Leap mechanics
I've been playing around with leap on a TCP/IP game w/ a couple chars connected to try and figure out exactly how it works versus players.

From what I've seen, there appears to be TWO hit recovery animations back-to-back forced on anyone inside the Leap AOE. This can be seen on the "target" sides game when using a slowww Hit Recovery char like a sorc or human druid. There are clearly two hit recovery animations.

For the barbs game, the opponent only appears to go into recovery once, but it can be seen by having the opponent run past the barb, that the opponent appears to stand still immediately after this recovery (this is when the second recovery animation is being played on the opponents game.) So anyway, I would like to have someone here confirm whether the double-hit-recovery aspect of Leap is correct.

Another question I have is whether there is anything that can speed up leap (particularly for leap on the spot use.) It doesn't seem that FCR or IAS (weapon only or alltogether) helps at all. If there is not, does anyone know the number of frames played for a leap-on-the-spot to the point where the barb can attack/cast again?
mcm,Oct 13 2004, 04:59 AM Wrote:From what I've seen, there appears to be TWO hit recovery animations back-to-back forced on anyone inside the Leap AOE...
For the barbs game, the opponent only appears to go into recovery once, but it can be seen by having the opponent run past the barb, that the opponent appears to stand still immediately after this recovery (this is when the second recovery animation is being played on the opponents game.) So anyway, I would like to have someone here confirm whether the double-hit-recovery aspect of Leap is correct.

Fascinating. Does this pertain to monsters? Would a mod test vs. a LEB have Leap causing two emissions, e.g.? Off the top of my head I'm not thinking of another client-distrusting (aka LCS™ distrust) easy way to check.

I'm on the road, so I can't take a look at the "missile" I suspect must be the delivery vechicle for Leap's AoE knockback but that might be revealing.
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