Good internet radio
I'm not sure how many folks out there are in my position, but I thought it would be worth a shot. I work a desk job in the middle of a building that seems to have been built to prevent radio reception. Fortunately, IT is friendly, and management has no idea, so internet radio has been a crutch for years now. My problem is that my regular station (WTEM) has undergone a line-up change, and is now much less interesting to me (the Tony Kornheiser show used to keep me enteretained for 4 hrs a day, now Mr. Tony is off the radio preping for Monday night football).

I need some suggestions for a new station. I dropped back to a standby for now (KGRG: student radio from Green River Community College), but it's a bit too loud sometimes (and a bit too unproffessional the rest of the time). As you can see from the two options (24 hr sports talk to "today's rock" (core, metal, ska)) my music tastes are pretty varried. I'm looking for something with a fair amount of variety, an a long playlist (I'm going to be listening for up to 6 hrs a day, I don't want to hear the same song 18 times), so do the Lurkers have any favorites or suggestions?
but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!
Digitally Imported hosts some 25-30 music channels, while most are Techno and other Electronica styles they also have some SKY.FM channels (Classical, Jazz, New Age and 7 or so more).

It's worth a look at least.
Hugs are good, but smashing is better! - Clarence<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
roguebanshee,May 19 2006, 12:23 PM Wrote:Digitally Imported hosts some 25-30 music channels, while most are Techno and other Electronica styles they also have some SKY.FM channels (Classical, Jazz, New Age and 7 or so more).

It's worth a look at least.

I concur. I use to get psy/trance music to code by, or at least I did until iTunes and my work network decided to uncooperate.
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
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Chesspiece_face,May 19 2006, 12:54 PM Wrote:Pandora

I... wha?! It... but... :blink: :w00t:

That's the coolest thing ever. It's like artificial intelligence radio. It might get to be too much work at some point, and I'm going to have to figure out how to get dissimilar music types in "station," but this is so cool. Thanks for the diversion.
but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!
Maitre,May 19 2006, 09:52 AM Wrote:[right][snapback]110317[/snapback][/right]

Somewhat on the same topic, my work has been using the new IE 7.0 Beta and it has a button for RSS feeds, but to be honest, I have no idea how they work! I've always wanted to see local news just streaming along the top of the explorer bar (isin't that how RSS feeds work? I have no idea) like I see extensions providing with Firefox, but have never bothered researching them before. Any suggestions or information to share with me?
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Chesspiece_face,May 19 2006, 12:54 PM Wrote:Pandora

Quoted for two reasons:

1.) It's a link worth having posted again.
2.) Your original post was wordless. Now that I check it out, I'm speechless.

Granted I'm sure it has some flaws, but overall I'm extremely impressed with this. I'll be really pumped to see where this goes in the future. By classifying music beyond genre - genre classifying is opening a can of worms - and by actual musical qualities is a brilliant idea.

I don't envy the people who spend all day analyzing the music though ;)



"The only station that REALLY rocks!" And they are. :) They got Godsmack their first signing. :P
Roland *The Gunslinger*
I use consantly.
Berkman - Fury Warrior of Alleria
Munkay,May 19 2006, 05:25 PM Wrote:2.) Your original post was wordless.&nbsp; Now that I check it out, I'm speechless.

i've found there is no way of explaining Pandora that effectively represents the reality of it's ingenuity. It's much better to just let people play with it and figure it out on their own.
Live365 has a ton of channels.

I nominate this thread for Best Thread of the Year.
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"The only station that REALLY rocks!" And they are.:)They got Godsmack their first signing.:P

I used to live on the south shore of MA, and listened to WAAF over air for a while, but I tired of them long before moving away from the area (plus I was in high-school when I was in that area). Has the station changed much since '98, or has it changed as much as I have? Is it worth a second chance?
but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!
Quote:I used to live on the south shore of MA, and listened to WAAF over air for a while, but I tired of them long before moving away from the area (plus I was in high-school when I was in that area). Has the station changed much since '98, or has it changed as much as I have? Is it worth a second chance?

Although Roland probably won't like this answer, I've had a falling out with WAAF in the last few years. I haven't been a very long listener - I started listening about 5 years ago. I still turn the dial back from time to time, but overall I'm no longer that impressed.

You bring up a good point Maitre about whether or not its the station changing or just you changing. I can say in my case it's a change in me, and not so much in WAAF. My own music tastes have split, and I listen to music either "harder" or "softer" than WAAF plays.

With that in mind, my post isn't worth much more than my own 2 cents.


I've been using Pandora on and off for a while now and, yes, it is absolutely fantastic.

On a slight side note, how do you guys think Kornheiser is going to do on MNF? I love him (and Wilbon) on PTI, but I'm not quite sure if his style will necessarily be successful on MNF.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Quote:Live365 has a ton of channels.

I normally listen to Live365 at work. The only downside to this site are the ads, but they can be avoided with a paid subscription. As far as I'm concerned, $52.00 a year is a steal for access to hundreds of quality stations. As for Pandora, it's definitely peeked my interest. I've only listened to three tracks so far, but I'm really liking it already.:)
Tempestria - 34 Human Warlock - Stormrage
Threnody - 60 Undead Warlock - Dalvengyr (retired)
Zenobia - 60 Tauren Shaman - Dalvengyr (retired)
Quote:I've been using Pandora on and off for a while now and, yes, it is absolutely fantastic.

On a slight side note, how do you guys think Kornheiser is going to do on MNF? I love him (and Wilbon) on PTI, but I'm not quite sure if his style will necessarily be successful on MNF.

I roll with Jim Hughes and Phil's Mom, so I'm not the most objective one to answer this question. That having been said, I think he'll bomb if he tries to talk too much, or be to technical in his analysis. If he keeps to "my wife could've driven a truck through that hole, and still left enough room for the running back" type stuff, he'll be something to make you laugh even when your team is losing. I think that really is what they're looking for: something to keep people from turning off the game if the first quarter makes look like they shouldn't even be playing.

[Munkay, I'll call your 2 cents. Anybody else in?]
but often it happens you know / that the things you don't trust are the ones you need most....
Opening lines of "Psalm" by Hey Rosetta!
Quote:On a slight side note, how do you guys think Kornheiser is going to do on MNF? I love him (and Wilbon) on PTI, but I'm not quite sure if his style will necessarily be successful on MNF.

Pardon the Interuption is one of my favorite shows on Television, hands down. I'm a big fan of Kornheiser and Wilbon, but him moving to MNF leaves me scratching my head a bit. PTI is all about analysis, and quick whips back and forth. For Monday Night Football, Tony will do good with the quick whips (as Maitre mentioned). But as far as analysis, I'm not sure I want him to open his mouth much. There are great announcers who do the play by play, and I don't think Tony will be one of them. Analysis at the half time? I'm down with what Tony has to say. But the question comes during midgame? If Tony can keep it to short two sentence analysis without overreaching (and overreaching is what PTI is all about) then maybe he'll do alright. But if he decides to make off the wall statements, there just isn't time on air to back it up (and there shouldn't be).

I'll be happy when John Madden retires. I always liked him growing up, but recently his commentary has been absolutely horrible. Remember folks, "I think the team that scores the most points will win the game". Thanks John.

Goodluck to Tony, I hope he does well.


Quote:I'll be happy when John Madden retires. I always liked him growing up, but recently his commentary has been absolutely horrible. Remember folks, "I think the team that scores the most points will win the game". Thanks John.

My buddies and I make fun of John Madden basically throughout the entire MNF broadcast. Considering the relative lack of good MNF games this past year, the most entertaining aspect was seeing what absolutely head-slapping thing Madden would say next.

My personal favorite was this one:
“Hey, the offensive linemen are the biggest guys on the field, they're bigger than everybody else, and that's what makes them the biggest guys on the field.”

Basically I listen to John Madden for the same reason I listen to Bill Walton talk.

I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Jack London
Quote:My buddies and I make fun of John Madden basically throughout the entire MNF broadcast. Considering the relative lack of good MNF games this past year, the most entertaining aspect was seeing what absolutely head-slapping thing Madden would say next.

Sounds like my buddies and I. Glad to know we aren't the only ones who find it hilarious:)

Quote:My personal favorite was this one:
“Hey, the offensive linemen are the biggest guys on the field, they're bigger than everybody else, and that's what makes them the biggest guys on the field.”




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