Lurker Lounge now a hack site
I personally think a better analogy is that is a public library and the Lounge, the AB, etc are research libraries. A public library has lots of available info, but some may not be as in depth as you would like. So what do you do? You go to the experts. You also deal with a lot of stuff you don't like or think is garbage (I'm thinking of the book-of-the-moment type of reading).

Both are good in different situations. I don't post (under a different nom de guerre) over there as much as here only because I usually don't have anything to say/add to what's already been said. That is one of the benefits to The sheer volume of people practically guarantees responses. But I won't go into the quality of some of those posts though ;)
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
Elric of Grans,Apr 6 2003, 01:17 AM Wrote:Now, where are we going to find some unwilling posters that we can attack? Hmm...
*looks around nervously*

Hey Elric. I think there are some unwilling posters...over there!

*runs for the door*
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
Quote:Originally posted by Striker
FenrisWulf (aside): Just curious, but where did you start posting first? or the Lounge? Also, where do you do most of your posting? I'm just wondering if that is part of the reason why you have a good relationship with Elly and the others. More contact over a long period of time = Good Thing ™
I started at, in the Druid Forum. Around one and a half years ago. Of course, Jarulf, Ruvenal, and Tommi have undoubtedly been in this business much longer than that (which must have included some posting at the forums), so I'm not sure it's entirely a time issue. Perhaps I'm less conspicuous than they are.
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
Don't worry. I already volunteered.
Quote:I started at, in the Druid Forum.

Maybe that's the difference? Moderator-wise there isn't really a problematic one at the druid forum, so most of the time the wouldn't be any poster-admin conflicts. With no such conflicts, impressions would be much much better than if the poster had been exposed to all sorts of conflicts between posters and the administrators.
Jarulf,Apr 6 2003, 11:19 AM Wrote:>then perhaps you should take the admins up on
>their suggestion to go someplace else.

Do you mind telling were you have seen this sugestion?
Sorry. My mistake. It was Worgus' reply to rwbatema in this thread which was linked to earlier. "If you don't like them [the rules] go somewhere else. " It's all such a mish-mash now, I'm not remembering everything.

Quote:For the record, why do you think I started this thread here and not over at
Very sensible of you.

Quote:>(Besides, Jarulf, you have to be here. CNN linked
>to your guide on the LL.  )

Check out this thread. It even made the front page at, so it must be big news. :D

Ruvanal,Apr 6 2003, 04:15 AM Wrote:Actually I was posting only at the LL well before I ever posted at
Okay, I stand corrected. I'll try to save face by claiming I wasn't sure about it... ;)

-- CH

(edit: add note to Ruvanal)
FenrisWulf,Apr 6 2003, 10:40 PM Wrote:I started at, in the Druid Forum. Around one and a half years ago. Of course, Jarulf, Ruvenal, and Tommi have undoubtedly been in this business much longer than that (which must have included some posting at the forums), so I'm not sure it's entirely a time issue. Perhaps I'm less conspicuous than they are.
It wasn't a time issue, it's more of a "how often do you post?" issue. From what I can see (after a quick search), Jarulf and the others that you mentioned post only when there's a question that no one seems to know the correct answer. Although I have noticed that with Jarulf's last few posts, he is more chatting, and not answering technical questions (like he mentioned in this thread a few posts ago).

*shrugs* I'm not a regular poster over there, so I don't know enough to weigh in anymore on this whole relationship thing. Maybe if I got to know the admins a bit better, then I can form a better opinion on them.

But for the record, I'm not a fan on the ban on particular offsite links. But if that's the way they run things, then that's the way it goes. I can always come here or do a google search if I need to :)
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
Obi1.10Kenobi,Apr 6 2003, 11:00 PM Wrote:Don't worry. I already volunteered.
given all of the Elric bashing I've done, I get this feeling that I'm still going to be a "volunteer" for this. ;)

But, I'm glad I'm not Nico. I can just imagine what Elric has planned for him. Poor wolf... :lol:
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
FenrisWulf,Apr 7 2003, 03:40 AM Wrote:I started at, in the Druid Forum. Around one and a half years ago.
I was having a read yesterday and got lured back in to talk about Poison Creeper

I have to say the Druid forum is a particularly good one there :)
Hail Striker,

That reminds me: I've still not got Nico back for that time he tied me up in a sack while I was in Draconia... ;)
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
It was rope, chains and a sack. And I certainly wouldn't have pounced so hard if you would have stopped struggling! ;)

How short is the memory of youth. *sigh*
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
I thought the Lurker Lounge,, Amazon Basin, etc. were all about sharing info with each other...guess I was wrong. I've never been in the forrums much but I use info on their site all the time.......Never Ever been to Amazon Basin except thru links here.....I don't know, thought you guys knew each other....It would be cool to, instead of being competitors, be one HUGE community.

One can always hope for Diablo 2 Utopia I guess
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
Well, to be fair, the Lurker Lounge and Amazon Basin are very good about sharing information and members; you'll see that a quite large percentage of the posters here have AB accounts, and new strategies and discoveries flow back and forth freely. runs under a bit of a different business model, unfortunately.
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
FenrisWulf,Apr 15 2003, 04:10 PM runs under a bit of a different business model, unfortunately.
The Hotel California business model?
Well, it's been some time since Elly left a chocolate on my pillow...
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
Ruvanal,Apr 15 2003, 08:19 PM Wrote:The Hotel California business model?
(I assume you're refering to the line "You can check out any time you like, but you can't never leave.". Half the English we Europeans know comes from text lyrics, and the other half from the infinite number of sitcoms.)
Speaking about business models... who wants thong? :blink:
Quote:This product is designed to fit juniors. It fits snug, sizes run small. Please see our size chart for more information.

"Junior"...LOL... :lol:

Ah me. ;)
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
I'll take 3!
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
What.....the......hell..... :o Are they that money crazed?

Btw, do we need to sell Lurker Lounge Merchandise? :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)

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