Poison Explosion
Well guys, I've been thinking about many Necromancer builds which I wanna try out and I was reviewing skill damage and synergies and I came across our under-rated friend, poison explosion. And what I found suprised at me! At level 20, it can do up to 1500 damage!

Why is it that people have put it aside as a useless spell and one not worth any points? At first glance I thought it was poison nova and was very happy and planning to use it but to my great surprise it was poison explosion. I know corpse explosion is a very good skill, but is it just me or is the damage on p.e. much higher than what c.e. can reach? So why are we not investing in this spell?

And also, teeth looks like it can actually do very well with its synergies. Anyone see a teeth necro in the near future. And also can you all tell me which trees go together well because I can't decide on which skills go well with which. Summoner/bone, Summoner/poison, Summoner/curses, Bone/poison? Oh the possibilities...... :blink:
Ran off to the Amazon Basin
Quote:Has it become an essential spell?

Actually, poison explosion can do much much more damage, with maxed syneries. The problem, the radius is small. Very small. Poison nova, on the other hand, effects the whole screen.
But isn't it good in tightly packed areas? So you suggest poison nova? And what about my build question?
Ran off to the Amazon Basin
It's a necromancer we are talking about here. Posion explosion (and revive and CE, but for different reasons) are the only skills I haven't used... I personally think that to get the most hell viable build, you should at least have some curse, with enough points into it to give you a large enough radius/duration (unless you are using lower resist, then you need to put it higher than some curses, since it adds effectivness as you put in more points, and iron maiden would be maxed if you plan on making that your main curse). You could really go with any build you want (spear, spirit, nova, some combination of 2-3 of those, pure summoner [in which case you could decide on one golem, or put some points into them all to get the synergy and use them all in different situations, or even no golems and go all undead]).
In a tightly packed area, you might want to stick with CE, getting the most "bang for your buck," so to speak rather than going with PE. The reasoning I'm using is that CE is what I call "quick n' dirty" damage, while PE is more of a "get in line, your ass is next" sort of damage. PE is nice, but PN still does the same job - massive poison damage - without having to waste a corpse or be aimed. It might not do as much damage as PE or last as long (which is a good thing, IMHO), but as everyone else has said, PN hits just about everything on the screen, which is a fair tradeoff when facing tons of ranged attackers in hell, and requires no corpse (which is desperately needed for CE).

As for a hell-viable build, IM is no longer a consideration for me since it no longer works with BG and a thorns merc (or the ultra-rare Bramble rune word armor) is a much more viable solution. At level 20, IM returns 650% damage; a level 15-21 Thorns (what's available on Bramble or an A2NM Thorns merc smart enough to keep itself alive) returns 810-1050% damage and it can be combined with AD, multiplying the damage again (am I sure about this particular cheese surviving v1.10? Not really, but the efficiency of Thorns is still illustrated). More suitable curses for me include Lower Resist, Decripify, and Attract.

As for minions, the beefing up of the necro's skeletons deserves a lot of attention. In fact, I give more preference to these boneheads now than I ever have - my golems are now all one-point wonders.
Well, I have not played all the builds out there, but from what I read it seems:

(1) the skeleton master build is claimed to be really powerful with a blessed aim merc and supportive curses (you get away with 60 skill points into skeletons/mastery/mages, spend the rest as you like)

(2) revive is an awesome support spell, the faster, stronger monsters make it even more powerful as before. Useful addition to most other build lines.

(3) the CE necros are more powerful than before (not EVER before mind you, just 1.09), they kill a lot faster in high monster density areas than most other builds; here you got LOTS of points to burn, only 20 needed for CE (and yes, you need to max it), you can spend the rest into curses and summons

(4) A full bone build (using one myself) is totally hell viable. If you know how to use walls and prisons, you got yourself a very powerful and nigh-unkillable build (mind you, this case you cannot go the usual "my minions will tank for me" attitude, you need those reists high). A good curse for this build would be Dim Vision, since you cannot enhance the damage of your bone spells anyway, at least stop the incoming monsters. VERY party friendly, and you can actually kill things on your own. My necro is the proof that you do not NEED this curse, Maldar is the proof that it helps a lot. (If you do not master the walls though, you can easily kill yourself or your party members... just because you could kill most of them in PVP does not mean you have to kill them in PVM)

(5) the only build I have not heard too many good things of is the poison necro :) They might be good, it's just the few posts I read here and there seemed to be unimpressed with it's capabilities. Who knows. Make one and report on his progress :)

Hope that helps some

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