Must .... control.... Anger....
Griselda,Jun 20 2003, 09:09 PM Wrote:Did you actually find a typo in that post, Archon, or did you edit it just for fun?  :P

That shall be only for me to know. (Or whoever looked at it right after I posted) I will not release the secrets to Archon's Guide to Sneaky Ways with the Edit Button v 2.0 yet. I'll be selling that on Ebay if I ever get that desperate for money.

Of all seriousness, I seem to always find something extra to say right after I hit post.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
IlleglWpns,Jun 20 2003, 09:10 PM Wrote:I agree with the other posters, in that posts like yours are not welcome here.   I think the issue here is more than just your use of l33t speak, annoying as that may be.  The crux of the matter is that you posted something completely pointless.  Yes you lost equipment.  Yes it sucks.  But really, so what?  Before you post something, ask yourself "why should anyone care?".  It's clear that you didn't care enough to make your post relevant or legible, and remember that you if you don't care  then it's likely that no else does either.  So in that case, why don't you save some of your time and Bolty's bandwidth and just not say anything at all
I have to disagree with you here. I will argue that most of all non-strategy or technical discussions in forums is ranting. Heck, I rant a lot as well. I tend to also post a lot of stuff that not everyone may care about. People always rant about imbalance and Blizzardisms. It's only bad if you do it too much.

In general, most of us don't like the actual method of what's being presented, not the actual idea itself. Maybe the actual idea isn't thought-provoking but it does have its place.

P.S. Have you ever seen a valkyrie kill things before? And no, Act I normal doesn't count. Actually, I'm confident that even it did, it wouldn't matter. :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Yo wassup, when u use this kind of talk, u should b in AIM or YM, cuz thats where it belong. :blink:

This is a forum. We are entitled to use proper english. We dont expect that everyone be Shakespeare or what. This is not a chat room or IM. All we expect is that everyone treat others opinions as they are and not rip people to shreads.
Now Orph, if I were you, I would just stop digging yourself a bigger hole and take heed of the advice. There is no point in further continuing this barrage. Bolty has covered everything for you. I think this topic should be locked. :ph34r:
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.
A lot of arguments end up with one poster saying something like "It's just a game, get a life!" I think that your comment, Orpheus, is very similar. You imply that since it's "just" a forum post, it inherently has very little value.

If a forum post isn't important enough for you to take the time to proofread it, how can you expect us to take the time to read it? If you are so pressed for time that you can't organize your thoughts into a form that others would understand, I guess I just don't understand how you find the time to visit this forum at all.

Perhaps this forum has different standards than others you frequent. Nobody is expecting you to be perfect in spelling and grammar. But, I believe that people are asking you to try your best. If a topic isn't worth the time and effort it would take you to write clearly, maybe that's a sign that you don't need to post. I think that I actually delete more posts than I write, because at some point I reconsider whether I have anything to say that would add value to the thread. If I don't think it will, the back button is just a click away. :)

I don't think that this thread has any constructive discussion left in it. Bolty has already requested that the argument stop, and he's also come close to invoking Godwin's Law.

This discussion is over. You lose. :lol:

Why can't we all just get along

Like Gris, I don't post that much, but when I do, I try to post in English, not in gibberish. I don't even use that crap on IRC. I was on tinyMUDs 15 years ago, and learned to type quickly and accurately. I now work with command lines. Those have to be accurate, too. As Gris said, end it. Come back if you decide to post in actual writing, instead of abbreviated *crap*.

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