Terenas - Friday March 9th
Last Friday we had enough people on for 3 simultaneous groups... but we had a nightmare of a time figuring out who went where and I think Vor_lord about had a nervous breakdown.

Please list preferences here so we can avoid some of the problems we saw last week. I know there are people who won't read this in time, so there will still be issues, but perhaps we can get tank / healer teams sorted out at least.

I'd like to do Shadow Lab or something I haven't seen in it's entirety (Botanica, Shattered Halls, Mechanaar, Arcatraz, Black Morass). And I should be on around 8 server, maybe 8:30.

Potential Tanks:
Bonemage -- 8pm Shadow Lab
Conc -- 8-8:30 (Shadow Lab / Mechanaar / Botanica)
Shamago -- 5-ish (Hillsbrad / Sethekk) - has heroic coilfang / auch

Potential Healers:
Vor_Lord -- ? (Botanica / Mechanaar / Steamvault) - has heroic auch / hellfire
Tori -- 8pm Shadow Lab
PapaSmurf -- 8:30 (no preference)
Treesh -- ? (Mechanaar / Shadow Lab)
Skky -- ? (Mechanaar / Botanica) - has heroic coilfang / auch
Klaus -- 8-8:30 (Botanica / Shattered)

GG -- ? (Mechanaar)
Frag -- 8pm Shadow Lab
Octord -- 8pm Shadow Lab
Frost -- 8pm Shadow Lab
Swirly -- ? (BM / Mechanaar / Botanica / Arcatraz)
Xame -- ? (Botanica / Mechanaar)
RTM -- early run (Black Morass / Arcatraz / Shadow Lab)
Neonugs -- Red eye

I apologize if I left anyone off of these lists. Urza was left off intentionally, since he's usually working on Friday evening. DPS is added as it responds.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
I should be on. Never really sure what time I'll head home, but the earliest I could reasonably be in an instance is probably 5 server time.

I'd like to go back to Old Hillsbrad or Sethekk halls for good quick easy runs with more shots at my BoP LW patterns. If nobody's interested in that any of the 70 instances would work, though I know nothing about tempest keep at all.

I could also try heroic coilfang / auchindoun instances if enough brave souls have those keys.

I am amused. I started a similar topic at almost the exact same time. :)

I should be available at about 8 or 8:30 ST, and I would like Botanica or Shattered Halls.
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Mechanar holds my last key fragment for Arcatraz.

A Shattered Halls run should get me enough rep for Heroic Hellfire instances.

A Steamvault run will get me enough rep for Heroic Coilfang instances.

Shadow Lab would help my rep for Heroic Auch instances (but I'm farther out on those)

Old Hillsbrad and Sethekk have BoP LW patterns I need (as does steamvault, Auch Crypts, Mana-Tombs, Shadow Lab and others, I don't have a full list made yet....)

So I think my preference would be to get my Arcatraz key but I'm fine anywhere really.

The pet has tanked Sethekk Halls and Slave Pens before, so if we are desperate for tanks and there is a healer willing to deal with a lower HP tank that is a possibility for lower instances.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Tori & Fragit are commited to an 8pm start time Shadow Labs run with Octord.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.
First thanks to Conc and Klaus for making this effort.

I think Necrali will be available. I have lots of reason to go to a lot of places. I'll list them loosely in order of preference, but I'm in the mood for anything (even helping zerg lower level runs if needed).

Botanica (Arcatraz key piece, seen it but didn't know what was going on so it doesn't count)
Mechanaar (Arcatraz key piece, never seen it)
Steamvault (rep, two runs from revered, and a shot at sexah looking DPS robes)
Arcatraz (key piece)
Shattered Halls: Hallowed Handwraps
Shadow Lab: Hallowed Pauldrons
Black Morass (I need revenge on this place)

I have heroic keys for Auchindoun and Hellfire Citadel too.
Quote:Tori & Fragit are commited to an 8pm start time Shadow Labs run with Octord.

How dare you steal Octord! *shakes her fist* ;):D

Anyway, I'll definitely be available. Mechanaar would be great, Shadow Labyrinth for the D3 pants, Shattered Halls for BoP enchanting recipes and rep, Botanica (I may be able to change gear around to solo heal the end boss more easily. Had 35% overheal last run too:blink:so however that happened, there's a lot of room for improvement) for the Tidefury helm and rep, Mana Tombs for some shiny healy things. Sethekk Halls would be good too. And I think I listed those in order of preference, but past Mech and Shadow Labyrinth, it's all about the same. And I'm definitely willing to go other places as well that I didn't list.
Intolerant monkey.
Any of the level 70 instances give me something so I'll go where you want me to go. Should be on around 8:30 ST

Restoration - Healer

Mechanar or Botanica - Key fragments, gear, and fun!
Heroic Resevoir - Because I can. FUN! Danger.
Heroic Auchenai - Because I can. FUN! Danger.
Caverns of Time: Black Morass - Quest, gear, and fun!

Timeframe is flexible. When I am on, invitations would be welcome. :D

P.S. I just discovered Badge of Justice has a good drop rate in Shattered Halls. This would be most acceptable.
Quote:Tori & Fragit are commited to an 8pm start time Shadow Labs run with Octord.
I am the tank committed for this run and though Concillian already has that info in his post, I'm posting here to prevent any sort of confusion about where that info came from.

I would like to setup a red eye instance starting around 10-10:30pm or so realm time (after the 8-8:30 runs are over). Looking for Shattered Halls (1 run will get me revered with Thrallmar), Botanica, Mechanar, Arcatraz (if someone has a key), but really any of the 70 instances would be fine.

I do think we should continue to try and plan some in advance in the forums, as we've had some planning troubles that have eaten considerable time that should be spent killing/dying. Thanks for setting this up, Conc, and though I have been organizing my own runs for Friday nights in advance, I shall endeavour to use these posts in the future instead.

As an FYI, Frost is the 5th member committed for the 8pm Shadow Lab run.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Isolde will be available for instancing. Not exactly sure when I'll get on, but when I'm on I should be available. I expect to be able to play as late as needed as well so if there is a red eye run then I could take part in that as well.

As for preferences...I'd like Black Morass, Mechanar, Botanic, and Arc because I've not completed them yet (or done much at all in some of them) and because of loot. I also need one more shattered halls and shadow lab run for their respective rep in order to get keys. In addition, I just picked up a steamvaults quest so I even need that. Guess that means I pretty much need everything. If I had to order them from most to least priority it would be as follows.

1: Black Morass
2: Mechanar
3: Botanica
4: Arc
4: Shadow Lab
5: Shattered Halls
6: Steam Vaults
7: Heroic instance (not really feeling any urge to try these till all the other things are gotten out of the way, but if its all that is happening then I'm fine with going along)
Quote:I would like to setup a red eye instance starting around 10-10:30pm or so realm time (after the 8-8:30 runs are over).
Fragit would likely be up for the red-eye run, per usual TS won't be available then.

Hardcore Diablo 1/2/3/4 & Retail/Classic WoW adventurer.

Yuri's pref would be Botanica or Mechanaar for the keying sequence. I'll go anywhere since I also need rep everywhere.

Yuri - Mage/Arcane 85 Undead
Thirdrail - Shaman/Resto 85 Tauren
Vicstull - Rogue/Subtlety 85 Troll
Penten - Priest/Discipline 85 Blood Elf
Storage guild Bassomatic
I'll be around for a red-eye too. Available for tanking / DPS anything or healing something like Sethekk or below.

So far we've had 15 express interest in this thread.
If Sham is on early, he should try to get whatever going, I assume it will be done by the time the 8-8:30 people are on. I'm assuming some of our earlier people will be able to go on a hillsbrad or whatever run and be finished well before the 8-ish runs if they are interested.

it's looking like for 8-ish we have Durambar setup in Shadow Lab, Mechanaar / Botanica with Conc at 8-8:30, and if another tank is available we can have a 2nd group there, otherwise GG can tank Sethekk or Hillsbrad with the pet.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
. replied instead of editing .
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
I'd be up for pretty much anything, although I can't stay up too late tonight. Even an 8ST run is probably too late for me.

Black Morass (some neat rogue stuff in here)
Arcatraz (3rd piece of Kara key in here)
Shadow Labs (gear)


anything else:)
I would be up for the red eye run also. That time suits me the best.
[Image: sig-596799.jpg]
I'll be there around 8, looking to go to Mechanar with Geld, but available for whatever if that's not in the cards.


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