I found me a Wolfhowl
Ah, it's that time of the year again. Diablo II has, yet again, taken the interest of myself and my friends. As the title says, I found a Wolfhowl (stats on mine in parentheses):

Defense: 332-377 (varies)(Base Defense: 105-150)
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 129
Durability: 35
(Barbarian Only)
+120-150% Enhanced Defense (139)
+2-3 To Warcries (Barbarian Only) (3)
+3-6 To Feral Rage (4)
+3-6 To Lycanthropy (5)
+3-6 To Werewolf (5)
+8-15 To Strength (14)
+8-15 To Dexterity (15)
+8-15 To Vitality (13)
Level 15 Summon Dire Wolf (18 Charges)

Now, what do I do with it? First, I need to know if I can use Barbarian skills while in Wolf form. If I cannot, the rest of this post is moot. If I can, read on.

Frenzy seemed like it would be interesting to use in conjunction with Feral Rage. I have, in my mind, an image of a Wolf attacking faster than the eyes can see, nothing able to stand in his way. Of course, the issue is that while I have no good 1h weapons, I do have a 40% CB IK maul as well as the IK gloves, boots and belt. With luck, I'll get the chestpiece at some point as well. However, what do I do with a 2h wepaon? WW? Berserk? I confess I know very little about Barbarians. That's where the LL comes in:lol:

Summary: I found this sweet helm, what should I do with it?
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
Trad me. 1 ston of j. :):):):)


Quote:Ah, it's that time of the year again. Diablo II has, yet again, taken the interest of myself and my friends. As the title says, I found a Wolfhowl (stats on mine in parentheses):

Now, what do I do with it? First, I need to know if I can use Barbarian skills while in Wolf form. If I cannot, the rest of this post is moot. If I can, read on.
Summary: I found this sweet helm, what should I do with it?

No skills other than the native attack skills belonging to the druid can be used in were form, so your pretty much stuck with feral rage. Of course, passives do still apply, like masteries, and you can cast warcries before shifting and enjoy their benefits.
Okay, time to scrape some rust off the ol' memory and (try to) give helpful advice.

Baajikiil is right, no other barbarian skills can be used in conjunction with wereform - how sweet would a WW'ing werewolf be? Or like you mentioned, a frenzied werewolf. But alas, that won't be.

In my experience with the Wolfhowl helm, I found that a barbarian suffered greatly with crowd control later in the game. Unfortunately by the end of NM/Hell the shtick gets a bit old, and the slow pace you need to move forward at can become tedious. BUT, if you do happen upon some fun big 2h Weapons, and equipment with high defense and life leech, it can be blast for quite a while through NM.


Well, that's disappointing. Thanks, guys:(
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune

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