Shoju's Guide to Zul'Gurub. <<--SPOILERS INSIDE-->>
Hex Lord Venoxis

This fight is all about not standing in the goo.

Phase 1
When the fight starts, the two pots on either side of the boss begin coating the ground in Slime in a predictable maze like pattern on the ground. Don't stand in it. It hurts. REALLY bad. During the Fight, The boss will Cast Toxic Link. The two people link need to (Within the confines of the maze on the ground) Get as far away from each other as possible. If you don't, people will die. The boss will cast Whispers of Hethiss. This needs to be interrupted. This phase ends when Venoxis casts Blessing of the Snake God, Transforming into a Snake.

Phase 2
Venoxis summons a Pool of Acrid Tears right before and after shapechanging. The tank needs to move him off of this pool, and no one should stand in it. During this Phase, Venoxis will use Breath of Hethis, a frontal Cone Spray. The tank needs to move or they will die.

Transition Phase
Venoxis will walk back up his alter and begin channeling Bloodvenom. When he does, 3 bloodvenom tendrils will appear, and begin tracking the group. You have to kite these through the phase. At the end of this phase, The poison maze disappears, and Venoxis is stunned at the bottom of the steps for 10 seconds, and he takes 100% bonus damage during this phase. A good time to bloodlust is at the first stun.

Blood Lord Mandokir

This fight is hectic.

The fight starts with Mandokir on his now dead raptor. Beware of firey patches on the ground, they will be your downfall. Mandokir will instantly kill people throughout the fight. Spirits around the outside edge of the circle will resurrect you. When this happens, Mandokir's raptor will kill the ghost, and then begin munching other ghosts. The Priority in this fight is

Raptor -> Mandokir.

Also during the fight, Mandokir will use a spell called bloodletting. This spell is channeled, lasts 10 secodns, and siphons 50% of the targets current health to mandokir every 20 seconds. try not to let this kill people and waste rezzes.

Mandokir also uses the ability Devastating Slam. This will kill you if you are caught in the Conal Area. Try not to let this waste rezzes.

There are 8 ghosts, and if you manage the raptor well, you will have 8 rezzes in the fight. Mandokir himself doesn't hit hard, and most of the damage outside of bloodletting can be minimized.

Oh yeah.... Just like in old ZG, every time a player dies, Mandokir "levels up" dealing 20% more damage.

High Priestess Kilnara

Phase 1
During her humanoid form, Kilnara casts Shadowbolt. When possible, Interrupt it. She will cast Tears of Blood. This is more important and should be interrupted as the highest priority. Lash of Anguish is a DoT she will place on random players that inflicts 20k Shadow Damage every second for 1 second. Wail of Sorry will be cast, which does large amounts of Shadow Damage to everyone. It cannot be interrupted either, and must be healed through.

The last spell she has in Phase 1 is called Wave of Agony. When she casts this, the group must run behind her, or take massive shadow damage, and be knocked back.

While all of this is going on, There are 16 panthers in the room. These should be killed before Kilnara is brought to 50%. If you don't kill them before 50%, she awakes them all at 50% and you fight them all.

The easiest way to deal with this is have the tank pull a pack of 4 at a time and bring them down. The panthers have a stacking bleed that ticks for 10k per stack. This can be ugly if you have them up at Phase 2.

Phase 2
At 40%, She transforms into a panther. She will gain Rage of the Ancients. This ability will increase her haste and damage dealt by 5% each stack, and it stacks every 5 seconds.

She will also cast cave in. The temple starts to fall apart, and everyone takes damage if they are standign in a cave in.

She will use Ravage on a single target, Causing them to bleed for 10k every 2 seconds, and Vengeful Smash which is AoE physical Damage.

To top it off, she likes to stealth and make you irritated.


This is a fight to see if you remember what the cauldrons do throughout ZG.

He casts Terrible Tonic on a randomplayer. 30k nature. Heal through it.
He casts Voodoo Bolt. Interrupt it.
He casts Zanzili Fire. It shoots out a line of fire from in front of him. Don't stand in it.

Other than that, Zanzil is a weird Maloriak encounter.

When he uses Zanzil's Graveyard Gas run to the poison cauldron to get that buff.
When he uses Zanzil's Resurrection Elixir, check to see if it is a berserker, or the zomebie pack.

Berserker: Everyone should run to the Frost Cauldron to quickly blow up the Berserker.

Zombie Pack: Run to red cauldron and everyone (but healer) gets a hellfire buff. Blow them all up.

Kill him, and move on.

Jin'do the godbreaker


PHase 1
Jindo creates a dead zone. Tank will need to pull him out of it. Everyone stays out of it until jindo begins to cast Shadow of Hakkar. Then, EVERYONE gets inside. Otherwise, you die.

Phase 2
Jin'do vanishes and you enter the spirit world. There are three chains holding hakkar in place, each with a barrier around them. The party splits up and stand at each barrier. The tank will run and pick up a spirit who will jump at a random party memeber, and shatter the barrier. Let the spirit break all three chains and then kill it.

Party members should be conscious of Twisted Spirits which should be killed. These can be just dps'd down. No need to be tanked. One all the chains are freed from the barriers. destroy the chains releasing hakkar.

Be wary of the Shadow Spikes flying around. Don't get hit, and don't stand in the bad.

If you have problems being overrun by spirits, you can kill off the spirit after it breaks the chain, kill the chain, and then repeat the process. This will take more time, but controls the amount of damage better for gruops with low dps or less than optimal heals.
Here is an overview of ZG from a boss perspective (I left out minibosses, and the Madness event) from my notes on the PTR. I will be posting a ZA breakdown shortly.
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