Shopping at Elzix
This morning I was gambling at Elzix in normal when I clicked trade instead of gamble. Then something caught my eye, he had a wolf head for sale.
I thought he could only sell them in nightmare.

Have I just mis-understood when he can sell then or is something strange happening with my game?

p.s. This was in single player so no-one could have sold it to him.
Due to the database bug in the armor.txt file, Elzix can have the possibility of showing the Wolf Heads in any difficulty, even to a level 1 character in normal.

The data bug has the possibility of his generating any of the class specific armors and circlets for his inventory (providing the generating ilvl is high enough; ilvl=clvl+5). It is just there is normally only room to display a couple of pieces of the first item on the list, the Wolf Heads. At the higher difficulties, the amount of items that are generated (but undisplayable) can go into the thousands (about 0 to 255 of each base type) and can cause a pause on even some of the fastest systems. There has been some speculation that doing this on the realms could get a player flagged as though they were using a shopbot due to the amount of items being generated in a short span of time.

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