Computer Ignorance
Which fora? We're not talking about Something Awful, eh?

The yawning void that would appear should I learn that both Gord and Jon Stewart post (-ed, I guess) on SA would swallow my mind... :ph34r:
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Yes, SA. (omg think jon stewart is a goon?!)

Also the former lead programmer for Fallout 3 (r.i.p.) as well as weebl, of weebl and bob fame, and someone else I can't think of at present time. :P
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Jon Stewart as in the Daily Show Jon Stewart? :huh: Why does SA get all these celebrities? :D Unless of course there are other people who have been in movies beyond "Second tall man" or "Women at Theatre."
Yes, Jon Stewart posts on SA (I can't remember his account name at the moment, but everyone always refers to him as Jon). Rope Kid (the lead designer of Fallout 3 :( , now working under Trent Reznor on a new Gauntlet game IIRC) also posts a bit.

SA is just cool like that. I need to get off my bum and pay 10bux for an account...

EDIT: I'm an idiot - John Romero, not Trent Reznor. Shoot me now. :(
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#  Customer: "There is smoke coming from the back of the computer. What should I do?"
# Tech Support: "Get out of the computer room and call the fire department."
# Customer: "Should I make a backup first?"
# Tech Support: "Get out of the computer room and call the fire department."
# Customer: "Shouldn't I at least run the shutdown procedure?"
# Tech Support: "Get out of the computer room and call the fire department."
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
I didn't know Trent Reznor made video games :P
[Image: 25908kuenZ.png]
Omega,Dec 31 2003, 12:55 PM Wrote:I didn't know Trent Reznor made video games  :P
Trent Reznor is making a video game, he is helping to make Doom 3 with Id Software.
He is the Head Music Director or some such position where he makes all the music choices and so forth.

Nine Inch Nails did the Quake music. They even had their logo on the ammo boxes for the Nail Gun.

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