and you enter combat. Does casting Fade now, before your first heal, prevent that heal from pulling immediate aggro?

09) Why is it a good idea to cast Prayer of Mending on a tank before a pull? Note: multiple answers.

10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage?

11) What is the absolute optimal flask/elixir/food buff/weapon oil combination(s) when raiding?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:I bugged an applicant to my guild with the following questions to see how he'd respond. See how you fare!

01) What is the +healing coefficient of Circle of Healing? It is an instant cast spell. So is Renew - so why might these two spells have a different coefficient?

02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks?

03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty?

04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others?

05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde?

06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?

07) How much threat does Fade dump at max rank?

08) You're engaging a boss. It is pulled, and you enter combat. Does casting Fade now, before your first heal, prevent that heal from pulling immediate aggro?

09) Why is it a good idea to cast Prayer of Mending on a tank before a pull? Note: multiple answers.

10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage?

11) What is the absolute optimal flask/elixir/food buff/weapon oil combination(s) when raiding?


1. Embarrassing to say but I don't know actually know the math on CoH's healing co-efficient. As to why CoH and Renew are different: CoH is an instant cast spell and also an AOE spell (both of which suffer healing coefficient penalties). For renew, the healing coefficient is based on the duration on the 15 second duration of the HoT.

2. Tidal Surge does 8500 damage. I'd say 9.5k health is a bare minimum for a safety margin, but more always helps. It's possible to pre-shield yourself against the Tidal Surge, but its not a tactic I would rely on every single time (you may need to shield someone else in the raid for example).

3. Pre-emptive healing (Shield, PoM, renew)? Nothing else comes to mind off the top of my head.

4. The answer depends on your spec. Circle of Healing priests will use that spell almost exclusive to heal damage from the Bloodboil ticks. Divine Spirit priests will probably use a combination of Prayer of Healing and Renew.

5. Levitate keeps you out of the action longer. You can only use instant cast spells while airborne, and you will most likely be out of range of the people you need to heal. If you use a "4 corners strat" (where groups get air bursted together and run from doomfires together) for Archimonde, Circle of Healing is amazing for neturalizing air burst (cast twice, pause, use tears, cast again, land, cast, group at full health).

6. Greater Heal. GH is the staple of tank healing, but GH7 costs far too much mana too sustain for an entire fight, no matter how many tricks you pull. (And even if you could sustain it, GH7 is rarely necessary, so you can save mana for other spells). I hae GH2, GH4 and GH7 on my hot bars, but others may use different combos. The Avatar 2-set bonus (100 mana off GHs that heal the target to full) in particular rewards strategic downranking of your Greater Heal spell.

7. Sadly I don't know the answer to this one off the top of my head either.

8. If my memory of Fade mechanics is correct, it provides an immediate flat reduction in threat, plus any spells cast while it is active will generate less threat. Whether your heal actually pulls aggro depends on how much aggro the heal generates, and how much threat the tank has at the time.

9. First, Prayer of Mending provides a buffer against the initial damage to the tank while healers are moving into position. Secondly, Prayer of Mending heals are counted as being cast by the person with the buff, therefore any threat generated by PoM is assigned to the person it heals, not the priest. It works out to approximately 1000 free threat - more so if your tank is a paladin with Righteous Fury active.

10. PvP trinket. The Medallion of the Alliance (and its equivalents) breaks you out of the stun and stops the DoT. Since you're stunned by Ice Bolt, there is little else you can do except hope the other healers are on the ball.

11. Elixir of Draenic Wisdom for the battle elixir. Elixir of Healing Power or Elixir of Mastery for the battle elixir slot depending on whether you want more healing, or more regen. Golden Fish Sticks for your well fed buff, unless you want extra stamina from your food buff. Brilliant Mana Oil for your weapon coating.

I think that covers everything. Now I'm off to look up the math questions.

Looked up the spell coefficients, but I won't post them for the benefit of those who want to demonstrate their encyclopedic knowledge of all things theorycraft.

Upon further research it also looks like I'm wrong on Fade. A set amount is subtracted from your threat upon casting, and returns once Fade ends, but it appears that spells cast while Fade is active generate the same amount of threat as they normally would.

Which raises an interesting question: if you cast Fade before you're on the boss's threat table would it do any good? It's either a case of: "you will pull aggro if (healing threat minus fade factor is rgeater than tank threat)" or "you will pull aggro if healing threat is greater than tank aggro".

And for 11 I forgot "Mistletoe".:)
Never had a priest myself, but curious nonetheless as to if my knowledge about the class is somewhat adequate.

01) What is the +healing coefficient of Circle of Healing? It is an instant cast spell. So is Renew - so why might these two spells have a different coefficient?

That's the instant AoE heal, if I'm not mistaken. Coefficient reduced to 1.5/3.5 for being instant cast, and another reduction for being an AoE, although I have no idea by how much. (Playing a mage, I probably should know this. Meh:))

02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks?

I've heard it said that 9k is a good baseline. Never done the encounter myself, though.

03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty?

I have no idea on how hard these adds would hit on cloth. I'd say throwing a shield on the mage to reduce the burst damage on him, should he mess up his frost nova, and a prayer of mending on the tank to help him with initial aggro gain, maybe.

04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others?

Bloodboil's an AoE attack thing, right? Renews and an AoE heal, I'd say.

05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde?

If casted preemptively, you'll spend far too much time floating around. Also, it breaks on damage.

06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?

Gee, no clue. As a Druid I don't really downrank at all.

07) How much threat does Fade dump at max rank?

A temporary threat dump of 1500, iirc.

08) You're engaging a boss. It is pulled, and you enter combat. Does casting Fade now, before your first heal, prevent that heal from pulling immediate aggro?

If you don't have threat, you can't dump it. So no, don't think so.

09) Why is it a good idea to cast Prayer of Mending on a tank before a pull? Note: multiple answers.

Lessens initial burst, gives the tank some free threat.

10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage?

A pvp trinket. If talking spells, a PW:Shield. Might allow you to survive another DoT tick.

11) What is the absolute optimal flask/elixir/food buff/weapon oil combination(s) when raiding?

Draenic Wisdom, Healing Power, Mageblood Oil and Some Healing/Spirit Food.
I like how I play the wrong classes for these. But they're still interesting. (and I often find myself wishing I did play a Priest, they're so cool!)

For the first question, I have no idea about the numbers, but the obvious reason I can think of that they'd be different is that CoH is an AoE effect while Renew isn't.

2) I have no idea if Spell Warding works (the Shaman talent that reduces Fire/Frost/Nature damage by 10% does, heh) on Naj'entus' bubble. If it doesn't you need 8,501 health to survive his biggest single attack, but that leaves you insanely vulnerable, naturally. 10k is a much better number to shoot for since it allows you to survive various combinations of the impaling and splash attacks.

3) I have no idea. It kind of sounds like something not-healing-spell-based but that just makes it harder for me to guess.

4) Circle of Healing, I'd assume (given the whole "Brain Heal" joke from the BT guide), and probably Renew as I desperately miss HoTs sometimes. :lol:

5) That it doesn't work is too obvious and therefore probably wrong. So probably, that it causes you to stay in the air longer, locking you out of many spells.

6) Greater Heal? I really only downrank Healing Wave, which is similar if I'm not mistaken.

7) another numbers question, so onto 8)...ok, I don't really know how threat works either. I'm kind of ashamed to admit that, tanking or healing, I pretty much just press my buttons and hope for the best. =X I have the easy classes so I guess it usually works. But anyway! I'm going to say no, heal first and then fade, because I've never heard anything about negative aggro.

9) Oh this one's easy, it's the same for Earth Shield. Your tank will gain (a bit of) extra aggro and effectively take less damage on the initial hit. Win-win.

10) Unless you guys have magic voodoo skills I don't know about, the only thing you can do to help yourself is hit your Medallion of the Alliance/Horde as soon as you figure out why you can't do anything. I need to watch my own health bar better.

11) Brilliant Mana Oil (I should do ZG runs so I can start making this myself, hahahaha). There's Fisherman's Feast or Spicy Crawdad for the Stamina and Spirit, but Golden Fish Sticks are great for the raw healing power (and again, Spirit). For Elixirs, I don't know of any better than the +50 healing and the one that gives you Intellect and Spirit.
I'm only going to answer the questions where I have something to add which was not answered already.

Also, I don't play a priest, and would be very interested in seeing your answers to this, Bolty. :)

Quote:02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks?

Some of our Priests usually have 9k buffed, and they seem to do fine. :D

Quote:03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty?

Pre-shield, PoM the tank on that side.

Quote:04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others?

CoH, PoM. PoM is psychotically efficient in situations like these it's nearly broken:P- it costs less than a single renew, and heals much more because it'll be guaranteed to get all five bounces, and IIRC it actually bounces to the worst-off target, giving you a buffer on "emergency" targets.

Quote:06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?

GHeal - because of T5 and empowered healing.

Quote:10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage?

Trinket, PoM on yourself at all times, shield on yourself as much as possible, renew on yourself at all times if you can afford it - but if you have the trinket equipped, the renew probably won't be necessary:)
Quote:I bugged an applicant to my guild with the following questions to see how he'd respond. See how you fare!

I'm going to fail!

1. WoWWiki cites the coefficient as being 21.4%. This makes sense given the base casting time coefficient is 1.5/3.5, or about 42.8%, and then is further penalized by 50% because it is an Area of Effect spell.

While CoH and Renew are both instant spells, Renew is also a heal-over-time. As a result, the coefficient is different but the bonus from +healing is divided among the individual Renew ticks.

2. It depends. Are we talking how many hit points I need as a priest or anyone in the raid needs?

8501 is the absolute minimum a priest needs to survive Tidal Burst. However, having this little health is really a bad idea. While Naj'entus will not use Needle Spine for 10 seconds after Tidal Burst, he can hit you with Impaling Spine immediately afterwards. (However, Impaling Spine is every 20s. As a result, the raid should be able to time around this.) In order to survive this eventuality, you would need 13501 or so, minus whatever benefit you could get from Power Word: Shield. This may not be a feasible amount though since this may result in a non-negligible impact on healing performance

For the raid, 9351 is the absolute minimum for DPS warriors. In Berserk Stance (or whatever its called), they take an additional 10% damage. And they're likely to forget to switch to a more survivable stance. Fire mages with the Playing with Fire talent need at least 8,756 since they take 3% more damage. They do, however, have Frost Ward which should help their survival immensely but they may forget that.

3. I am not familiar with the encounter.

At a glance, preemptive healing, e.g. Renew, would work but I'm pretty sure that Renew alone is insufficient. Prayer of Mending is useful of a single heal, which may be enough, but I'm unsure if you want the additional threat from the heal ending up on the mages. (Of course, that amount of threat may be comparatively negligible.) Power Word: Shield may also be useful periodically but it still remains an inefficient substitute for healing.

4. I am not familiar with the encounter.

Based on the writeup at WoWWiki, AoE healing spells seem to be most effective. I am unsure what can be done immediately before a group is targeted with Bloodboil but that would suggest one of the spells, either Renew or Prayer of Mending. Once the group has the DoT from Bloodboil, Circle of Healing would be the preferred spell. (I'm going to presume that any raid lucky enough to have a IDS priest would have that priest doing something else.)

5. I am not familiar with the encounter.

Assuming Air Burst is vaguely like Akil'zon's Gust of Wind attack, Levitate is a bad idea because the longer you spend in the air, the less time you can spend healing. While you're still in the state of slowly falling, you cannot cast non-instant spells.

6. Because Astraea's healing gear is comparatively poor for level 70 (and is, in fact, still primarily composed of pieces from AQ40 -- can you tell I need to play her more?) and currently spec'd deep shadow as an experiment, the current favored downranked spell for healing is GH4. This allows for an acceptable heal without exhausting the mana pool so fast. (The Holy talents are enough so that when she was spec'd Holy/IDS before my experiment, GH3 was the spell of choice. I suspect that I would eventually shift to GH2 if I acquired enough healing gear.)

7. 1500 according to WoWWiki.

8. I honestly don't know. I'm inclined to say no. Fade appears to temporarily remove existing threat but not prevent gaining further threat. Since the game doesn't have a concept of negative aggro, using Fade when your aggro is currently 0 will result in a reduction of... 0.

9. Multiple responses:

* Immediate aggro-less (to the priest) healing on the first hit.

* The healing aggro from PoM is applied to the tank, helping him gain threat on the mob.

* Casting PoM before the pull means that it will be available again sooner in the fight than if you cast it at the pull or afterwards.

10. The level 70 PvP trinket.

11. I honestly don't know.

Weapon oil is, at a glance, the simplest: Brilliant Mana Oil. This provides +25 healing over Superior Mana Oil while only proving 2 mp5 less.

If optimizing for +healing, the others would be Elixir of Healing Power, Elixir of Draenic Wisdom, and Golden Fish Sticks.

When looking for Stamina while maximizing itemization points, swapping EoDW for Elixir of Major Fortitude (30 Int and Spi vs. 250 health and a small amount of health regen) is a loss. Trading Elixir of Healing Power for Elixir of Mastery may also be a loss. Trading Golden Fish Sticks for Feltail Delight is a small gain while trading for Spicy Crawdad is a definite gain.

Since the best buff combination maximizes usefulness first and itemization second, I'd go with: Elixir of Draenic Wisdom, Elixir of Healing Power, Brilliant Mana Oil, and Spicy Crawdad (or similar foods.)

Let me know how badly I did!
Quote:Also, I don't play a priest, and would be very interested in seeing your answers to this, Bolty. :)
Answers are coming this weekend. :) Giving a little more time for people to try their hand at it.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
My priest is (and always has been) full shadow, so I'm a DPSer, not a healer, but my comment on the

Quote:05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde?

If the issue is the length of time you'll spend floating, you can wait until you're about to crater to cast it. This is what I do on Akil'zon's toss, as well as on watery graves vs. Tidewalker. Time it right, and you won't take any fall damage and don't spend any appreciable extra time out of the fight.

If there's some other reason not to use it, I don't know it yet - we've only gotten as far as Azgalor. :)

<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Everything that you need to know about priest healing can be learned Here.
Quote:06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?

My addition here is Renew Rank 10.
Renews often get sniped before they finsih anyway, and Rank 10 gets full +heal bonus, but costs a little less mana. Ticks for about 40-50 less than full rank at my +healing (2100 self buffed)

Yeah, everyone downranks Gheal. But since Rank10 is the only renew I have hotkeyed, I'd consider that my "favorite"

Either that or Holy nova Rank 2 for PvP killing snake trap snakes in one hit for minimal mana.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

Quote:01) What is the +healing coefficient of Circle of Healing? It is an instant cast spell. So is Renew - so why might these two spells have a different coefficient?
CoH has a 21.4% coefficient, because it is instant cast AND a group heal. But Renew gets 100%. What's up with that? Well, Renew is a 15-second HoT, and the 15-second timer makes it have a 100% coefficient and gets the Druids all jealous-like. Why Druids would be truly jealous of a Priest's HoT though is beyond me. :)

Quote:02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks?
8500 is the absolute minimum, but as others have said, if you don't have a good buffer over that you're not going to have a good time.

Quote:03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty?
You can Power Word: Shield the Mages before they throw a Frost Nova out. Doing so can often save their lives, as the quick 2 hits they may take before getting out of range is quite likely to 2-shot them.

Quote:04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others?
Circle of Healing and Prayer of Mending. While CoH will perform the bulk of the healing, PoM is just godly in the fight as it will assist you by healing up whomever's hurt the most as it bounces around the raid. For good periods of time, there are 15 players with a damaging, undispellable DoT on them, and it's a lot to keep up with.

Quote:05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde?
Two reasons:
a) Levitate breaks on damage, so if you have Grip on you or a lingering Doomfire DoT, you could find yourself plummeting to earth sooner than expected.
b) Levitate will float you away from everyone else, putting yourself, your group, and the main tank in danger as you isolate yourself far away from the action (and any decursers).

Quote:06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why?
Generally, Greater Heal is the best spell to downrank. The rank to downrank to depends on preference. The reason to use GH as a primary downranked spell is because it benefits from a number of talent boosts and gear boosts, such as the 2pc T5 bonus and the 4pc T6 bonus. You get great bang for your buck.

Quote:07) How much threat does Fade dump at max rank?
Fade reduces your threat by 1500.

Quote:08) You're engaging a boss. It is pulled, and you enter combat. Does casting Fade now, before your first heal, prevent that heal from pulling immediate aggro?
Proving that Fade is one of the least-understood spells in the game, it's no surprise people struggled with this.

Fade gives you a buff that adds a filter of a -1500 threat for the duration of the buff. What does that mean? Well this is what happens whenever you do anything that generates any threat:

1) You do something that generates threat. Let's say say it's X amount of threat.
2) If you weren't already on the mobs aggro list, you are now, and you start at X threat (being put in combat in a boss fight starts you with at least 1 threat, BTW, to avoid "exploits" with iceblock and BoP).
3) You hit Fade.
4) Your threat level on the mobs internal threat list *does not change*. If you were at X before, you're still at X.
5) However, two things have changed. First of all, using Fade can cause the code to check to see whether or not the mob should change targets. If someone is now 110% or 130% depending upon range higher in threat than you are, they're in trouble. Second, when it goes to determine how much threat you actually have, it takes the value from the mob's threat table and then it applies any buffs or debuffs that are relevant. In this case, Fade is that buff. So, it takes your threat level from the table, X, and it applies the Fade value: -1500. Your *effective* threat level is X - 1500. It's this *effective* threat value that gets used to see if the mob should choose someone else to target.
6) For the duration of the buff your effective threat level is X - 1500 (and this effective value can be negative, even though X itself cannot be lower than 0).
7) When the buff expires your effective threat level is back at X. *However*, and this is important, losing the buff does *not* force an aggro check. The buff could end and your effective threat can be back above someone elses threat by 110% or 130% and you still won't pull aggro just by itself. It's only when something happens that causes the code to determine whether or not it needs to look at you to see if you've pulled aggro that it matters. Such things are: if you generate any new threat, if the tank dies or has a threat wipe, and possibly with things like Fears and the like (though this is less likely now with the mobs sticking on their target even if they're feared).

So what's the upshot of all this?

It means you can Fade and as long as you don't do anything to generate any new threat when the Fade buff ends (and the tank doesn't die or whatever) then your effective threat will remain where it was and you won't pull aggro.

It means that, yes, you can hit Fade just before a threat wipe ability like a Hydross transition and you'll be effectively 1500 threat below everyone else (plus whatever threat your still ticking DoTs or HoTs are giving you). It does mean that when the Fade buff ends if you still have any DoTs or HoTs ticking then you had better hope your tank has generated at least whatever threat those DoTs/HoTs gave you since the threat wipe. But if they're not ticking when Fade ends then relax, you won't be pulling any aggro (unless the tank dies).

Confused yet? :)

You can test this - get a partner and aggro a mob. Make sure both are on the threat list. Have the other player whack the mob for like 100 damage. Cast Fade and Smite the mob for 1k damage. You won't pull aggro. Your partner will cry for nerfs.

Quote:09) Why is it a good idea to cast Prayer of Mending on a tank before a pull? Note: multiple answers.
a) PoM generates threat for the person healed, not the Priest. So it helps the tank build aggro on all mobs on the pull when he gets hit.
b) It starts your PoM cooldown (10 seconds), so you could hopefully use it immediately when the tank takes his first hit - for even more tank threat!
c) It helps mitigate the tank's first damage intake by instantly healing him.

Quote:10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage?
PvP trinket. It clears the block of ice you're frozen in, which in turn removes the DoT which so easily kills.

Quote:11) What is the absolute optimal flask/elixir/food buff/weapon oil combination(s) when raiding?
Hah! This is a tough question and it does come down to preference. If you wanted to go really overboard, you could mention bringing Scrolls of Spirit to boost your spirit up, as well as the ZG oil. In general though, it's way better to use elixirs (Draenic Wisdom + Healing or Mastery) than the Flask of Mighty Restoration, since we Priests *love* Spirit now in 2.4 instead of mp/5. Foodwise, it's either Spicy Crawdad when you need survivability or Golden Fishsticks for the heal power.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Quote:Hah! This is a tough question and it does come down to preference. If you wanted to go really overboard, you could mention bringing Scrolls of Spirit to boost your spirit up, as well as the ZG oil.

Scrolls don't stack with single stat castable buffs. So casers get a little screwed in the scroll department. While melee can augment their normal buffs on a DPS check boss with Agility and STR scrolls (provided they don't use agility or STR based pots... AP flasks are okay, and what will generally be in use), but casters will pretty much always have Arcane Intellect and usually Divine Spirit these buffs will not let you use scrolls ("A more powerful spell is in effect")

You can, however, use Mistletoe and Divine Spirit. This is the only case I've seen where single stat enhancements stack.

This week, there's also the Darkmoon Faire fortunes you can stack.

Don't die if you get one of these =P
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:This week, there's also the Darkmoon Faire fortunes you can stack.

Don't die if you get one of these =P

Aren't they removed upon zone in to a raid instance now?
Quote:Aren't they removed upon zone in to a raid instance now?

Probably. I've never tried to take one of these buffs with me raiding.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:Scrolls don't stack with single stat castable buffs. So casers get a little screwed in the scroll department. While melee can augment their normal buffs on a DPS check boss with Agility and STR scrolls (provided they don't use agility or STR based pots... AP flasks are okay, and what will generally be in use), but casters will pretty much always have Arcane Intellect and usually Divine Spirit these buffs will not let you use scrolls ("A more powerful spell is in effect")

You can, however, use Mistletoe and Divine Spirit. This is the only case I've seen where single stat enhancements stack.

This week, there's also the Darkmoon Faire fortunes you can stack.

Don't die if you get one of these =P

Scrolls + Elixirs work, otherwise Hunters would not be using Scrolls and Elixirs of Greater Agility together.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
01) What is the +healing coefficient of Circle of Healing? It is an instant cast spell. So is Renew - so why might these two spells have a different coefficient? Circle of healing is just over 20%, but Renew is a HoT spell which receives your full +healing bonus spread over the duration of the spell.

02) How many hit points are needed as a baseline to survive High Warlord Naj'entus' varied AoE attacks? Slightly misleading question, but I'll roll with it. The shield burst hits for around 8500, but with a PW:S you can survive with less health. To be safe, I'd go with at least 9500 just in case you are too near another ranged DPS class and take some AoE damage from them.

03) During the Shade of Akama encounter, Mages are being used on each side to Frost Nova adds as they spawn so they're less likely to get past the tank before they're picked up. Assuming you're assigned to heal one of these sides, what pro-active thing can you do to assist the Mages with this duty? Toss a PW:S, Renew, and PoM. When the shield goes down, the PoM hits and you will probably be able to toss another one back on almost instantly. Renew ticking the whole time keeps the mage topped off.

04) You're fighting Gurtogg Bloodboil and you're assigned to Bloodboil heal. What are the two healing spells you'll be using far more than any others? I'd be spamming CoH and PoM. CoH for the instant group healing, and PoM for supplemental "as needed" healing when players take damage.

05) Why is the use of Levitate a bad choice when you are Air Bursted against Archimonde? It's not, unless you're clinically retarded. If you have the Doomfire debuff or a Soul Charge that's causing damage, you shouldn't use Levitate because it will constantly break. If you are free of DoTs, then it's a legitimate alternative to using the tears. Just cast it when you're almost back to the ground.

06) What is your favorite downranked heal spell, and why? GH3. Still hits for around 3.9k - 4.1k but at a much lower mana cost. The 2-piece T5 set bonus restores another 100 mana on top of what I'm already saving by downranking, as my heals usually top off my target anyway.

07) How much threat does Fade dump at max rank? 1500.

08) You're engaging a boss. It is pulled, and you enter combat. Does casting Fade now, before your first heal, prevent that heal from pulling immediate aggro? Technically yes, but it's a dumb idea to blow Fade that early. Dropping 1500 threat is pointless, because (unless you are stupid and decide to spam FH) your first heal is probably going to hit for at least 3000, therefore negating the threat reduction you got from Fade. After Fade fades (no pun intended) you're just going to get that threat back anyway. If your tank is slow to generate threat, then you're going to get wtfpwned and not be able to do a damn thing about it because you already blew your Fade.

09) Why is it a good idea to cast Prayer of Mending on a tank before a pull? Note: multiple answers. It heals the first ~1900-ish damage, and that threat gets credited to the target, not the caster. It's also good for situations when the tank is taking AoE damage, as it bounces around between pets and the tank, helping to keep everyone topped off without costing more mana.

10) What is the best way to protect yourself against Rage Winterchill's Frost Bolts that encase you in a block of ice, doing DoT damage? If you're clinically retarded and can't grind 8k honor to get your PvP trinket, then I guess you could pray that someone else heals you before you die. If your trinket is on cooldown, I guess you could hope you're soulstoned.

11) What is the absolute optimal flask/elixir/food buff/weapon oil combination(s) when raiding? It depends on the raid. For progression, distilled wisdom. For content that's on farm, probably healing power and draenic wisdom. For food buffs, either fish sticks or clam bars (for fights where stamina is more important than +healing.) Weapon oils are a tossup. I actually prefer the wizard oil to add more +healing, because my mana regen is never really a problem. It's a matter of personal choice.

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