Well. It's been awhile.
Hi, guys. Yeah, I know I've been inactive for a while after a brief return. My world fell down.

My wife of nearly 11 years said she wanted a divorce. As you may imagine, this caused a LOT of upheaval in my life, and I'm still adjusting to being Super-Single-Daddy.

I'm not going to go into all the drama, tears, and other BS, just thought it would be a good idea to drop in and let everyone know I'm still alive...just uberlurking.

Thanks to Bolty for keeping my account open. And thanks to everyone else who dropped in and said "hi." I know there are some questions in the old thread remaining to be answered, so please reask here if you wish. My time is rarely my own these days, but I'll see if I can squeeze some D3 in when it comes out.

I actually stopped in the local Wally World and brooded over picking up a D2 Battlechest. Some fond memories are in there. But I wasn't willing to drop $40 on it with Xmas right around the corner. Guess I'll go back to lurking.

"How heroic. How compassionate. How selfless. I think I'm going to be sick."
-Skeletorr, the new HE-MAN

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