Valkyrie Variant
Has anyone ever tried this one out?

I must say it has been very difficult, but I have finally found my Gotterdamerung (I'm now lvl 27). 130 points to distribute.. woo hoo!
Never tried it. Having to save all the attribute points would be a challenge for sure. I'd say you did pretty well to get a Gotter at level 27. I remember Charis having extreme frustrations with trying to find one after writing that rule!
I'm very glad i got lucky and found one. I died many many times in the process.

The all resist = 0% from the Gotter hurts. Pretty much killed the prefixes on a lot of my jewels. So i'm stuck with +mana (which with this character isn't that important to me) or +toHit. I don't believe i've ever found Gold ring of the Heavens...would be nice about now.
Gold Heavens jewels are exceptionally rare, it took me years to find one for my PvP warrior, and finding one with +15 stats is even harder. I found enough friggin Obsidian and Dragon zodiac jewels to build a house with, before I found my FIRST Gold Heavens (currently have 3 of them). I had 2 for years but the attributes on them were low, I finally found a 28%/15 all amulet last year, I was ecstatic to say the least.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)
(02-04-2011, 01:13 AM)artanis Wrote: Has anyone ever tried this one out?

I must say it has been very difficult, but I have finally found my Gotterdamerung (I'm now lvl 27). 130 points to distribute.. woo hoo!

Like many of the creative Charis variants, this character was probably more doable when the game was young and we had an active variants channel. Those stat shrines would be really useful early on so you could equip something other than a short bow. An active variants channel could help with shrine hunts which you cannot do very fast without either teleporting or using spells which you do not have. Moreover, Murphy's law will prevent such shrines from appearing in your games just as it seeds uniques for the barbarian variant and not for the SNOB variant. I recall a time when the venerable Dr Zed was building a Gothic warrior (another Charis variant). He was stuck because he needed to find a book of phasing. He would not accept one as a gift even from another Goth. After what seems like weeks a few of us cooped with him so as to hasten the search through the caves.
Finally a book was located and a TP sent to him. Before he could snatch it, the book disappeared thanks to bnet lag, and the good Doctor's awful ISP.
Since he actually witnessed the book before it lagged he consented to allow the rest of the party to shop Adria for a replacement.

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