Another PvP Mechanics Question
(05-01-2011, 12:12 AM)Ghaorufint Wrote:
Quote:Gharoufint is the biggest pansy on Stormrage. He's notorious for ganking people, but as soon as his gank turns around on him, he's gone. Can't handle being killed.

It saddens me that most of the good Horde PvPers have either left Stormrage or switched factions to Alliance and now we're left with dregs like Gharofint, Kraytos, and others for Horde PvP on the server (I expect Lazypeon to outright give up soon and either switch servers or switch factions).

I love that there are imbeciles playing this game who think that there are some sort of rules of honor for playing it. Go cry to your mother (she's upstairs, wondering when her 45 year old son is going to get a job and move out). ROFLOL You have to be kidding with this garbage!

*Yawn* Same old tired BS I see.

Face it, you're a pansy. I have more respect for Kratos than I will ever have for you, because if Kratos has a gank go bad, he'll stick it out and die. You on the other hand, when a gank goes bad, you run your little pansy ass out of of the gank by being in queue for LFG or PvP and then /afk out of that queue then sit in safety till your deserter debuff goes away then would go back to Wintergrasp and try to gank someone else. That's the essence of being a pansy, and you fit that bill (and I will not call you Sir because you don't deserve that level of respect).
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

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Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
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