New AD quests/Scourge invasion thread
Quote:I thought the invasion points were supposed to pop rare spawns sometimes. Anyone seen any of those?

I have managed to see 3.

The first two I was scared of because I thought they were of elite power and I was totally alone. The last I braved alone since there were others in the area keeping the normal mobs pretty clear and found it pretty easy to solo. He dropped one of the undead set bracers (mail I think).
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Thanks for the clarification, oldmandennis. I was wondering exactly what controlled the secondary waves of technicians.

Just to add some content - damage bonuses for the new sets:

3 pieces cloth Regalia of Undead Cleansing: +109 damage/healing to Undead
3 pieces leather Undead Slayer's Armor or plate Battlegear of Undead Slaying or mail Garb of the Undead Slayer: +186 Attack Power vs Undead.

All these sets have a set bonus of 2% damage to undead.

IIRC the invading UD drop money, necrotic runes, scourgestones, the set items (rare/elite), the occasional letter home, and nothing else (no runecloth? are they naked?!?) Bringing the letters to LHC is worth (um) 50 rep, but nothing else happens (a spoiler claimed there was a followup.)

Also for you undead they ARE edible, pretty sure the skeletal guys and the ghouls are at least.

A blue item off a Shadow of Doom disenchanted into a Nexus crystal for me.

More info:

Necropoli can spawn 3 invasion points I'm guessing from this data:

This also shows Tanaris has a 3rd necropolis near the entrance to Ungoro.
Quote:Bringing the letters to LHC is worth (um) 50 rep, but nothing else happens (a spoiler claimed there was a followup.)

Look to your mailbox for a follow up. I understand that there are 10 different letters and that it might take more than one to really open up what there is of a follow up. There was some hint that it may have a connection to a sword that some players are jonseing about. ;)
Until you hit revered all the normal mobs at the invasion points generate 5 rep per kill.

Once you hit Revered, you get rep from killing Shadows of Dooms (50 each) and scourgestones. (Shadows always drop a corrupter's scourgestone).

For getting from Revered to Exalted, you want to kill all of the Shadows of Doom at each spawn point. That means cooperating rather than competing with anyone else in the vicinity.

In my experience there usually around 3 invasion points for each necropolis. Completely clearing a zone would come to around 1200 rep from Shadows, not including any second waves of shadows that are required.

Quote:Look to your mailbox for a follow up. I understand that there are 10 different letters and that it might take more than one to really open up what there is of a follow up. There was some hint that it may have a connection to a sword that some players are jonseing about. ;)

I dunno. I've turned in 5 or 6 letters, I'm not finding any more, it's been three or four days or so, and I haven't seen any followup.

Argent Dawn guy just says "Thanks, you're swell!"

Maybe this didn't make it into release.
Quote:Okay, I'll bite. What class can solo farm the pylon elementals in DM West? I have always seen the 6 guys come on 1 1-pull, 1 2-pull, and 1 3-pull. I have heard of warlocks using banish and fear to get them but that seems really dicey.

The first pylon in DM West seems to have the 3-pull. I don't bother with that one. Instead, I go into DM North, and enter DM West via the library, and farm the entire ring around Immol'thar's prison. None of those pull 3, the max is 2, and the tornado whirlies with the 4 little ones drop a bunch of core of elements too.

The best way to do these pulls at the start is simply to pull them, and kite them around the library. Having speed boots on is a plus, but if you're a lock or a shadow priest, you can just kite via fear easily enough. The big tornado whirly btw, has a sweet spot you can stand at from range, and nuke him. It's roughly 30 yards or so -- you'll see him do his casting animation, but he wont actually cast anything.

Finally once I'm done with all of those, I farm the Residual Monstrosities since they are there. Those are a little more buff, so I definitely have to kite them around the library as I don't want to be in range of them. (especially when they die!) Although sometimes, I'll just stop before doing those, and run back out and reset the instance.

Doing this for about 3 hours one day netted me around 240 core of elements.

One other tip for farming DM -- this is extremely effective if you have 2 level 60s with good gear:

Go into DM East, the back entrance. Farm that first whip lasher pack, and open up the little pod to see if you can get 4 more to spawn. Collect Savage Fronds. Run out, reset instance. Repeat 4 more times. Log on other level 60, and do the same thing. Fronds are good since they give the other insignia opposite of the cores.

Doing this I had my 18 slot bag on the Friday after the patch.:)
Another quick way to get a ton of turnins is to farm Blackrock Depths. The fire elementals in the hallway leading to Incendius have a chance to drop both the dark iron scraps and the cores of elements, as does Incendius himself. With 150 fire resistance I was able to solo my way through all of them on my Druid, easily rinsing and repeating.
See you in Town,
Check your mailboxes!

I just got two letters from the Keeper of Rolls, in sync with the first two letters from the front I turned in at the same time. Seems the loved ones of those who died are still around, and talking to them may further the quest chain.

Edit: Bah. "Go and talk to so-and-so" means to stand next to them and wonder why there's no conversation option.
See you in Town,
Quote:Go into DM East, the back entrance. Farm that first whip lasher pack, and open up the little pod to see if you can get 4 more to spawn. Collect Savage Fronds. Run out, reset instance. Repeat 4 more times. Log on other level 60, and do the same thing. Fronds are good since they give the other insignia opposite of the cores.

This is reported on the WoW forums to have been hotfixed and drops not just nerfed, but practically obliterated.

I don't know about the elementals you listed earlier, but specifically the fronds are a dead deal.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Further exploration regarding these letters from the front.

I checked in on those who had survived the passing of their loved ones. The two notes gave me three names to try and follow up on.

The first was Caretaker Alen at Light's Hope Chapel. He had zero conversation. But something of interest was that for some reason he had freshly squeezed lemonade and friendship bread for sale now. Those are the same price and mana/health regen as the highest tier food items for sale... so perhaps they're just something to add some flavor. Still struck me as odd that he'd have new food and nothing else.

The second note mentioned two names: Joanna Whitehall and an unnamed "Matron of the Orphanage" in Stormwind. The former of the two was a lot of fun, as she's a Forsaken NPC in the War Quarter of the Undercity. I stealthed in to her to find that she wanted nothing to do with me, being hostile and all. On the bright side, I managed to defend Undercity from a Flame Shocker before fading into the shadows, and then took a few pictures with Sylvanas and Varimathras.

Finally, I stopped in Stormwind at the Orphanage. Here's where things get interesting.

The Matron who stands outside the orphanage has the same old text about Children's Week that she's had forever. But more interesting is that she has a vendor inventory now. And she's selling...


Freshly squeezed lemonade and friendship bread.

I'm going to take my shaman over to the Undercity and see if the same is true of Joanna. If it is, I think Blizzard flubbed something. Rather than turning on a flag to activate the conversations with these NPCS, they seem to have added two items to their vendor inventories, completely creating said inventory if they did not have one in the past.

Edit/Addition: Tested with my 15 Shaman. Joanna Whitehall in the Undercity has an empty vendor inventory, just like the NPC at Cenarion Hold.

I'll post more info as I learn it. I also found a new NPC standing next to Cenarion Hold with an empty vendor inventory. The clincher will be if I get the note in the mail mentioning his name, and then find that he's suddenly got those two new food items for sale.


Next NPC, Alexander Calder in Ironforge, a Warlock Trainer. He had his normal text about how I don't follow the dark arts (tree-huggin' hippies!), but then look at this...

[Image: calder3zn.jpg]

We have a common trend. All those who lost loved ones to the Scourge just LOVE freshly-squeezed lemonade and friendship bread. And buying those items from them do not seem to affect anything.
See you in Town,
Quote:Further exploration regarding these letters from the front.

I checked in on those who had survived the passing of their loved ones. The two notes gave me three names to try and follow up on.

The first was Caretaker Alen at Light's Hope Chapel. He had zero conversation. But something of interest was that for some reason he had freshly squeezed lemonade and friendship bread for sale now. Those are the same price and mana/health regen as the highest tier food items for sale... so perhaps they're just something to add some flavor. Still struck me as odd that he'd have new food and nothing else.

The second note mentioned two names: Joanna Whitehall and an unnamed "Matron of the Orphanage" in Stormwind. The former of the two was a lot of fun, as she's a Forsaken NPC in the War Quarter of the Undercity. I stealthed in to her to find that she wanted nothing to do with me, being hostile and all. On the bright side, I managed to defend Undercity from a Flame Shocker before fading into the shadows, and then took a few pictures with Sylvanas and Varimathras.

Finally, I stopped in Stormwind at the Orphanage. Here's where things get interesting.

The Matron who stands outside the orphanage has the same old text about Children's Week that she's had forever. But more interesting is that she has a vendor inventory now. And she's selling...


Freshly squeezed lemonade and friendship bread.

I'm going to take my shaman over to the Undercity and see if the same is true of Joanna. If it is, I think Blizzard flubbed something. Rather than turning on a flag to activate the conversations with these NPCS, they seem to have added two items to their vendor inventories, completely creating said inventory if they did not have one in the past.

I'll post more info as I learn it. I also found a new NPC standing next to Cenarion Hold with an empty vendor inventory. The clincher will be if I get the note in the mail mentioning his name, and then find that he's suddenly got those two new food items for sale.

I wonder if the Undead NPC might have more text if you have Friendship bread and lemonade in your inventory?:)
If you eat the friendship bread, you get little hearts floating over your head, a la the Valentine's Day event stuff.
Quote:If you eat the friendship bread, you get little hearts floating over your head, a la the Valentine's Day event stuff.

Yeah, and the lemonade plays the same sound, but without the hearts.

I'm waiting on the last two letters from the Keeper of Rolls, then we'll see what happens with the other NPCs. I'm willing to bet they're big fans of Friendship Bread and Freshly Squeezed Lemonde as well.


"Disappointment" doesn't adequately describe my feelings:

Quote:I'd like to apologise for any confusion you may have been caused by the Sealed Research Report, Mignus; receiving that in-game mail from the Argent Dawn, directing you to a specific NPC, does not in fact begin a quest. Instead, you are offered the ability to purchase Freshly-Squeezed Lemonade and Friendship Bread from various NPCs scattered across Azeroth. I'd recommend checking vendors to see if they have anything to offer along those lines. Best of luck to you, friend.:)

Your reward for each of the letters from the front is the ability to purchase these food/drink items from those NPCs...

I repeat, your reward is the ability to buy food items. These are exactly the same quality as any other available food.

The letters from the front were moving. They lent a human touch to the struggle against the Scourge and I was looking forward to seeing a continuation along these lines. What I found instead was a novelty addition to the game that seems a slap in the face to the depth of its precursor quests.
See you in Town,

"Disappointment" doesn't adequately describe my feelings

That was my reaction as well. So the next time I just happen to be hanging out in the Pools of Vision in Thunder Bluff I can get my very own bread and lenomade? Now I can finally stop asking mages for food and water!;)
Tempestria - 34 Human Warlock - Stormrage
Threnody - 60 Undead Warlock - Dalvengyr (retired)
Zenobia - 60 Tauren Shaman - Dalvengyr (retired)
Quote:Your reward for each of the letters from the front is the ability to purchase these food/drink items from those NPCs...

I repeat, your reward is the ability to buy food items. These are exactly the same quality as any other available food.

The letters from the front were moving. They lent a human touch to the struggle against the Scourge and I was looking forward to seeing a continuation along these lines. What I found instead was a novelty addition to the game that seems a slap in the face to the depth of its precursor quests.

Oh man, that's seriously lame. I can't believe that came from Blizzard's quest developers--Was there a Guest Developer Day that I didn't know about? You know, where they invite leading web cartoonists to develop a questline while the real developers are on vacation?
That is disappointing. It sure seems like Blizzard missed an opportunity here.
Quote:Yeah, and the lemonade plays the same sound, but without the hearts.

I'm waiting on the last two letters from the Keeper of Rolls, then we'll see what happens with the other NPCs. I'm willing to bet they're big fans of Friendship Bread and Freshly Squeezed Lemonde as well.


"Disappointment" doesn't adequately describe my feelings:
Your reward for each of the letters from the front is the ability to purchase these food/drink items from those NPCs...

I repeat, your reward is the ability to buy food items. These are exactly the same quality as any other available food.

The letters from the front were moving. They lent a human touch to the struggle against the Scourge and I was looking forward to seeing a continuation along these lines. What I found instead was a novelty addition to the game that seems a slap in the face to the depth of its precursor quests.

You know, if instead of Friendship Bread and Lemonade, these new "vendors" sold Blessed Sunfruit and Blessed Sunfruit Juice, that alone would be a decent enough reward, just to shave off those extra minutes that you would normally require to get to Plaguelands area to get these items. Oh well =(
Rumor has it the magic number of invasions to repel is 150. YMMV.
Quote:Rumor has it the magic number of invasions to repel is 150. YMMV.

Let's practice 'sustainable' invasion farming. Please, please, please always leave one Sourge Engineer alive at each crystal. Kill 3 Shadows and move on to the next invasion point.

Otherwise the fragile, threatened Scourge Invasion may become extinct on Azeroth!

Quote:Rumor has it the magic number of invasions to repel is 150. YMMV.

Yeah, I heard on TS that the server Argent Dawn fittingly reached that number, and their invasion is already over. That seems like way too low of a threshhold, if that's the case. I hope that this event keeps going for a few more weeks at least. It gives you some nice things to do in the outside world.

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