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Awesome names - Daemon - 03-01-2005

I remember this kid who was in high school with me, Thomas Fullop Zoltan, he was from Romania. That very last name is the same as a certain hound, belonging to a certain Dracula... Geographical coincidence??

Awesome names - Malakar - 03-01-2005

Butch27,Feb 28 2005, 03:30 AM Wrote:I went to school with a Pat Cox ...
What a coincidence, I knew a guy named Pat Toole.

Awesome names - Malakar - 03-01-2005

A friend of mine is named Bryan Fury.

Awesome names - Copadope - 03-02-2005

I knew a guy named Harry Butts.

He had a son... Harry Butts Jr.

No lie.

Awesome names - ShadowHM - 03-02-2005

Lady Vashj,Feb 28 2005, 03:18 PM Wrote:Advice to parents:  NEVER give androgynous kids androgynous names. [right][snapback]69331[/snapback][/right]

But, but ...

How do you know when they are born that they are going to end up looking androgynous?

How can you tell what names are going to be 'ok' later in life? (Pity all the poor Osama's there are out there now, for example.)

One of my sons is legally Kenneth Charles. (We were into using family names for our children.) But the prospect of forcing him into being 'little Ken' or 'little Charley' was too much, so we call him K.C. Did we know that he would end up in a classroom with two Casey's who happen to be girls? Did we even consider the possibility? The only other K.C. we knew at the time was a man. :blink:

Awesome names - pazuzu - 03-02-2005

I actually met a guy named Benjamin Dover once. I thought he was taking me for a ride until he showed me his passport.

Awesome names - Magicbag - 03-02-2005

Spolier alert: Zoltar was a she....

I had a friend named Thomas Thomas. We called him Dynamite or sometimes just TnT. He was a shy Indian nerdy kid. I don't think he had a middle name, but if he did, it would have probably been Thomas.

Awesome names - Bob - 03-02-2005

Professor Blood
Lecturer at my university.

Hazelrah, my friend's laptop.


Awesome names - Rhydderch Hael - 05-17-2005

Bob,Mar 2 2005, 02:07 PM Wrote:Professor Blood
Lecturer at my university.

I just bought the DVD. Unless your here professor has a doctorate (and hence can be called "Dr. Blood") and then decides to become a pirate, I'm not going to be impressed. ;)

Looking like Errol Flynn would help, too.

Awesome names - Mithrandir - 05-17-2005

I also knew a guy named Thomas Thomas. We called him TT (tee tee) for a while, then that became just Teat, and then Teat became Boob. So everyone just called him Boob.

Awesome names - Raelynn - 05-17-2005

One of the teachers in my high school was extremely close to getting her doctorate. If she did, she would've been Dr. Fear. Talk about an intimidating name for a high school english teacher :blink:

Awesome names - jahcs - 05-18-2005

A friend of mine in the Army was promoted to captain last year.

His name?

Captain Morgan :shuriken:

Another friend in the Army has the last name of Minor. He is currently Sergeant Minor. We joke he should attend the Sergeant Major academy.

And lastly, a third friend has the name Marc Dye and a sister named Amber.

Awesome names - Minionman - 05-18-2005

On Battlefield Britain last sunday on PBS they had army guys called "Neal O'Neal" and "Seamus the sh*t". The second one is a loosing guys nickname.

Awesome names - Obi2Kenobi - 05-18-2005

I'm not sure of the spelling, but an awesome name is Karouche Baktar.

I once knew a guy named J. Not Jay, not short for Jason or anything, just J.

I know a guy named Courtney. He goes by C.J.

There was this guy whose last name was Hitler, but he didn't want to be associated with Adolf, so he changed it to #$%&ler. That's just about the only move you can make that's worse.

/edit: Arg! I was censored! Try and guess what it is. I'll give you a hint: it rhymes, and only a single letter was added.

Awesome names - Bob - 05-18-2005

Rhydderch Hael,May 17 2005, 06:42 AM Wrote:Unless your here professor has a doctorate (and hence can be called "Dr. Blood")

He wouldn't be a professor without a Ph.D.

The title professor is only given to about a half dozen members of staff in most departments, which I understand is contrary to the system in the US.

He gave us a very interesting special topics lecture on LASER's, too.


Awesome names - Occhidiangela - 05-18-2005

I knew a lady named Aura Lee G______. Say it fast. We called her Mimi, for reasons I can't fathom. :whistling:

I worked for four years with a guy named Davy Crockett. No fooling, his family tree traces back via vairous cousing, etc, to The Davy Crockett.

My cousin knew a urologist named, no kidding, Dr Smallcox.

A buddy of mine used to work for a British Admiral named Peter Abbott. Say it fast. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth some time back in the late 1990's, so he is now Sir Peter Abbott.

RL is funny.


Awesome names - Pesmerga - 05-18-2005

I kid you not, there was a kid in my elementary school named Michael Kuntz.

He was homeschooled by the time we entered Middle School.... poor kid.

Awesome names - Rhydderch Hael - 05-18-2005

Bob,May 18 2005, 02:43 AM Wrote:He gave us a very interesting special topics lecture on LASER's, too.

I knew there was something missing from Captain Blood. Lasers. They needed frickin' laser beams in that film. Never mind that it was made in 1935.

Awesome names - Raelynn - 05-19-2005

Oh yea. I forgot about the girl in my high school who was named Sh*thead. It was pronounced Shi Theed.

Awesome names - Sailboat - 05-20-2005

A dean at Virginia Polytechnic Institute introduced himself in a speech as Doctor Nurse. He explained that his real name was Ronald Nurse, and he was a PhD. He went on to point out that his mother’s side of the family was McDonald, so didn’t mind being Doctor Nurse so much, since he’d narrowly missed being Ronald McDonald.
