CSS Help
Ok. I'm struggling with learning CSS here (the Internet is a horrible waste of space when it comes to research :P). What I want to do is replace all my horrible tables with CSS, most likely using classes and <div> to allocate what goes where, etc.

The problem I'm running into is thus. I've gotten the outer limits of the table (more or less), and have worked out a system for the two "columns" (using classes and <div>'s), but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get them to line up side by side.

Some things to keep in mind:
1) I want the page to look relatively the same no matter who views it. In other words, I want to adhere as strictly as possible to CSS2 / CSS3 standards, and I want things that are "sized" (text, tables, etc.) to scale according to viewing resolution, so that I don't have someone viewing it in 800x600 and having everything too big, and someone else viewing it in 1600x1200 and finding it too small. Understand? :)
2) Keep it simple. I don't want to have a 600KB .css file when a 10KB CSS file can do the exact same thing, and easier. :P The easier it is for me to type out, maintain, and utilize, the absolute better. :)

Anyway, if anyone could help me with this I'd greatly appreciate it. I spent 6 hours on the web the night before last trying to figure out the most BASIC elements of CSS, 2 or 3 of which were spent JUST trying to figure out a CSS validation error. :P Like I said, the Internet is a HORRID resource for research. So, your help is appreciated.

Roland *The Gunslinger*
In regards to the specific problem you mention, I suggest you go back to using tables.

DIV/CSS weren't designed to replace tables but rather give webmasters the ability to layout content without the use of tables. In your case, however, since it is a table of data, a TABLE is most appropriate.
YZilla,Feb 6 2005, 05:32 PM Wrote:In regards to the specific problem you mention, I suggest you go back to using tables.

DIV/CSS weren't designed to replace tables but rather give webmasters the ability to layout content without the use of tables. In your case, however, since it is a table of data, a TABLE is most appropriate.

I agree that tables are probably best for what you're doing. Although CSS zealots (like I can be) love to prove that you can do anything with CSS that you can do with tables, that doesn't mean it's always the best choice.

However, for CSS resources, I recommend you start with Glish and perhaps check out CSS/edge too.
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