Paid Realm Transfer Service
#1 mistakenly published a press release written by Blizzard giving details about the soon-to-be-released paid realm transfer service. They have removed the article from their website, but once you let the genie out of the bottle, he won't go back in. Skold has posted a full copy of the article on the Elitist Jerks forum (sixth post down).
#2 mistakenly published a press release written by Blizzard giving details about the soon-to-be-released paid realm transfer service. They have removed the article from their website, but once you let the genie out of the bottle, he won't go back in. Skold has posted a full copy of the article on the Elitist Jerks forum (sixth post down).

Interesting. On there it lists account to account transfers. Makes it very tempting to put Krystian on her own account...
Quote:Interesting. On there it lists account to account transfers. Makes it very tempting to put Krystian on her own account...

The stipulation was, I believe, that the same person had to control both accounts. That could work for you:)
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
linked from further down that thread to gamespot.

Quote:SD: A character can only be transferred to a new realm once every six months, and once completed, a character transfer cannot be reversed. Also, there will be both character and realm restrictions. For example, you will need to be at least level 10 to transfer realms, and you'll only be able to carry over a certain amount of gold. The cap is set at 300 gold for characters between levels 10 and 30, 1,000 gold for characters between levels 31 and 50, and characters at level 51 and above can bring a maximum of 5,000 gold.

As for realm restrictions, players can only transfer characters between realms of the same type, or from a PVP to a normal (PVE) realm. To prevent players from leveling up without the challenges of a PVP environment and then unfairly being able to make leveling up more difficult for other players on a PVP realm, transfers from a normal to a PVP realm are not permitted. Also, if a player decides to transfer from one PVP realm to another PVP realm, he/she can only do so if there is no faction violation (that is, players cannot already have a character of the opposing faction on the destination realm).

Most of the restrictions we have in place are to prevent abuse of the service, and we don't feel they will impact regular players.
Quote:The stipulation was, I believe, that the same person had to control both accounts. That could work for you:)

I .. I could get my Orc Warlock Engineer back *sniff* I'd be so happy...
Sad news for anyone wanting to bring their character over to Stormrage:

Quote: Will Stormrage ever become Available for a destination? Can I get any sort of response to this question?

Pretty Please with sugar on top.
It's possible for the future, but unfortunately as of right now Stormrage is considered full and densely populated. It may not be the answer you wanted to hear but we are constantly evaluating realm populations -- so check back regularly for a change in availability.

This is less important to me now that Terenas is reguarly raiding, but still I would welcome the opportunity to play with some of the people I hear from so much here on the forums :(

edit: cannot... control... typos...
Is anybody else having a lot of problems with this service? There's only about 2000 posts in the general forums, and wading through the inane rambling it seems that blizz has again underestimated the response they'd get.

My impression is that it's less of a queue and more of a "hit refresh until you're lucky enough to snag a spot that someone just freed up by having their transfer finish", despite blizz calling it a queue. I wouldn't even mind a queue if it gave me some semblence of progress. This is just... defeating me. It's like trying to find a parking spot at disneyland during the july long weekend at 1 pm. :blink:
Quote:Is anybody else having a lot of problems with this service? There's only about 2000 posts in the general forums, and wading through the inane rambling it seems that blizz has again underestimated the response they'd get.

My impression is that it's less of a queue and more of a "hit refresh until you're lucky enough to snag a spot that someone just freed up by having their transfer finish", despite blizz calling it a queue. I wouldn't even mind a queue if it gave me some semblence of progress. This is just... defeating me. It's like trying to find a parking spot at disneyland during the july long weekend at 1 pm. :blink:
I have problems with this service, but not that sort of problem. I rolled on the new Aman'Thul realm when it opened a little less than a month ago, partly for the fun of starting at level 0 at the same time as everyone else. Now it seems the server will be open for incoming transfers when it is 90 days old. The AQ gates won't be open by then, and yet people will be able to transfer over characters with the AQ skills and enchants. That ruins the whole new server experience for me.

Having said that, I will probably transfer a character from the Euro realms if only because I can bring a lot of money with him. How are Blizzard going to limit it to 5000 gold? presiumably your invetory comes with you - else you'd lose your mount - and I can think of a lot of ways of using it to multiply the limit if you're rich enough. How much would AQ spell codexes go for on a realm where the gaes aren't open yet, for example? or AQ enchants?

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