I'm back!
A big howdy to all my fellow Lurkers!

I have just (well, more or less) returned from my three month trip trough northern Africa and the Arab peninsula and I'm really glad that the Lounge did survive my absence :P

Well, why am I posting this in the WoW section? I plan on shamelessly exploiting your feelings of joy upon my arrival for my sinister purposes!
This may warrant further explanation: Ever since we played in the US Open Beta my brother and I have been WoW addicts (I guess one or two of you can sympathize...) and now we are almost ready to dive in, head first.

But: (here it comes)

My brother is desperately looking for an English PC Client and has been unable to get his hands onto one. We both bought the game for Macintosh (the German Version, unplayable for us, it just doesn't feel right) but my brother has to buy a PC for bussiness reasons soon and performance on the PC is a lot better than on the Mac (which is ridiculous if you compare the hardware, WoW just doesn't take advantage of the crazy power of todays Mac's :( ). I have been asking a friend of mine to look for a client via email about two weeks ago and he found numerous dubious sources of alleged English PC clients, none of which he trusted enough to download.

So, in short, if any Lurkers know of a place where my brother could download a clean English PC client for WoW I (and he) would be most grateful. If a Lurker could put up a client on the net or has other suggestions, any help is greatly appreciated.



P.S.: btw, we'll be joining "The Beastro" on Twilight's Hammer.
"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
No need to download the whole client anymore. Language packs::
Quote: We have added a language package for European players to use if they wish to play the game in other languages. It can be downloaded by going to the Account Management.
Kjartan,Jun 1 2005, 12:25 AM Wrote:No need to download the whole client anymore. Language packs::


"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.

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