Shoju's Tearing into the numbers. Why the 4.1 WoG nerf is good.
Some people have heard me talk ad nauseum about how much I hate the currently self healing model of tanking. Some people see why it is overpowered, and some.... Well I'm sure some peoples eyes have glazed over about it.

For the record, I hate the current Model. I don't like self healing, and I don't like how much healing it accounts for. When Raiding, there are so precious few encounters where using your HoPo on anything but WoG is generallly not necessary. Threat doesn't matter outside the first 30 or so seconds of a fight, so more SotR and or INQ is a poor choice for HoPo. I had talked about this very problem in the beta forums, in the 4.0 ptr forums, and some agreed, and some disagreed. Now, with 4.1 on the ptr, and the nerf to WoG in, Here are some numbers to show why this is a good thing.

I'm using <Lurkers>-Terenas WoL parse from last night's raid, which can be found here.

The First Fight, Omnotron Council, I was sporting my threat spec, and did 10.9% of all healing on myself. This included
1 Lay on Hands
6 Word of Glory
27 ticks of Seal of Insight
55 Ticks of Mending
2 ticks of Holy Radiance
For a total of 438924, or 2.53 times my raid buffed health. My self healing on this fight would be when I was burning off HoPo while my golem was charging down to help out (WoG), a point where my healer died (Lay On Hands) and was being Brezzed, and the fact that Threat was established after the first round of Golems, and I could SoI the rest of the way.

The second fight, Argaloth, I went with a pure Threat spec. I only account for 6.0% of the healing done on myself. This included
2 word of Glory
29 ticks of Holy Radiance
25 Mending Procs
for a total of 64593 in healing done on myself. .37% of my Unbuffed HP.

The third fight of the night, was Magmaw, and I was the add tank, in my WoG Spec. On this fight, I was #1 healer for heals on Myself and attributed 40.4% of the total healing done to myself. This included
23 Word of Glory
132 Ticks of Seal of insight
74 Guarded by the Light instances
56 Ticks of mending
for a total of 1102935 in healing done to myself. This is 7.2 times my buffed health.

Fourth Fight. Maloriak. Again, I'm the add tank. again, WoG Spec. I was #2 healer for myself on the fight, at 27.5% of the healing done to me. This included
66 Guarded by the Light Instances
112 Seal of Insight Ticks
19 Word of Glory
51 Mending
3 ticks of Holy Radiance
for a total of 842547 in healing done to myself. This is 4.87 times my buffed health

Fifth and final Fight of the night. Chimaeron. Since there are no adds, this will be a pretty good test of the numbers, since it wont be inflated by adds. I was the double attack tank, and again, I was #2 in healing on myself with 28.4% of the healing done on me, which included
23 Word of Glory
105 Seal of Insight
31 ticks of Holy Radiance (fued phases)
1 Lay on Hands
6 Guarded by the light
1 Ardent Defender
20 ticks of mending.
for a total of 656141 in healing done to myself. This is 3.79 times my buffed health.

Over all for the night, I account for 23.5% of the healing done to me, over 5 fights, 2 of which, I wasn't using a Word of Glory Centric Spec for. To put this into perspective, My cotank, a Druid, accounted for 5.9% of the healing done on himself, on the same 5 fights.

Paladins right now who are objective about the topic, should be able to see that the amount of healing that we are able to generate is obscene. We fall inline fairly close with Warriors in terms of avoidance and Mitigation. Warriors have Critical Block, Paladins have Holy Shield. I'm unsure if there is any edge here at all, but I would assume that they probably average out to be within a few % points of each other in terms of damage taken.

I for one, for the first time in a long time, am looking at a nerf and I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful that With the Cooldown in place for WoG, Prot (and possibly PvP Rets) will end up with something else to spend our Holy power on. I know that it might not come in 4.1, but I'm hoping that they realize how insignificant the "choices" they gave us with Holy Power are, when they peel back the importance of being a "half healer" while tanking.

Those who know me, know that I'm a sky is falling type of person when it comes to paladin changes. I normally hate them, talk about changing mains, but for the first time, I think I'm actually more excited about the nerf than most (including non paladins).

So, here is a breakdown of the numbers, digest them, look them over. I think that the proof is there. This is going to be a good thing. Painful, and it may take time, but if blizzard continues to listen, we might end up with a more balanced class than we have had in a while.
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