The friggin early days.....
Kasreyn,Apr 20 2003, 11:23 PM Wrote:

I've never understood this.  The waypoint is closer and quicker.  I run to the Lut Gholein WP, blink to Sewers L2, blink back to Lut Gholein, and run back to Elzix.  I've timed it, it's quicker.

Why am I the only one I know who does this?

I believe that you have to wait for a set number of seconds before the vendors reset if you go through the WP, or maybe that's just if you go from Act to Act...

Getting OT here, but a quick comment for Roland: Dark Tower "runs" on in public games where people are using vanilaa D2. It's easy to test with thing such as Immo Arrow's radius, the amount certain affix/suffixs cost, etc... But it doesn't "work". The item will have a displayed amount of gold it will cost, but the Server will say it costs much more/less. Also, the Immo Arrow is only on your side and is only visual. Part of the flames don't do any damage at all, it just "looks" like it's doing more damage.
TaiDaishar,Apr 20 2003, 09:39 PM Wrote:Ahh... I remember the days in which I scavanged every armor, gem and the like for a few gold pieces in order to my item hungry characters some good items!
Ah, yes -- it was almost like yesterday! The joy of finding an overlooked heavy crossbow, sold to buy a few potions to get poor onlyPets past was actually this morning though.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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