The Hammerdin Is Offically Dead!
Hammerdin dead? That's silly. I made one single player WITHOUT ANY TWINKING WHATSOEVER. Had blessed hammers/concentrate at 650 damage or something and a bit of fast cast from his `Stealth' cuirass and that was it.

With smite as side skill and lifetap wand for leb monsters, he cleared hell/8 no sweat, and I didn't even find *any* elite paladin shield until Anya gave me a vortex shield in the very end. With his defiance merc he could stand in the middle of anything, anywhere.

Sure, it was no uber char, but it did his job pretty well. If I had 1350 damage hammers it would be a massacre :) So, I say hammerdins are alive and well.
Hi, I'm new here and have not touch D2 for 2 years. I wish to propose my mf hammerdin equipments. Please take a look at the 2 tables below for 2 different builds. I prefer the first build because it is less complicated and maybe more feasible/cheaper.

1st build
Items MF Skill* Resist All FCR FHR Remarks
Helm Ist Shako 75 2
Amulet Mara 2 30
Armor Dusk Enig 85 2
Weapon HOTO 3 40 40
Shield Ist HOZ 25 4 50
Belt Arachnid 1 20
Ring Ravenfrost CBF
Ring SOJ 1
Glove Magefist 20
Boots War Trav 50
Charms Pala Torch 3 15
Annihilus 1 10
Gheed 40
ComGCx2 2 24
MF SCx11 77
TOTAL TOTAL 352 21 145 80 24

2nd build
Items MF Skill* Resist All FCR FHR Remarks
Helm Ist Shako 75 2
Amulet Mara 2 30
Armor Dusk Enig 85 2
Weapon HOTO 3 40 40
Shield Spirit Mon 2 30 35 55
Belt Arachnid 1 20
Ring Ravenfrost CBF
Ring SOJ 1
Glove Chancy 40 dearer
Boots War Trav 50
Charms Pala Torch 3 18 dearer
Annihilus 1 17 dearer
Gheed 40
ComGCx4 4 48
MF SCx5 35 10
TOTAL TOTAL 325 21 145 95 103

note: 2nd build fire resistance comes from 3 of the 5 mfsc which is ruby prefixed.

In addition, the base strength required for the 1st build is only 35, the switches are of 6/6 CTA & Spirit Monarch, and CBF stands for cannot be frozen.

I hope you guys can help to comment on whether my FCR, FHR, Skills, and MF are optimal? What do I need to change in order to make a better adjustment? (2nd build is only an alternative, please focus on my 1st build)

Thank you!
Danil The Returner 2000
Quote:Hi, I'm new here and have not touch D2 for 2 years. I wish to propose my mf hammerdin equipments. Please take a look at the 2 tables below for 2 different builds. I prefer the first build because it is less complicated and maybe more feasible/cheaper.


note: 2nd build fire resistance comes from 3 of the 5 mfsc which is ruby prefixed.
In addition, the base strength required for the 1st build is only 35, the switches are of 6/6 CTA & Spirit Monarch, and CBF stands for cannot be frozen.

I hope you guys can help to comment on whether my FCR, FHR, Skills, and MF are optimal? What do I need to change in order to make a better adjustment? (2nd build is only an alternative, please focus on my 1st build)

Thank you!

1st build
Items MF Skill* Resist All FCR FHR Remarks
Helm Ist Shako 75 2
Amulet Mara 2 30
Armor Dusk Enig 85 2
Weapon HOTO 3 40 40
Shield ist HOZ 25 4 30
Belt Arachnid 1 20
Ring Ravenfrost CBF
Ring SOJ 1
Glove Magefist
Boots War Trav 50
Charms Pala Torch 3 15
Annihilus 1 10
Gheed 40
ComGCx2 2 24
MF SCx11 77 10
TOTAL TOTAL 352 21 145 80 24

2nd build
Items MF Skill* Resist All FCR FHR Remarks
Helm Ist Shako 75 2
Amulet Mara 2 30
Armor Dusk Enig 85 2
Weapon HOTO 3 40 40
Shield Spirit Mon 2 30 35 55
Belt Arachnid 1 20
Ring Ravenfrost CBF
Ring SOJ 1
Glove Chancy 40 dearer
Boots War Trav 50
Charms Pala Torch 3 18 dearer
Annihilus 1 17 dearer
Gheed 40
ComGCx4 4 48
MF SCx5 35 10
TOTAL TOTAL 325 21 145 95 103

Hope this works out for you. Thanks.
Danil The Returner 2000
simply screw up, sorry guys!
Danil The Returner 2000
Anyway, my 1st build has a total of 352MF, +21 skills (all inclusive combat), 145 resist all, 80FCR, 24FHR.

my 2nd build has a total of 325MF, +21 skills(all inclusive combat), 145 resist all, 95FCR, 103FHR

1st build
ist shako
dusk enigma
ist HOZ
SOJ, Ravenfrost (for CBF)
50mf War Traveller
20/15 Pala torch
15/10 Anni
11x 7mfsc (plain, no prefix)
40mf gheed
2x combat GC with FHR

2nd build
ist shako
dusk enigma
Spirit Monarch (35FCR)
SOJ, Ravenfrost (for CBF)
40mf Chancy
50mf War Traveller
20/18 Pala torch
15/17 Anni
5x 7mfsc (prefix 3xruby, 2xshimmering)
40mf gheed
4x combat GC with FHR

Hope this is finally clear. SORRY FOR ALL THOSE SCREW UPS, REALLY!
Danil The Returner 2000
Hey danil, welcome to the Lounge!

There are a few useful features here on the boards that can prevent or fix "screw ups"

The first one is the Preview Post button, right beside the Add Reply button. Using it, you can check if your formatting works out, check for any spelling mistakes, and generally get a feel for what your post is going to look like.

The second is the Edit Post function. Instead of adding new posts to fix old ones, you can simply rework what you wrote the first time. The usual practice is to add a blurb at the end of an edited post, explaining what was changed. For example, you could have written: "Edit: Fixed formatting so tables would line up."

Unfortunately, as far as I know, there's no way to make a decent table on these boards except through trial and error with spacing. Kind of inconvenient, but every board has its quirks.

Hope this helps, and welcome again!
A plague of exploding high-fives.
Quote:Hammerdin dead? That's silly. I made one single player WITHOUT ANY TWINKING WHATSOEVER. Had blessed hammers/concentrate at 650 damage or something and a bit of fast cast from his `Stealth' cuirass and that was it.

With smite as side skill and lifetap wand for leb monsters, he cleared hell/8 no sweat, and I didn't even find *any* elite paladin shield until Anya gave me a vortex shield in the very end. With his defiance merc he could stand in the middle of anything, anywhere.

Sure, it was no uber char, but it did his job pretty well. If I had 1350 damage hammers it would be a massacre:)So, I say hammerdins are alive and well.

Wow, this thread is so old! Reading it is kind of embarrassing seeing how I use to write and think. I'd say my logic was very selfish and my reasoning very immature. Ah, what a difference a few years can make. Now when I play character's in D2, I do it simply for enjoyment. No longer must I have the best gear and be the ultimate killer. LOL, I still can't believe I wrote that. Oh well.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Quote:Wow, this thread is so old! Reading it is kind of embarrassing seeing how I use to write and think. I'd say my logic was very selfish and my reasoning very immature. Ah, what a difference a few years can make. Now when I play character's in D2, I do it simply for enjoyment. No longer must I have the best gear and be the ultimate killer. LOL, I still can't believe I wrote that. Oh well.

FWIW, just a few hours ago I was reading in another board something that said to the effect of 'Holy Shock Zealots are obsolete'. The only way to properly play that style is apparently by using a dual Dream setup. (Can't find an emoticon for an exploding head a la 'Scanners')

So don't feel too bad about it.


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