01-01-2010, 08:56 AM
Greetings Lurkers!
I bring tidings of gaming goodness this day! It seems the folks at Rebellion (the people behind the first AvP game) are in league with Sega to produce a new Aliens vs. Predator game. From what I understand the story will be similar to previous AvP titles yet diferent altogether. Basically, it takes place on a planet where a mining colony finds an ancient temple containing everyones favorite xenomorph whichs alerts the predators, the colonists call in the marines and chaos ensues much to our delight. There is supposed to be three stories which are all part of a single campaign just like previous entries in the series. For those unfamiliar with the series, it`s one campaign as experienced from each race. It is supposed to be around 10 - 15 hours long and promises to include new beasties and weapons never before seen in any game or movie! It is being created with the PC in mind which is where it will shine (it`s been called a Crysis killer), it will still be amazing on console however. Just look for yourself , and while your at it look into preodering the "Hunter" edition ! Feb, 16 can`t get here fast enou gh haha.
P.S. sorry for this post it is late on new year`s lol
I bring tidings of gaming goodness this day! It seems the folks at Rebellion (the people behind the first AvP game) are in league with Sega to produce a new Aliens vs. Predator game. From what I understand the story will be similar to previous AvP titles yet diferent altogether. Basically, it takes place on a planet where a mining colony finds an ancient temple containing everyones favorite xenomorph whichs alerts the predators, the colonists call in the marines and chaos ensues much to our delight. There is supposed to be three stories which are all part of a single campaign just like previous entries in the series. For those unfamiliar with the series, it`s one campaign as experienced from each race. It is supposed to be around 10 - 15 hours long and promises to include new beasties and weapons never before seen in any game or movie! It is being created with the PC in mind which is where it will shine (it`s been called a Crysis killer), it will still be amazing on console however. Just look for yourself , and while your at it look into preodering the "Hunter" edition ! Feb, 16 can`t get here fast enou gh haha.
P.S. sorry for this post it is late on new year`s lol
R.I.P. Pete! I can't believe you're gone.