I bought the thing because I like supporting the boys at
Penny Arcade, and they have a number of strips in it. A capsule review:
Penny Arcade strips are funny.
The maps/quest info section is kind of handy, as far as knowing where to look for everyone.
It provides solid advice and a decent glossary of terms for those new to MMOGs.
The list of crafting recipes is decent.
Kind of pricey for what you get.
Most every bit of info found within is more easily located at
Thottbot or other community sites.
A lot of the info contained within is out of date -- their paladin listing is especially screwy, with the skills being pre-revision, but the talents reflecting post-revision.
Editing mistakes abound, annoying the more cantankerously grammatical among us.
The introductory sections don't hold a lot of information that MMOG veterans would find of use, beyond stuff you could easily find in the manual.
Overall: a decent buy if you're a Penny Arcade fan, a newbie to MMOGs and have money to spare; otherwise, give it a miss.