Blizzard or Frozen Orb
Blizzard almost never misses if you aim properly. You learn to cast where they get hit as they run through it, just as you learn to aim meteors. Usually people get hit by 2-4 shards as they go through.

That has more to do with smart casting than bugged casting. There "blind spots" that occur when blizzard is cast on a certain area, and where no shards strike. With a moving target, it is much more likely that they will be hit as they move out of these areas. Most often it can be seen with the casters, especially oblivion mages, where you cast blizzard on a stationary target and it never gets hit (even though you are specifially targeting them). As the skill stands, it is not all that uncommon even for moving targets to pass through a blizzard without getting hit.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
definately orb
however imao static/meteor is the best choice for mf sorcs
also firewall owns meph
One thing that needs to be pointed out though is that one Ravenfrost ring is equivilant to around 400% cold resistance when you factor in the piercing aspect vs the cold absorb. I don't know the exact post that has all the number crunching, it was quite a while ago 8 months at least. Put on a second ring along with 75% base resists and cold spells almost heal people no matter how much cold mastery you have. As it is Cold Absorb is overpowered in PvP.

Blizzard would be an awsome spell if it was more reliable hitting things, right now you spend so much time either positioning your Blizzard or having the shards miss their target that Frozen Orb outshines it in every way. It is a pity to I like Blizzard much better than Frozen Orb.
Get Cosmos, Use Cosmos, Love Cosmos
Personally I am sick of frozen orb sorcs. I am not a sorc person myself (too many of them these days and frankly no fun for me) but it has to be something like 9 out of 10 sorcs have frozen orb as their main attack. I am not saying that you should go with blizzard but rather saying that more sorcs need to use other perfectly fine and equally as powerful skills not just making a frozen orb MF sorc to climb the ladder in a month then never to be used again expcept for bragging. Now one would have an arguement against barbs for ww but all ww barbs are different due to their weapons. Although i am becoming a little sick of joining a BvB game and having to duel 7 SS wielding barbs.
Stupid is as Stupid does.
I made a blizzard, chain lightning sorc, and got her up to level 95. It was a blast!!. I just wish you could stack Blizzard like we were able to in classic.
:D I remember my Sky Mistress sorc from Classic D2. Stacked whooshes (blizzard) & rumblings (meteor) that killed my Athlon 500+16meg vid card to pieces.... & that was single player. Oh yeah, Izzy died too.

Back to the question, FO just covers the screen so darn well, & very decent dmg to boot. For my Sneezy sorc pre-timers, FO for crowds, stacked Blizz for bosses, Spike for anti-corpse. Aside from variants, even a Blizz fan like me has to vote for FO.
-- Ryan
Between GW2, AirMech, Firefall and Torchlight 2, who has time for gaming? Smile
Wow, I miss spamming orb and blizzard..........sniff, sniff

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