Rather Vexing(!)...
Vash,Feb 10 2004, 03:15 PM Wrote:Why does it have to be a summoning necro?
Well, I thought that would be easier considering that you could do this for hours and hours.

But adeyke smashed my nice idea to bits :(

The Mad Scientist
A stroke from the brush does not guarantee art from the bristles

ckeck out my Skillcalculator
The best way to do it is to track the rune quality you get per time. I've doing NM Countess runs on USEAST Ladder SC. I average about 1 Lum per hour. I try to go as fast as possible to the Countess, and haven't been killing or breaking barrels or chests along the way- not sure which is optimal.

I tried running the Hell Countess but found it to be too slow. The monsters are a lot tougher, but more importantly the Tower maps are a lot bigger so it takes longer to find the Countess. I do about 12 runs an hour on NM but only 6 an hour on Hell using a BOS boosted Assassin.

I haven't done Hellforge runs to compare b/c my buddies haven't been playing lately, but if you can do better than 2 Lum's an hour on the Hellforge (splitting spoils between the rusher and rushee) then that would beat the NM Countess.

I agree it's very frustrating- if you anyone has better performance let us know.
Countess runs are easy, even in hell. Just turn left all the time and you'll quickly end up at the gate to the lower level. Besides, she has fixed immunities: fire/cold.
Does a high MF interfere with your chance to get rune drops from monsters? As in instead of a rune drop it upgrades the drop to a magic item instead?

Footnote: Most of my runes come from treasure chests. The Travincal Council also seems to have a decent chance of rune drops.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
MF has no effect whatsoever on rune drop rates.
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
MF doesn't affect base item type at all. It only affects the quality (colour) of the item. For example, your chances of getting a sash will be the same regardless of MF, but with high MF, it's more likely to be unique, set, magic, or rare instead of superior, normal, or cracked. Since runes don't have the chance to have a higher quality, they're completely unaffected by MF.

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