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What mods do you use? - Printable Version

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What mods do you use? - tacdriver - 02-21-2009

Quote:I've started to compile a pretty impressive list of mods that I use. I wanted to list them here with a brief description to help others find mods that may be useful to them. Every single mod except DoubleWide and ActionBarSaver can be found on curse. I use the curse client to auto download everything to keep it up to date.

ActionBarSaver - Save action bar layouts. Makes for easy spec switching. Works great with talented.
Atlasloot Enhanced - in game. Easy browsing of the items database. Allows creating wishlists.
AuctionLite - Auctioneer is a bit too bloated for me. AuctionLite has a nice buy tab that allows you to easily buyout multiple auctions.
AuctionMaster - Formerly known as Vendor. I like it better for selling than auctionlite.
AutoProfitX - Auto sell all your grey items with a single click. Very fast.
Baggins - Bag replacement mod. Allows me to sort my items and create new categories for sorting.
Baggins_Outfitter - create baggins categories based on outfitter sets.
Baggins_Search - Search your bags by name. Very handy.
Bartender4 - Bar mod du jour. Nothing really much better than dominoes. Saves real estate over blizzard bars.
BulkMail2Inbox - collect all incoming items in your mailbox with a single click.
Carbonite Quest - quest mod. Integrated map is awesome.
Clique - click casting for healing. Couldn't live without it.
CowTip - Extremely customizable tooltip addon.
CraftList2 - Allows people to query my professions through whispers. New feature allows "!full enchanting" to give you a link to my enchanting profession, even when I'm not on Dunar.
Deadly Boss Mods - Boss timers for encounters.
DoTimer - Dot/Hot tracker. Mainly used for dots now that I've converted to grid to track hots.
DoubleWide - Simple addon that makes the quest log double wide. Can see more quests and quest texts.
DoubleWideTradeSkills - same for tradeskill window.
EPGP - loot mod we use. Relational DKP system with decay. Has worked well for us on terenas in wotlk.
EPGP LootMaster - Loot distribution mod that works with epgp. One of my favorites.
Fubar - creates a bar at the top for easy grouping of simple information. Many mods come with plugins for Fubar.
Fubar_DurabilityFu - simply entry on fubar for tracking durability.
Fubar_ExperienceFu - Tracks experience in space saving area on fubar. No more experience bar.
Fubar_OutfitterFu - change outfits from fubar.
Fubar_PerformanceFu - Tracks framerate, latency, and mod memory.
Fubar_RecountFu - Fubar plugin for recount.
Fubar_TrackerFu - control what you track herbs/mining/etc on fubar instead of minimap button.
GatherMate - Marks mining/herb locations on your minimap. Marks turn to green circles once you should be in range for them to show up if you're tracking.
GatherMate_Data - import mining/herb locations from a host of other players.
Grid - Compact raid frames. It's surprising how much information you get for very little screen real estate.
GridDynamicLayout - Arranges grid frames based on role. Tanks/Healers/Ranged/Close all grouped together.
GridManaBars - Adds mana bars to grid.
GridSideIndicators - Normally grid allows you to use dots in each of the 4 corners for tracking whatever you choose. This mod adds another 4 on each side for a total of 8.
GridStautsHots - Allows me to track all my druid hots. The dots change colors from white -> yellow -> red when the timers are about to run out.
GridStatusLifebloom - Gives me the option of coloring a dot based on the number of lifebloom stacks.
GridStatusMissingBuffs - Tells me who are missing my class buffs.
Instance Log - Auto turns on /combatlog when entering a raid instance.
Minimap Button Frame - Gathers all minimap buttons into a movable frame.
Omen - no need to explain.
Outfitter - similar in function to itemrack. More recently up to date so I've switched.
Pawn - Allows me to create custom stat weight sets and show the total of that set on the tooltip for items. Very handy for quickly comparing items if you already have the weights.
Pitbull - Unit frame replacement. Was using it for raids/5-mans but have since switched to grid.
Prat 3.0 - chat mod. Colors useful information and allows cut and paste to and from the chat window.
Quartz - Cast bar mod. Embeds latency right into the cast bar.
Recount - Damage meter mod. Very consistent with WWS.
ScrollingCombatText - SCT mod to replace blizzards. More customization options.
SCT - Damage - Adds damage info to SCT.
Shard - tosses any extra warlock shards above a set limit. Handy when drain soul farming for mana regen.
SharedMedia - Adds some additional fonts and textures usable by all other mods.
ShockAndAwe - Great shaman enhancement mod for tracking anything you worry about. Tells you which skills you should cast based on the recognized best priority scheme.
SimpleMiniMap - Allows skins on the minimap. Allows for mouse wheel scrolling on mini map to zoom.
Talented - Keep talent templates and allows you to easily switch. A must for anyone who respecs a lot.
TrinketMenu - Manage switching of trinkets.
Wow Combatlog splitter - Useful when frag sends you a combat log with a weeks worth of data.
XLoot - Changes the basic loot window to something more pleasant. Pops the window up under your mouse cursor.

Holy Smokes, how much addon memory is that?

What mods do you use? - Mavfin - 02-21-2009

Quote:Holy Smokes, how much addon memory is that?

My list isn't quite that big, but I run 100 MB or so in addon memory. However, I have RAM to burn, as I usually have 500 MB free RAM even with WoW up.

What mods do you use? - Artega - 02-21-2009

Quote:My list isn't quite that big, but I run 100 MB or so in addon memory. However, I have RAM to burn, as I usually have 500 MB free RAM even with WoW up.

WoW + Winamp + Vent + Steam + Xfire + ...;)

What mods do you use? - Swiss Mercenary - 02-21-2009

Quote:Never hurts to have Omen up anyway. Lets you get a good look at where your threat is in relation to the tank's. I use Omen primarily to monitor DPS threat levels so I know who to hit with a Salvation, but our tanks produce amazing TPS, so it's rarely an issue.

Blizzard threat meter mouse-over-the-boss when I feel I'm close has always been enough for that - at least, for me. I usually don't even DPS.

What mods do you use? - Artega - 02-22-2009

Quote:Blizzard threat meter mouse-over-the-boss when I feel I'm close has always been enough for that - at least, for me. I usually don't even DPS.

Yeah, they made it so that Omen isn't necessary now, but I still like being able to see my threat in relation to everyone else's. It's important for me so I can know exactly who to drop a Salvation on. Sometimes I'll Salv a tank if I feel they're getting too far ahead of the DPS;)

What mods do you use? - PapaSmurf - 02-22-2009

New mod I just picked up last night. TankadinTps. I've been playing around with tanking on my druid and wanted to know what skills give the most threat and to track my tps as I'm practicing. This mod logs your threat and presents it in a graphical manner similar to recount. It's fantastic.

What mods do you use? - Chesspiece_face - 02-23-2009

I keep my UI pretty low on mod usage. At the moment I only use:

Spartan UI + Bartender
Xperl Unit Frames
EPGP Lootmaster


This is my general solo combat set up. I tend to keep up standard Blizzard buffs as using those is easiest for me to see how my debuff stacks on stuff like four horsemen are at a glance. I've also got ClassTimer keeping track of the 3 important buffs i can give myself in the top left, as well as the 3 important diseases i can get on enemies right above my target enemy. This allows me to easily see if any buffs/debuffs are missing at a glance. You can see a couple PowerAuras glowing around my DK there signifying that I have a Fallen Crusader proc up as well as Unholy Blight. I mostly use this to keep track of optimum Gargoyle usage or in fights like Thadius where depending on which charge i get a giant blue or red skull and crossbones will pop up over my character.


Here is one with Omen and Recount up. Generally I don't need these to be large and I shove these off in the bottom corners. I've also got Xperl going up there which I use for Party and Raid frames. Everything else in Xperl is turned off. Quartz castbar can obviously be seen there.

That's pretty much it. I was working with a set up that had all of the ClassTimer bars down by the Spartan UI but i found that I tended to watch the Hotkey bars too much with things centered so far down and was missing void zones etc too much. By moving some of the buffs to the top corners i'm generally more focused on center screen and am also able to have a UI that doesn't have a lot of stuff randomly cluttered on top of my character (like a lot of the UI screenshots I see on EJ etc. YUCK!) So far it is working out very well and i've become extremely fond of Spartan UI. The few problems I've found with it are fairly minor and things they have acknowledged on their forums and will be working on. Or they are just issues with Bartender (mostly related to Vehicles - like all other addons.)

Edit: Total memory usage for these mods is generally around 10mb. it goes up to about 20mb in groups when Recount and Omen are running.

Edit2: I'll probably be looking to get rid of Cartographer as i'm not very pleased with how well they have been keeping it working. If they could get the dungeon loot tables working for Cartographer again i'd be pleased.

What mods do you use? - Daemonika - 02-23-2009

Hello Lurkers! Thought I'd stop by with my sexy UI!:P
(Apologize for the size...)
[Image: My_UI_WotLK_by_DarkJargon.jpg]
OK, so here's the list:
Swatter: Debugging tool for handling and displaying of error messages in a useful way.
Ace2: AddOn development framework
Ace3: AddOn development framework
ArkInventory: Allows viewing of your (and your alts) Bags, Keyring, Bank, Guild Bank,
Inventory and Mail items when ever and where ever you want.
Atlas: Instance Map Browser
AtlasLoot: Shows the possible loot from the bosses
AtlasLootFu: Minimap button for AtlasLoot
AuctioneerSuite: Alters the Auction House UI for enhanced auction functions and Tooltips (See Enchantrix/Informant)
Broker2FuBar: Shows your LDB sources in FuBar.
Cartographer 3: Addon to provide a much nicer world map
ChatThrottleLib: Embeddable chat throttling library with traffic shaping and priorities
Deadly Boss Mod: Raid Boss Encounter Warnings and Timers
DrDamage: In-game theorycraft. Calculates actual damage/healing based on gear, talents and buffs.
Enchantrix: Display information in item tooltips pertaining to the results of
disenchanting said item.
Fizzle: Show item durability and quality in the character frame.
ForteXorcist: Powerful Class AddOn for Raiders
FuBar 3.5: A panel that modules can plug into.
FuBar - AtlasFu: Adds an Atlas button to FuBar.
FuBar - CalendarFu: Fubar Plugin to Show built-in Calendar
FuBar - DurabilityFu: Keeps track of durability and pops up a dialog to repair when you go to a vendor who can.
FuBar - FactionsFu: Shows your standings with the factions.
FuBar - FarmerFu: Keeps track of what you are farming.
FuBar - GearRating: Gives one single number (GearRating) to indicate the quality of a character's gear.
FuBar - MailFu: You've got mail!
FuBar - MoneyFu: Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm.
FuBar - PerformanceFu: Keeps track of performance of memory, latency, and framerate.
FuBar - PetInfoFu: Displays Pet Info for Hunters and Warlocks.
Also keeps track of Stables and Pet and Demon skills.
FuBar - ProfessionsFu: Opens professions and shows their skill level.
FuBar - Top ScoreFu: Keeps track of your top hits, heals, criticals, etc.
FuBar - VolumeFu: Controls for the game volume settings.
Informant: Displays detailed item information in tooltips, and can produce
item reports by binding an information window to a keypress.
Gratuity-3.0: Tooltip scanning library.
LilSparky's Workshop v0.91: LilSparky's Workshop mod for Trade Skills
LunarSphere v.1.02: A universal sphere for all classes
Omen3: A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
OmniCC: Cooldown count for everything
Postal: Enhanced Mailbox support
Postman: Building a Better Mailbox
QuestHelper: Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.
QuestItemBar: Simple quest item bar.
RatingBuster: Item stat breakdown, analysis and comparison
Recount: Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display
Satrina Buff Frames: A replacement for the UI buff frame.
SexyMap: Spice up ye olde minimap with some sexytime options.
Skillet: A replacement tradeskill window
Stubby: Allows on-demand addons to load automatically based upon simple event notification hooks.
Sunn - Viewport Art: Allows you to modify the size of the rendered 3D area of the screen
with textured bars in the non-rendered areas
Talented: The Talent Template Editor
TomTom: Acts as your portable navigation assistant
XLoot: A remake of the built-in lootframe. By Xuerian.
XLoot Group: Minimalistic Group roll frames.
X-Perl UnitFrames by Zek: Replaces the normal unit, party, target, pet frames and adds target-of-target.
EPGP: Effort Points/Gear Points Loot System
EPGP LootMaster - Core: Full loot distributing system for EPGP.
ScrollingCombatText: Adds Scrolling Combat Text above your character

What mods do you use? - Mordekhuul - 02-23-2009

Dae, that UI would drive me absolutely nuts...but it somehow suits you perfectly =) Very warlocky looking. hehe.

What mods do you use? - Daemonika - 02-23-2009

Quote:Dae, that UI would drive me absolutely nuts...but it somehow suits you perfectly =) Very warlocky looking. hehe.

LOL, yea... I'm definately severely addicted to mods. I noticed my list didn't compile completely correctly from WUU. I seem to be missing a few, like IceHUD. Also, I know you like your hot-keys, I like clicking.