Check out the Arreat Summit
Count Duckula,May 11 2003, 08:25 AM Wrote:.
Hmmm, I can't quote your sig ???

Just going to say, it's a nice site... and a good reason why I don't own a credit card... things quoted in USD always look so cheap ;)
whyBish,May 11 2003, 10:04 AM Wrote:
Roland,May 11 2003, 10:23 AM Wrote:Actually, while I'm here:
Anyone got a recommendation for Morrowind?
Well... I still have the box on my desk... I never did get it to run :(
Huh? How come? Specs not good enough? Random obscure problem? (Maybe take this to another thread to stop the hijack).

Morrowind rocks.
Well, It started to play but as soon as I would go up the hatch of the boat it would just go really weird. Looked like a video issue, but latest drivers and latest patch etc did not help.
Strange. What are your specs?

Did you try turning off pixel shaders?
And the not-so-sly assertion is that Barbarians of the Shadow Wolf tribe tend to prefer doggie style . . .

That in response to this bit:

Quote: would love to see the reasoning behind a werebarb though, just like how there are fun rationales behind skills:
"Living in the harsh grasslands of their homelands, the barbarian tribes are in constant interaction with the wild animals that roam the land. Barbarian warriors of the Shadow Wolf Tribe have taken a special interest in these creatures. Observing the deadlist hunter of them all, the wolf, barbarians of this tribe began to emulate the hunters in action and thought. As time went on, their dediaction to this effecient hunter became so great as to allow a barbarian to change his physical composition into a beast resembling their icon."

Oh, and it's usually 'totem,' not 'icon,' when you are dealing with animists. :)

In any case, this thread could use a little lightening up. :D
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote: On Morrowind, I would second the reccomendation not to uberbuild or min/max. It's too easy to make every character end up exactly the same if you exploit too many loopholes.

Loopholes be damned. Alchemy is the single most unbalancing aspect of that game... not to mention that sufficiently high stats completely negate the need for any skill. Within a half hour of starting the game I can have huge stat-increasing potions that let me accomplish anything I wish and sell for so much money that I can have a few million gold with a bit of work resting 24 hours and selling.

Most of the magic effects in the game are patently worthless (such as encumbering your enemy), and the age-old AD&D system of armor and hit points needs to be taken behind the barn and shot.

Morrowind is a very pretty game, but it is by no means a living, breathing world. Why do you never see Silt Striders travelling between towns? How come no-one ever sleeps? (They did in Daggerfall!) Why do all creatures sit at their spawn points motionless until you come into sight?

Morrowind is an interesting game, but it is fraught with just as many problems and inconsistencies as any other CRPG out there.
( -.-)
I can't turn it to the on position.

I re-installed it just to check.

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