[July 2012] Diablo 1 essential programs and utilities
I decided to make this thread for others who decided to come back to try Diablo 1 again, or the newbies looking to explore Diablo's roots while making the game playable for modern era computing. I lost a bunch of my old programs made over the years and had to search them all through various threads/sites again, so I decided this would help out other players.

List of additional programs below:
Last Updated: July 21, 2012

Note: In case any links disappear or go down, a mirror of all files are made on this dev-host.org account: http://d-h.st/users/sojourn

[Graphics] Windows 7 graphics glitches
Read the thread Diablo Backwards Compatibility Guide by Slayer_X64.

[Graphics] Diablo 1 Windows 7/Vista Patch - XP/VISTA/7 -Tested working with 1.09
What it does:
Allows you to run Diablo in windowed mode. You also need the DirectX runtimes and C++ libraries linked at StrangeBytes, listed by the programmer.
Link: StrangeBytes.com - http://strangebytes.com/index.php?option...&Itemid=60
Mirror: http://d-h.st/vuM [diablopatch008.zip]

[Networking] IPXWrapper - XP/VISTA/7 - Tested working with 1.07, 1.09
What it does:
IPXwrapper consists of three dll files that corrects the problem with IPX option when creating games, thus effectively allowing you to utilize your LAN for Diablo 1.
Warning: Does not work with DiabloStats (see below)
Link: SolemWarning.com - http://www.solemnwarning.net/ipxwrapper/
Mirror: http://d-h.st/MQ4 [ipxwrapper-0.3.4.zip]

[Utility]DiabloClicker2 - XP/VISTA/7 - Tested working with 1.09
What it does:
DiabloClicker2 simulates mouseclicks for you as you hold down the button, making it useful for not having to wear down the mouse... especially for Warriors and Rogues.
Warning: Be careful of having inventory open while holding down button, you might pick up your weapon and drop it in the process.
Link: diablo.svatopluk.com - http://diablo.svatopluk.com/download/dclicker.stm
Mirror: http://d-h.st/vW3 [dclicker.zip]

[Utility]DiabloStats - XP/VISTA/7 - Tested working with 1.09
What it does:
DiabloStats uploads your multiplayer character information to the Tristr.am server, where you can see your character stats, information online. It also tracks down the headcount of total monsters killed by a hero while running in the background (this does not include kills made without the utility). Instructions to set up the program is listed at the Downloads section of the originating site.
Warning: Don't run this with IPX/IPXwrapper as it causes Diablo to crash in both XP and 7.
Link: tristr.am - http://tristr.am/downloads.php
Mirror: http://d-h.st/50s [DiabloStats-1.4.exe]

[Utility]DiabloSaver - XP/VISTA/7 - Tested working with 1.09, older versions and other variations also available if searched.
What it does:
DiabloSaver monitors your character and other player information through the use of the utility
Link: No original website,
Mirror: http://d-h.st/OLw [DiabloSaver1.09.01.zip]

[Modification] Stash / Stash items at Gillian the Barmaid - XP/VISTA/7 - Works with 1.09 only
What it does:
This modification for Classic Diablo 1 converts Gillian to a stash. You can now transfer items easily between characters or keep the certain items you don't taking up space in the inventory into the stash. This was created by our Lurking Lounger Ulmo. This mod receives criticism and praise from both ends of the legit Diablo spectrum, so respect other players who have varying opinions.
Warning: This does not work on Battle.net, but it is tested working in IPX(wrapper) and Direct Connection.
You need a PlugUlmo.dll file which is not included in the original zipfile (by mistake?) - in the mirrored version of the upload, it is included for you.
Link - here: http://www.lurkerlounge.com/forums/thread-4440.html - Note: PlugUlmo.dll is NOT included, but needed!
Mirror: http://d-h.st/bOR [DiabloStash.zip]

[Plugin] PCX filetype viewer for Paint.NET
What it does:
This allows you to open .PCX filetypes in the Paint.NET program, a freeware graphics editor (www.getpaint.net). You can create a screenshot in Diablo 1 by pressing the "Print Screen" (PrtScr) button on your keyboard and it will generate a screen##.PCX in your running Diablo directory, where ## is a consecutive number of images in the location. You need Paint.NET installed to be able to use this plugin.
Link: forums.getpaint.net - http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/to...x-plug-in/
Mirror: http://d-h.st/605 [PcxFileType.zip]

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