The Runewords
Game - Diablo 2 LoD v.1.11 b
Char - Amazon level 17, preferrable type of play - Javazon, looking towards a decent Bow
Mode - Single Player

I am a bit abashed from all these runewords an article on which I am currently reading. What runewords are the best suitable for my Amazon? In other words, how to get to spend my runes more wisely?Without wasting a valuable rune...

Thank you in advance. :unsure:
andrejs_80,Mar 4 2006, 06:38 PM Wrote:Game - Diablo 2 LoD v.1.11 b
Char - Amazon level 17, preferrable type of play - Javazon, looking towards a decent Bow
Mode - Single Player

I am a bit abashed from all these runewords an article on which I am currently reading. What runewords are the best suitable for my Amazon? In other words, how to get to spend my runes more wisely?Without wasting a valuable rune...

Thank you in advance. :unsure:

At your level Runewords are not needed, if you get runes cube them up! The first runeword you can use, i.e. you will really profit from is Lore (Ort Sol in a two socket helmet), this Runeword is useful for all classes, but Hybrid Zons get the best results from it.

P.S. If you play SP, do you have ATMA?
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
:( No, I do not have it as I do not know what is it...I suppose it is some kind of an aiding program,though...
Correct, ATMA allows you to trade stuff between your SP characters. And it has other helpful things too.

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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill

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