Frequent Disconnects
For the past 28 hours or so I have been suffering frequent disconnects from WoW. By frequent I mean every couple minutes. This is an inconvenience as it impacts mining, herbing, fighting, crabbing.

When the problem started I figured it was just Comcast playing with their network, as they are wont to do. However the problem has continued. Typically Comcast does not let problems go on that long, although now that you mention it, their SMTP was down for about a day last week.

Anyhow, latency is sometimes high and sometimes low. I checked ports, network adapter settings, the usual stuff. I've no clue what the problem is. Anyone else having a similar problem or anyone have suggestions?

Edit: Tonight I had no lag or disconnects. One thing I found was I had not had ports 1119/1120 open on my router, which Blizzard says are required to be forwarded. Oddly I had not touched the router services and rules in years. If these ports were the cause of my problem why would I have only started disconnecting a few days ago?

If I were being scientific I would close the ports again and see what happened. However for the moment I am just thankful I am able to play again.
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