So, macro scripting
I must admit, I don't know a lot about macro scripting, but with the new /dismount command I've finally found a way to get rid of the drudgery out of dismounting (without using finicky add-ons like StupidMount2, which'll throw you from the saddle if you make one misclick). Basically, I've removed my normal Brown Kodo actionbar button and replaced it with the following macro:

/dismount [mounted]
/use [nomounted,outdoors] Brown Kodo
If mounted, dismount; else if not mounted and outdoors, mount. Quick and simple, and saves a fair amount of time, especially since I've found that right-clicking to dispel the mount "buff" can be somewhat hit and miss.

But being the crazy hunter that I am, I'd like to expand on this. First off (and probably the easiest to deal with) is a seperate dedicated dismount macro that will cast Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack with as little interruption as possible. I've found the following macro (which casts Cheetah if ungrouped, Pack if grouped) but I haven't figured out how to thread the two together.

/cast [group] Aspect of the Pack; Aspect of the Cheetah
Idea being if I'm heading into combat, I'd use my regular mount toggle (first code box) so I don't risk getting hit while under the influence of Pack/Cheetah, but if I want to dismount and continue running and I'm under no risk of getting hit (Running at an AB control point to use it, for instance), I'll use a dismount/aspect combo.

The second is pretty demanding, and I'm not sure it can be managed. It's an extrapolation of the mount/dismount toggle, but runs like this:

If Mounted:
1) Dismount. As before.
If Unmounted, and outside
1) Cast Aspect of the Hawk. Hawk is my main aspect, and doesn't fade on mount like Cheetah/Pack, so while mounted I'd like to make sure this is up. Often I stupidly cast Pack/Cheetah and mount up. I'd like to be able to be sure that I'll have AotH up when dismounting. Of course, if it's possible to cast AotH while dismounting, that would also be useful.
2) Stop running. Another no-brainer, and you'd be surprised how often I try to mount while running.
3) Use the mount item.

I'm picking through various guides to see if any of the above is possible, but anyone with scripting knowledge with some advice/pointers to offer would be great.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386

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