strange cat-caster in Act II Hell
:blink: I discovvered, that in Act II Hell lod v. 1.09 an "unique" spearcat (gold-texted name) with multipleshoots were able to throw its potions, like they were an arrow or a bolt. It surprised me, cause they would normal throw their potions like in a cirkle, but this one threw it like a missile, so it got a lot more range, they would only stop if they hit an obstacle. That were strange.
That in and of itself is an inherent "problem" with multishot itself. I believe the coding for Multishot is "create 2 more projectiles directed at primary target" This works fine and dandy with things like arrows, and MOST spells, but consider the following.

Oblivion Knight Bone Spirit: The "original" BS will fly and track you, whereas the additional ones will just fly straight towards you, until you move away at an angle(it could be argued that this "feature" is a boon here, else a triple bone spirit would simply 1 hit KO most characters)

MSLEB(Multishot Lightning Enchanted Boss): From what I understand, the "charged bolt X" that they fire is a skill in and of itself. My understanding is that when they are hit, they perform an uninterruptible casting of this skill, releasing 1 bolt in each of the 4 "cardinal" directions(relative to the monster, it would be front, back, sides) When enchanted by Multishot, they will then fire an additional 2 missiles towards the attacker(him/her being the primary target), resulting in 3 missiles at the attacker, and 3 more in the other directions. I might be wrong, and the missiles might ALL fly towards the attacker. Haven't really seen too many MSLEBs, so I cannot fully comment on this.

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