Stupid customer stories.
My personal favorite for customer stories is of course

It is quite amusing, I saw it somewhere on here, but I'm not sure when, or where.... And so I pass it on. I particularly liked one of the Vengeance stories, but I'm not sure what.
Quote:Have any of you ever heard of a website called Customers Suck?

I spent a long time reading these, thanks. I like this one:

Quote:At a pick your own berry patch.
Her:  How much are the strawberries.
Me:  80 cents a quart.
Her:  I want to pay 60 cents.
Me:  Sorry they are 80 cents.
Her:  Well, they are 60 cents at the farm up the road.
Me:  Sorry you will have to go there then.
Her:  I can't, they are out of berries.
Me:  When we are out I'll sell them for 40 cents.
DeeBye,Feb 19 2005, 11:35 PM Wrote:I look at the boobies  :blush:

The mammaries, an age or so ago, were usually un enhanced by the Hollywood Surgeon's art. Hef's premise had been "what does the girl next door look like with her clothes off?"

Since his daughter has taken over the mag, it seems to me that a lot more silicon and saline have hit the pages.

Rarely browse Playboy anymore, but I do indeed like the party jokes, and I have never turned down an opportunity to marvel at the female form.

I have also read some wonderful fictions and short stories in Playboy, to inlcude early installments of "Semi Tough" by Dan Jenkins and "Arthur Rex" by Tom Berger. Bunches of the short stories are on my "man, I am glad I read that!" list.

I miss little Annie Fanny, her toons now and again could be pretty funny.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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