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Alright, I went over to their forums and reread everything and I got it working.
We now have a Chatbot in channel OP TheLurkerLounge. I have not added any friends or made any modifications to it other than what settings it already comes with. I won't be home today - going to beach with kids, then a bike ride on one of those 4 seater bikes you rent at the beach, then my wife and I are going to go see the new Batman movie or go bowling with the kids and when we get home, we're watching Battlestar galactica on DVD. Wow, a very busy day. I'll leave the bot up if anyone want's to check it out and make suggestions.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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I'm quite sure the video covered those issues of it being unable to connect to bnet, but it's indeed somewhat confusing and youtube's low resolution doesn't help. Thanks for getting it set up anyways!.:)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
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Quote:Alright, I went over to their forums and reread everything and I got it working.
We now have a Chatbot in channel OP TheLurkerLounge. I have not added any friends or made any modifications to it other than what settings it already comes with. I won't be home today - going to beach with kids, then a bike ride on one of those 4 seater bikes you rent at the beach, then my wife and I are going to go see the new Batman movie or go bowling with the kids and when we get home, we're watching Battlestar galactica on DVD. Wow, a very busy day. I'll leave the bot up if anyone want's to check it out and make suggestions.
Family? Batman? Battlestar Galactica?! Say no more sir, I'd say those 3 things are definitely high priority.
(I'm catching up on the first half of the last season of Galactica myself.)
Many thanks Meat, and Archon for reserving the channel name too.
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07-22-2008, 11:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-22-2008, 11:04 PM by Taem.)
Alright, I'm finally home from work, but I don't have any time... Kids back from Summer programs and telling me how bored they are. Now I have to make them snacks, clean up the house, then entertain them and before I know it, it will be time to start dinner, then tuck them in for bed. Kids are great, but Summer can be the enemy of your free-time when your a parent.
Anyways, I think I need more understanding of how to run this chat-bot (BTW, I hate it when people call it a "bot" because its a chat-bot, not a boss killing automaton). It would seem I need to add you people to the bot's friends list and give you all a certain access level. Then you will be able to perform specific chat functions, such as see who else is on the bot's list and if they are currently online, send a message to a "clan" member for them to view it at a later time, "flip" a coin, generate a random number, etc. however I have no idea how to do this, nor the time to research it ATM. I'd suggest everyone just leave their account names here so I can manually add them, but I don't quite understand how to give certain access levels to accounts. Here is a list of what you may ask the chat bot to do depending on your access level: P.S. I want a command so people can enter the channel and just type .cmd or something similar and get a list of available commands they can use without having to come to this page every time.
!inbox - no aliases: This command cannot change, it is always !inbox regardless of the bot's trigger. This command is accessible only to people with unread mail.
(there's only one lonely command in this section.)
.find - alias .whois: Displays the requested user's access to the bot.
.about - alias .ver: Displays the bot's version information.
.server - no aliases: Displays the server the bot is connected to.
.add <username> <access> <flags> - alias .set: Adds a user (<username>) to the bot's access list with access <access> (10-998) and/or <flags> (A - Z)
.whoami : Displays the access of the person using the command.
.cq : Clears the bot's queue! Useful if your bot is stuck spamming many messages, banning many people, or the like.
.designated - Displays the user that the bot last designated.
.flip - Flips a coin.
.findflag / .findattr <flag> : Lists all users with the specified flag.
.roll : Generates a random number between 0 and 100.
.roll <number> : Generates a random number between 0 and <number>.
.time - no aliases: Displays the current time and date on the computer.
?trigger - no aliases: Displays the bot's current trigger.
.pingme / .getping : Returns the ping of the person who used the command.
.say <message> - no aliases: Repeats the message following the command.
.shout <message> - Repeats the message following the command in all uppercase.;)
.ignore <username> alias .ign : Squelches the <username>.
.unignore <username> - no aliases: Unsquelches the <username>.
.addquote <quote> - no aliases: Adds the <quote> to the quotes.txt file.
.quote - no aliases: Displays a randomly selected quote from the quotes.txt file.
.away - no aliases: Turns /away mode on.
.back - no aliases: Turns /away mode off.
.ping <username>: Retrieves <username>'s current ping.
.uptime: Displays the computer's uptime and the time since the bot logged on.
.mp3: Displays the MP3 that Winamp [VERSION 2.9 AND BELOW] is playing.
.mail <username> <message>: Adds mail to the mail queue for <username>.
.vote <duration> : Begins a general vote lasting <duration> seconds.
.voteban <username> : Begins a 30-second voteban vote. If the vote passes, the user is banned.
.votekick <username> : Begins a 30-second votekick vote. If the vote passes, the user is kicked.
.tally : Displays the current results of the active vote.
.info <username> : Displays information available on the specified user: time in channel, product, ping, flags.
.scq : Silently clears the queue.
.expand <text> : Adds spaces in between each letter of a specified phrase.
.where : Replies in a whisper as to the bot's current channel.
.kick <username> <message>: Kicks <username> with <message>. Accepts wildcards (*)
.ban <username> <message>: Bans <username> with <message>. Acceps wildcards (*)
.unban <username>: unbans <username>.
.lastwhisper: Displays the username of the last person who messaged the bot.
.define <term> alias .def : Defines <term>.
.fadd <user> : Adds <user> to the account's friends list.
.frem <user> : Removes <user> from the accuont's friends list.
.bancount : Returns the number of users banned since the bot joined the channel.
.allseen : Returns the names of the last 15 people the bot has seen.
.levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Warcraft III level-based banning.
.d2levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Diablo II level-based banning.
.tagcheck <expression> : Returns any tagbans that the specified expression matches.
Cuphead was right, readmes suck;)
ACCESS LEVEL 70 (now it's getting good!)
.#$%&list <user> aliases .pban .#$%&add : Adds the user to the #$%&list.
.#$%&list all by itself: Lists the users in the #$%&list.
.#$%&del <user> : Removes the user from the #$%&list.
.safeadd <user> aliases .safelist <user> : Adds a user or tag to the safelist.
.safedel <user> : Removes an item from the safelist.
.safelist all by itself: Lists the users and tags in the safelist.
.tagbans : Lists tagbans
.tagadd aliases .tagban .addtag : Adds a tag to the tagbans list
.tagdel : Deletes a tag from the tagbans list
.protect on/off : Turns Lockdown on or off, all users in the channel or that join the channel and are not safelisted or with access less than 20 will be banned.
.mimic <username> : Repeats everything that the person says.
.nomimic : Turns Mimic off.
.check <username> : Checks the user monitor to see if <username> is online.
.online : Lists the users currently "ONLINE" on the User Monitor.
.monitor <username> : Adds <username> to the monitor.
.unmonitor <username> : Removes <username> from the monitor.
(Custom Commands)
.cmdadd <r> <q> <a> alias .addcmd: Adds Custom Commands. Click here for more information.
.cmddel <commandname> alias .delcmd: Deletes Custom Commands.
.cmdlist alias .listcmds : Lists the current custom commands and their required access levels.
.plist / .phrases : Lists currently banned phrases.
.padd / .addphrase : Adds a phrase to the PhraseBans list.
.pdel / .delphrase : Deletes a PhraseBan.
.phrasebans (on/off/status) : Enables, disables, or displays the status of PhraseBans.
.pon / .poff - Enables/disables phrasebans.
.pstatus - Same as .phrasebans status.
.ipban <username> - IPBans the specified username.
.unipban <username> - Un-IPBans the specified username.
.ipbans (on/off/status) - Enables, disables, or displays the status of IPBans.
.banned - Displays a list of users that have been banned.
.setpmsg - Sets the message used to ban users during Channel Protection.
.notify <username> : Uses the bot's User Monitor to watch for when a user has signed on
.denotify <username> : Deactivates notifications for a specific user.
.mmail <flags> <message> : Botmails all users with <flags> flags the specified <message>.
.mmail <access> <message> : Botmails all users with <access> the specified <message>.
.reconnect : Disconnects, pauses, then reconnects the bot.
.des <user> alias .designate: Designates the user.
.rejoin : Rejoins the channel.
.settrigger <trigger> : Sets the bot trigger.
.igpriv / .unigpriv : Runs the "/o igpriv" or "/o unigpriv" command. Don't use this unless you know what it does.
.rem <user> : Removes a user from the access list.
.next : Plays the next track in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.stop : Stops Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.play : Starts play in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.play <tracknumber> : Plays the specified track in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
Both Play commands do not have responses anymore to reduce spam.
.play <track name> : Plays the specified track, by name, in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.setvol <volume> : Sets Winamp's current volume. (0-100) [All versions except 3.X]
.fos : Runs a Fade-Out Stop in Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.pause : Pauses Winamp [All versions except 3.X]
.sethome : Sets the bot's home channel.
.idle on/off : Turns idle messages on or off.
.setidle <message> : changes the idle message.
.idletype [quote, mp3, uptime, msg, message] : Changes the idle type setting.
.idletime [minutes] : Changes the time between idle messages.
.block <username>: If filtering is on, blocks messages from that username(s). Accepts wildcards (*)
.filter <message> : If filtering is on, messages containing this phrase will be blocked.
.whispercmds : Toggles whispering of command responses. If they're on, they get turned off by the command, and vice versa.
.profile <username> : Displays any user's profile to the channel. WARNING: If a person's description is more than one line long, it will not be displayed, and if it's long enough it will DISCONNECT THE BOT! Use with caution.
.greet <message> : Sets the channel join greeting message.
.greet off : Disables the channel join greeting message.
.levelban <level> : Sets or eliminates the current Warcraft III LevelBan level.
.d2levelban <level> : Sets or eliminates the current Diablo II LevelBan level.
.clist/.clientbans/.cbans: Displays the current ClientBans.
.cadd <client> alias .addclient : Adds a ClientBan.
.cdel <client> alias .delclient : Removes a ClientBan.
.koy on / off : Enables/disables Kick-On-Yell.
.plugban on / off / status : Enables/disables/displays the status of banning of users with UDP plugs (flags of 16).
.useitunes : Causes play, stop, next, back/prev, and pause commands to talk to iTunes instead of Winamp.
.useewinamp : Reverts the abovementioned commands back to Winamp control.
.join <channel> : Joins the specified channel.
.home alias .joinhome : Joins the bot's home channel.
.resign : The bot relinquishes ops.
.setname <name> : Sets the bot's username to <name>.
.setpass <pass> : Sets the bot's password to <pass>.
.setserver <server> : Sets the bot's server to <server>.
.setkey <cdkey> : Sets the bot's current cdkey to <cdkey>, automatically replaces hypens and spaces.
.setexpkey <cdkey> : Sets the bot's current expansion (LOD or Frozen Throne) cdkey to <cdkey>, same as above.
.quiettime <on>, <off>, <status> alias .qt : Enables, disables, or displays the status of QuietTime. (QuietTime bans any users who aren't safelisted and talk.)
.giveup <username> alias .op :Designates, then resigns ops to the specified user.
.readfile <filename> : Reads a specified text file. The file must be present in the bot's folder.
.chpw <arguments> : Channel Passwording commands are as follows:
-- .chpw on <password> : Activates channel passwording and sets the password to <password>. If no delay has been previously set, it will use the default 30 seconds.
-- .chpw off / kill : Deactivates channel passwording and erases the channel password.
-- .chpw delay <value> : Sets the amount of time given to whisper a valid password (in seconds).
-- .chpw info : Displays the current status of channel passwording.
.ib <arguments> / .idlebans <arguments> : IdleBan arguments are as follows:
-- .ib on <optional delay> : Activates IdleBans. If no delay is specified, the default of 400 will be used.
-- .ib off : Disables IdleBans.
-- .ib delay <value> : Sets the amount of time before idle users are banned (in seconds).
-- .ib status : Displays the status of idlebans.
-- .ib kick <on/off> : Determines whether or not the idle user will be KICKED or BANNED.
.cb / .sweepban <channelname> : Bans every user in the specified channel.
.cs / .sweepsquelch <channelname> : Squelches and IPbans every user in the specified channel.
.setmotd <message> : Sets the Warcraft III Clan channel Message of the Day.
.invite <username> : Invites a Warcraft III user to join your clan.
.clan <private / public> : Changes the status of your Warcraft III Clan channel. Private status allows only members to join, public status is open to everyone.
.peonban <on / off / status> : Retrieves the status of, activates and deactivates banning of Warcraft III users with the Peon icon.
.exile <username> <message> : #$%&lists the specified user, then IP-bans them.
.unexile <username> : Reverses the effects of "exile".
.clearbanlist / .cbl : Clears the list of Banned users. Use this if you are having problems with overzealos Ban Evasion.
.c pub / .c priv : Sets your clan channel to Public or Private status in less letters than ever before.;)
.quit : Quits the program.
.locktext : Locks the chat window.
.efp/.floodmode on/off/status : Emergency Floodbot Protection, covered elsewhere in this readme
.loadwinamp : Attempts to load Winamp from its default directory (C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe) or from one you specify by adding a WinampPath= line to the [Other] section of the config.ini file.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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Alright, it appears my internet connection was lost temporarily around 9:48-A.M., but is now back up and running. Also, it has been noted to me that the chat bot should function simply as a "beacon" for those who pass by, thus rendering the chat-bot functions a mute point. For now, this seems acceptable to me, but when D3 and SC3 come out, the channel might get filled with idiots and some moderating might have to be done, even when I am not there to do it, thus some people will have to be given the ability to "kick" and "ban" if neccessary in the future.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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Quote:. . . thus rendering the chat-bot functions a mute point.
Good of you to do this. I might actually play some D2 online with all the interest going on. As an aside, this wouldn't be the LL if I didn't nit pick:) "Mute" means silent, or unable to speak. The word you want is "moot" which means "academic" (as in "moot court"), or, by extension, "of no practical significance".
You're welcome :lol:
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?
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Good of you to do this. I might actually play some D2 online with all the interest going on. As an aside, this wouldn't be the LL if I didn't nit pick:) "Mute" means silent, or unable to speak. The word you want is "moot" which means "academic" (as in "moot court"), or, by extension, "of no practical significance".
You're welcome :lol:
Good call. I can't believe I actually missed that. I must be tired.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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07-28-2008, 10:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2008, 10:27 AM by Archon_Wing.)
My new ladder characters have been dragging in an unusual amount of loot so if you want to make new character on Uswest/ softcore, I may give the item to you instead of Charsi. Don't expect anything ub3r l33t (I unforunately have sold my Low Quality Sash) although I generally like to keep odd rares that may get you started out with. Also gold-- you may come take some away gold before I gamble it away at Anya's. Why did I save her again?;)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
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Some of you may have noticed that the OP LurkerLounge channel bot has not been up. I should have explained why awhile ago:
First, prices of everything was going up, so to save a few bucks, I shut down my computer when I went to sleep and turned it back on when I woke. I looked into some figures after an electrician friend of mine told me leaving my computer on was probably costing me more than I was aware, and found out that leaving my computer on while I was sleeping was costing an average of $6.00 more per month. While not a drastic increase, it did make a difference when gas was hitting $4.00+ for my cars. But I knew I would put the chat bot back up soon when things got more financially secure for me, so I never bothered posting this info.
Then, I forgot. I got into the habit of turning my computer off so much that for another couple weeks I simply forgot. No excuses here, just forgot.
Then I remembered and turned the bot back on, however after the second day of being on for 48-consecutive hours, my computer's CPU fan froze and my computer crashed. I restarted my computer and received an error from Microsoft that my computer had just suffered a major hardware problem and the issue needed to be resolved. The next two times I restarted my computer, a "warning" poped up from ASUS that said my CPU fan was not working and my computer crashed within 10-20 minutes of being turned on. The next day I turned on my computer to the same error message, but this time I opened my chassis and actually saw the chipset fan not working at all... so I manually moved it with a paperclip and it started without any problem. My guess is it has too much dust on the turning mechanism, but I don't know how to lubricate it without damaging the motherboard or chip itself, and trust me when I say that fan is not coming off the motherboard. Now every time I start my computer, I have to manually start the chipset fan also! Very annoying, and I have to babysit my computer to make sure the fan does not suddenly stop again, which has also happened. I contacted ASUS, but they tell me to ship the old fan in for a new fan (free), but it won't come off the damn motherboard!
So anyways, until I get this resolved, the chat bot will definitely NOT be back up. I'm really sorry about that guys:(. I hope I can figure out what is going on with my fan, preferably sooner than later. If someone is interested in running it in the meantime, I would be happy to share the .ini settings with you in a PM.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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Quote:So anyways, until I get this resolved, the chat bot will definitely NOT be back up. I'm really sorry about that guys:(. I hope I can figure out what is going on with my fan, preferably sooner than later. If someone is interested in running it in the meantime, I would be happy to share the .ini settings with you in a PM.
I'm sorry for you, hope you get things resolved. I will not be able to help you because I am away from home for multiple days very often, have an old computer, and have frankly no idea what ini's, bot's and motherboards are (well the last one I know). But once you get things running again could you please give me the details (server, names passwords etc. ) that I would need to acces this lurker only game (a PM is maybe better).
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Quote:I'm sorry for you, hope you get things resolved. I will not be able to help you because I am away from home for multiple days very often, have an old computer, and have frankly no idea what ini's, bot's and motherboards are (well the last one I know). But once you get things running again could you please give me the details (server, names passwords etc. ) that I would need to acces this lurker only game (a PM is maybe better).
Last I know, there wasn't a set password or name\pass system. The bot that MEAT set up was at US WEST, channel op thelurkerlounge, and functioned more like a beacon.
By the way thanks MEAT for having the bot for as long as you did, and yeah don't worry about it especially if it starts costing you real money.
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Alright, I just got some Dust Off Professional from Costco, a 6-pack for $14.something. Anyways, I followed the directions and decided to spray out my keyboard first as a test run before hitting up the computer. The first few sprays went just like the directions said they would (BTW, I have never seen so many WARNING instructions on NOT inhaling the gas on one object in my life... I'm counting. . . 7 total warning and caution signs all over the can). The last two sprays spewed out some sort of liquid that dried almost instantly, but not something I'd want to subject my CPU to either. I made sure the last two sprays were 2" away from the keyboard, but I had to turn the bottle on it's side to get into the cracks and crevices; maybe that was why the liquid came out? I think I'll try dusting a few more things with the spray until I'm 100% confident it will not harm my computer.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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Quote:The last two sprays spewed out some sort of liquid that dried almost instantly, but not something I'd want to subject my CPU to either.
Not to worry. All those duster products are some kind of liquid (used to be freon, but that's not used any more). The products are liquid at room temperature but at elevated pressure. When the pressure is lowered to ambient (one atmosphere) the liquid turns into a gas (and cools off). If you turn the can so that the liquid is forced out, then you get the effect you noticed. As long as the board you're spraying is not powered, you'll be OK. The thermal bit is more of a problem than the liquid -- probably why they want you to keep the can 2" away, so the gas can warm a bit.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?
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Quote:Alright, I just got some Dust Off Professional from Costco, a 6-pack for $14.something. Anyways, I followed the directions and decided to spray out my keyboard first as a test run before hitting up the computer. The first few sprays went just like the directions said they would (BTW, I have never seen so many WARNING instructions on NOT inhaling the gas on one object in my life... I'm counting. . . 7 total warning and caution signs all over the can). The last two sprays spewed out some sort of liquid that dried almost instantly, but not something I'd want to subject my CPU to either. I made sure the last two sprays were 2" away from the keyboard, but I had to turn the bottle on it's side to get into the cracks and crevices; maybe that was why the liquid came out? I think I'll try dusting a few more things with the spray until I'm 100% confident it will not harm my computer.
When you use the spray for longer time continuously the outlet gets so cold that the out coming gas can liquefy. Should not be a problem because the stuff should not be conducting. You might be careful spraying too long on some parts though, if they get very cold you might get water condensation, so indeed switch off the electricity first.
or what Pete said....
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Quote:When you use the spray for longer time continuously the outlet gets so cold that the out coming gas can liquefy. Should not be a problem because the stuff should not be conducting. You might be careful spraying too long on some parts though, if they get very cold you might get water condensation, so indeed switch off the electricity first.
or what Pete said....
So I sprayed out the whole inside of my computer and let me tell you, there was quite a bit of dust collected over the years. Before i did this, I unplugged my computer from its power sources and waited about 10-minutes to make sure there was no static charge left in it. Then I cracked the case open and started spraying. I focused quite a few short bursts and one long stream at the malfunctioning fan. When I was quite sure the entire inside of the computer and fan was as dust-free as a can of spray could make it, I closed the case back up then took my kids out Trick-Or-Treating. We got back and carved a pumpking then ate pizza and pumpkin pie (after gobs of candy) and watched the new Indianna Jones flick on DVD all the while. After this, I plugged back in my computer feeling quite confident that if any liquid got on the computers components, that it would be dry by now. As soon as it booted up, I got the same freekin error I've been getting so I cracked open the case again only the find the fan stopped. . . again. This time when I started it manually, it seems to be running much smoother, but this still does not solve my problem or make me feel any better.
What really ticks me off is that ASUS had already sent me a new chipset fan a few years back because their previous chipset fan had been recalled for failing to start. Getting it off the motherboard proved to be quite difficult without damaging the board itself, but amazingly I did it. Then I recieved the new chipset fan. This fan had large opposible hook clamps - I literally had to press down with quite a bit of body weight to get that baby to sink into place. I'd say the whole experiece was quite terrifying for fear the proccess would permamently damage my computer. Now, after having put that fan on, I am 100% positive it will not come off, hence my dilema.
I suppose my next step will be to unplug everying and get the computer in some good lighting then crack the case again, take a cotton swab dabbed in rubbing alcohol, and try cleaning the turning mechaninsm itself on the fan. And if that does not work. . . I have no idea. My computer can still slug it out with the big boys, so I have no intention of giving it up anytime soon. Oh well, I'll have to see how the manual fan cleaning goes first.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
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sorry about your troubles.
Spraying some liquid stuff will always give opportunity of the liquid solving dust and wash the resulting smear exactly to where you don't want it to be. If I'd had read earlier into this topic I'd have suggested using compressed air (also available in cans, if you don't have an industrial-sized compressor around ^^).
Not that this'll help you now :-(
so long ...
Check out some peanuts or the
Diablo II FAQtoids
current status: re-thinking about HoB