molten core raid (april 3rd)
Event: Molten Core Raid
Rally point: Blackrock Mtn.
Date: 03 Apr 05
Time: 11 am EST
Leader: Jezabelle
Guild sponsoring: Guardians of Elywnn

Jezabelle will be sponsoring a /Honorables alliance Molten Core Raid on 03 Apr 05. All level 60 characters are welcome to come and join in on the fun. An invitation is going out to only those guilds in /honorables alliance (Kammerater, Lurkers, Dark Storm, Basin and GOE)

Standard raid loot rules apply..

(greens everybody rolls)(BOP pass unless upgrade. If all pass, /random 100)(1 Blue item per raid unless its class specific and no other person can use it)

Any other questions, feel free to send Jezabelle or myself a mail and we will get you a response shortly.
lariac,Mar 27 2005, 11:01 AM Wrote:Standard raid loot rules apply..

(greens everybody rolls)(BOP pass unless upgrade. If all pass, /random 100)(1 Blue item per raid unless its class specific and no other person can use it)

It's mostly purples that drop there. :-)

Oh, man, last night we had an enchanting recipe drop off Barron Geddon that adds +50 to healing spells to weapons (not sure if it's only 2H, 1H, or both). I didn't win the roll, but at least I know who to go to to get that enchantment when I get the materials!

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