Color/Hue of equipped gear?

Crossposted from the Amazon Basin technical forum..

I am trying to emulate a certain look and feel (Act 5 Barbarian Mercenary). While I can't get all of it perfect, I had expected to be able to approximate the headgear portion.

But try as I might, I can't get a Full Helm to be anything but grey when my character wears it. This is completely independant of what color the helm is in my inventory, or whether I socket it with a chipped ruby/topaz. Yet if I do the same thing with an ordinary Helm (eg. chipped ruby it) it turns red both in my inventory AND when my character puts it on!

More damningly, i've tried on a "Godly" (golden shade) full helm, and a Darksight Helm (black shade) unique basinet, both to no avail. They both appear exactly the same ugly shade of grey. Thinking that a full helm might inherit the shade of a body armor, I equipped some chainmail "of the whale" (red shade) to no effect :(

What drives the colorization of certain equipped items? Why does a chipped ruby "work" in a Helm but not a Full Helm? How can I get my character looking right?

And what shade IS that Full Helm the Barbarian Mercenary wears? It looks like a deep brown. I can't emulate the stance very well either - i'm forced to use two handed swords. And I can't get the armor right, but that's to be expected.
Raziel, you gotta get out more, man. :wacko:

Just kidding. Good luck with your wacko project. Sadly, I can be of no assistance with this particular insanity.
Reminds me of a character I made, a barb wanting to look like Darth Maul. I put a perfect skull into a quilted armor, put it on, and was horror struck! It looked like normal quilted armor. The reason is that different base items have different pallatte shifts. So the answer is, you can't... :(
Different pallete shifts? I don't understand. What does this mean for Full Helms? Can there NEVER be a golden/red Full Helm?
In fact, I believe that the color does change - if you stare very long and hard at items that are supposed to have different colors, you'll notice slight differences - though only single pixel-wise.

So it's not that the color doesn't change at all, it's just that it isn't very noticeable.

Like the Crystal sword types. Only the hilt changes when wearing it, but in the inventory the whole thing changes.
Here's an oddity.

Picked up a Full Helm. It looked to be the right golden hue when worn by an Assassin.

Passed it over to my Barb. The same Full Helm looks silver when equipped.

WTF :(
Different items armours have different appearances on different characters, and get different amounts of colouring from coloured affixes.

In the case of full helm, the assassin look is golden, while the barbarian look is silver. And in the case of full helm, there isn't any colouring effect at all, so all full helms will look identical if they're on the same character.
So there's no way to make a Full Helm golden.


Still, I can alter the color of ordinary Helms. I was able to chipped topaz one into a good approximation.

Is there any place where these item color/appearances is documented? I know the look of armors has a website, but .. has anyone even bothered with the whole colorization thing?

Am I the ONLY guy out there that cares about fashion?!??!

No, wait.. don't answer that <_< :D
Quote:Is there any place where these item color/appearances is documented? I know the look of armors has a website, but .. has anyone even bothered with the whole colorization thing?
If you poke around at the Frozen Keep, you should find some more information there pertaining to the coloring and tinting of items.

Quote:Still, I can alter the color of ordinary Helms. I was able to chipped topaz one into a good approximation.

Here are the color code that are used by certain parts of the game to apply colortransforms to items.

Color___________Number___Code (used in other files)
Light Gray______1________lgry
Dark Gray_______2________dgry
Light Blue______4________lblu
Dark Blue_______5________dblu
Crystal Blue____6________cblu
Light Red_______7________lred
Dark Red________8________dred
Crystal Red_____9________cred
Light Green_____10_______lgrn
Dark Green______11_______dgrn
Crystal Green___12_______cgrn
Light Yellow____13_______lyel
Dark Yellow_____14_______dyel
Light Gold______15_______lgld
Dark Gold_______16_______dgld
Light Purple____17_______lpur
Dark Purple_____18_______dpur
Bright White____20_______bwht

The chipped/flawed/normal/flawless topazes will apply a transform=14 (dark yellow) the items that they are socketed into. The perfect topaz will do a transform=13 (light yellow) to the item. The part of the item that will get changed is one of the color layers that is used to draw the item (not sure which, do not greatly care at this point). If there is very little of that layer actually used in drawing the item on the character, they you will see little change in the character appearance.

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