Diablo II 1.10 Beta Test begins
WarBlade,Jul 5 2003, 08:41 AM Wrote:That is by far going to be the most heavily reported bug of the beta. Blizzard people are probably sick of it already, but one wonders why, if it's so obvious, they failed to catch it?

- This bug happens with Life, Mana and Stamina.
- Any item adding large amounts of these equipped on the character (don't know about stamina charms) will highlight it.
- The results are even worse using Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest  on a meleer(+60 Life, +30 Mana).
- I watched an Assassin's Stamina bar flickering back and forth at a rate of a full cycle every two seconds earlier tonight. It was so annoying I abandoned her for testing purposes (but not before working around the distraction to mis-read a Venom entry) :unsure:
And yet some of my test characters with riducluos items (say over +500 life and/or +500 mana) donot show any sign of this occuring to them. We may need to start taking note of if it only certain types of items (like only certain set pieces).
Ruvanal,Jul 6 2003, 01:17 AM Wrote:We may need to start taking note of if it only certain types of items (like only certain set pieces).
And there it is. Set Items.

It was Aldur's Advance that did the freaky stamina stunt.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Here's a full list of bosses:

Blood Raven
Diablo clone
Putrid Defiler family
Baal clone

Not sure about super uniques though...
Heh, I didn't really look around and since the first testing I wanted to do was playing through with new chars to see how things went and if it was still fun or not, I didn't run into any sets that had life, mana, or stamina bonuses on them until the Hsarus' belt dropped.

Makes more sense that it is all set items and not just that one. Guess I should have read and browsed more.

I have a really nice screen shot of the monsters attacking through walls, it has a zon in a dodge/avoid pose and the monster chilled from setting off Frozen armor. I'm posting that one in the Maggot Lair thread though.

Those two and the Molten Boulder display bug are the only major ones I have seen so far, but I'm not starting real testing till tonight.

As for why it was released with the obvious bugs in it. My conspiracy theory is to keep the D2 players off B.net during the early days of Frozen Throne release. Make it Single and TCP/IP only, the D2 fans will play it taking some of the normal B.net load down, making things nicer for those new FT customers. At least it is the best theory I have. That and they may not have done a lot of off realm testing either so this helps that. But I don't believe we are looking at the release candidate that Blizzard QA is.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Ruvanal,Jul 5 2003, 01:12 PM Wrote:The tempered formulas are not enabled and are incomplete also.  They would nothing very useful in their current set up if they were enabled.
Ah, well I saw them listed on the page 2 of this post, and figured I might give them a shot... But this explains why it didn't work =)
To avoid confusion, I edited those out of my post, now. :)
TheDragoon,Jul 5 2003, 05:47 PM Wrote:To avoid confusion, I edited those out of my post, now.   :)
Actually it might be a better idea to leave them in there and mention that they don't work - reasoning being that some other sites (namely diabloii.net) have those cube recipe listed as working, and hopefully at least here they will find out the truth =)
I noticed that shamans seem to be ressurecting fallen at a much greater distance. Lotsa, lotsa raising going on.

Also, in Tristram, I was attacked by the shadows of a couple carvers. No visible monster, just it's shadow on the ground. (I could hover and see "Carver", though.)

BTW, I haven't tried Act III, yet. Any chance the missing fetish sound from 1.01 is back?

-- CH
Indeed, those Shamans keep getting better with every patch. When 1.08 was released, they got the ability to resurrect critters without needing to have LoS to them, and now they're resurrecting them from screens away. This is probably related to the fact that ranged attackers have an increased range as well.

As for Duriel; 80k Hp's with 50% Physical Resistance and 50% Blockrate on Hell difficulty? Poor Barbarians :(
Okay, I'll admit I haven't read many of the posts here since yesterday. Ergo, there will probably be a very high chance that stuff mentioned here has probably been covered elsewhere. Yay. Plus, I ain't at all interested in the figures, just give me the damn game; don't expect any deep thoughts about damage dealt, resistances, treasure classes etc. I just want to play.

So after sitting in queue at Fileplanet like a common schmuck (Bah!) I finally got my mitts on the patch. Now if only I had Diablo II installed... One failed install later, old 1.09 characters backed up, and patched so lovingly applied (Gotta love the new icon...) I was ready to play! Uh, only this was 9PM yesterday and I had to go out.

First thing I noticed was that the zombies seemed different, and they were tougher than usual. Fortunately, I had a shotgun in my invent- Oh, damn. Inserted the Resident Evil 3 CD by mistake. My bad.

Ten minutes later, the correct game loaded, and with an initial button selection that dredged memories of the ol' Diablo II demo, it's time to rock. But what character? I had a choice of four, including Blaiddarth, my mildly successful clvl 47 Weredruid with so many gems the sparkle can be viewed by Hubble, a Cube, a boatload of cash, and on the verge of starting Act 3 Nightmare...

Nah, best if I started anew. Decided on build: Weredruid again, now I needed a name. I settled on Bledri (Bled-REE), it's Welsh, it has something (Mythologically) to do with wolves, it's perfect. Now for some planning: Pure Werewolf, with maybe a spirit, decided on Oak Sage. Not gonna bother putting prereqs along the Werebear half of the Shapeshifting tree to get Hunger, and I sure as hell ain't gonna accidentally spend a point in Summon Raven. Now let's look at these synergies, eh?

What a huge disappointment. Four synergies, Fire Claws benefits from four of the Elemental tree (Firestorm, Molten Boulder, Fissure, Volcano) and Rabies benefits from Poison Creeper. Big whoop. They had better be worth it, especially Rabies.

But that's only two synergies, what about the other two? Well, I believe here that Blizzard got confused over the difference between a synergy and a passive skill. Highlight Werewolf and Werebear and look under the synergies given: LYCANTHROPY! GODDAMN LYCANTHROPY!!!!!, with all the exclamation marks. But, aside from the passive bonuses given by each lovingly assigned point in Lycanthropy, does 'wolf or 'bear gain any additional bonuses, say extra AC, AR, or even a superficial colour change for their fur every level? (Yes, I dream of running around with a bright yellow Werewolf, it sure as hell would amuse the crap out of everyone) No. There is no other benefit, aside from the passive bonus of adding Lycanthropy. Well thank you Blizzard.

Yep, I guess you could argue that Lycanthropy always behaved like a synergy, given that it only affected two skills rather than, say, Dodge, which was truly passive regardless of whatever you're doing. But that's hardly the point is it? Four synergies a tree and two of them have literally no effect whatsofugginever. God, I can imagine the meeting that went into that: "Oh-kay, we need two more synergies for the Druid Shapeshift tree. Any ideas?" "Well, what about added life or mana steal for Hunger with points in Carrion Vine or Solar Creeper?" "Maybe added IAS for Fury with Feral Rage?" "Maybe some cold damage with Shockwave with points invested in Arctic Blast? That'd be pretty cool." "Nah nah nah... Too difficult, besides, we gotta get this beta out by tomorrow. Plus, I gotta pee." "Hey, why don't we just list Lycanthropy for Werewolf and bear? We've already coded it, and I suppose Lycanthropy is kinda like a synergy rather than a passive." "Brilliant! Pay rises for all! Now let's go home." You couldn't make it up.

Honest, I'm beginning to think that Shaftstop should be recommended Druid armour, that way we might stop getting shafted repeatedly. Grr...

Furballs of the world unite! Cast off your flea collars and demand decent synergies before the final release! I'd lodge an official complaint later, and risk running the gauntlet that is Battle.net Forums, but, I, uh, wanna play some more. Anyhoo, no other noticable changes in town 'cept for the much touted blue potion sale at Akara's House o' Pots. Shame a Weredruid doesn't need blues for the first few levels, and after that they should have high enough mana and leech to live a life of mana potion abstinance for a very long time. Let's get out there and cause some damage, /players 8 style!

My mission, should I choose to accept it:
1) Play the game to see if the patch is worth the wait.
2) Test things to see if there are any improvement with the drops system.
3) Amass more chips than Frito-Lays. Oh yes.

Experience Shrine a couple of yards away from the encapment entrance, and for a clvl 1, /players 8 Druid this is a godsend, the difference between taking on three Zombies for the level and three Quill Rats. First monster in sight is a Zombie, and actually they do look kinda different, unless I never noticed their shoulder pads before. Yeah, that's it. Zombie dispatched, and now it's down to a couple of Quill Rats.

Ching! Level 2. Invest in Werwolf and let the blood flow, not bad for thirty seconds of work. Time to explore a bit.

Now folks, I don't want to upset anyone, but what I am about to impart may shock you (Unless of course this isn't the first post you've read here.). Blood Moor, Fallen, everywhere! Now, I'm not talking about maybe four or five Fallen randomly appearing near an abandoned house, I'm talking dozens of the little buggers all over the Moor! How's that for diversity, folks? Bet you're glad you waited in line at Gamespy's servers with the rest of the great unwashed and kept your place like a regular plebe. Nah, seriously, it is good to see more Fallen sprinkled around for diversity, the Moor was just plain boring, and it is fun to actually place kill 'n' chase with the little red bastards without having to worry about Shaman. Blood Moor cleared, and as usual I burst past Flavie to trigger the Cold Plains Waypoint, time to tackle the Den at clvl 4, verging on 5.

Now, this will probably piss some folk off: Fallen Shaman are far more annoying than ever. While there does seem to be a delay between them "casting" reserruct on a Fallen and the said Fallen dusting themselves off before, yes, getting decapitated again. But I believe their effective range for resurrecting has been increased greatly. Seriously. Try it out. Drag a few Fallen away from their Shaman master and kill them around the corner at a distance that normal Shaman cannot reach. They'll be back, hell yes, and eventually your teeth will be set on edge.

And another thing about the difficulty, Shaman annoyances aside, I don't really see any major difference between hot-newness /players 8 and the old-and-busted players 8 (Though of course the additional clvl gained thanks to that early shrine may have put myself ahead of the difficulty curve). True, monsters regenerate HPs very quickly, and if you don't kill them straight away you can watch their life bar climb back to full in a matter of seconds, but they die just the same, and the first Gargantuan Beast (Always a sobering sight) went down like Jaques Cousteau to my claws. Still, thanks to those fuggin' Shaman, and their closeness and the size of their packs, I still had to work pretty hard to get to the end. About ten monsters left, clvl 6 reached, one in 'wolf and five in Lycanthropy, I decided to treat myself to a nice, juicy, Oak Sage. (Tastes great with chicken! Mmm. Chicken.) Hmm, forget working on Heart of Wolverine like I did with Blaiddarth - Sure, I hit harder than anything out there, but the potion prices were astronomical! And they taste worse than Vanilla Coke, yech. Pump Oak, get more HP than God, be happy. Would a loved a synergy for any of the spirits, but what are you gonna do when Blizzard have just repackaged the old Dire Wolf/Grizzly passives as their "new gimmick?"

Oh, and what did I say about the difficulty before? Forget about it. If I was bombing through the Den like a locomotive, then Corpsefire and his pack decided to play the role of the couch on the line. Minion HP is boosted, minion damage is boosted, and there were five of them. Ouch. I even had to run away! Unthinkable! I can't help but feel I disgraced myself somehow. Even though I was drawing one, maybe two away from their pack at a time I was still getting smacked. Hey, thank God a random Fallen had popped a (Actually pretty decent) Rare Padded Leather up on the Moor, or it would have been over a lot sooner.

Still can't find Corpsefire though, and that thought worried me as I was down to two monsters, two Zombies on the screen, and no boss yet. Guess what Blizzard have done kiddies? That's right: Bosses aren't differently coloured no more, at least in the beta. Boy was my face red as I blazed towards the final "Zombie" without paying attention and getting my ass handed back to me thanks to a poisened spectral hit. Then again, bosses don't benefit from having the little light radius in the caves, 'cause no every monster has 'em. Of course, if you want to find Corpsefire in a hurry, here's a hint - He's mute. That's right, his lips are sealed, doesn't so much as grunt. Folks, this is how you can tell this is a beta.

Hmm, I wonder if Blizzard incorporated commands to do all the funky stuff you saw in the screenshots, such as displaying monsters and moving townsfolk. It sure as hell would speed up the beta, and I wouldn't be one to complain when it's removed in the final. Nope, all the disadvantages of playing a beta, with none of the advantages. Yes, I'm still bitter of the synergy fiasco, leave me alone.

Corpsefire didn't drop much of anything, four minor reds to replace the five light reds I chugged taking him and his pack on (Cheers!), a magical short bow, and a magical katar. This does not bode well for the implication of improved drops. TP up, grap the extra Lycanthropy point from Akara, listen to Kashya whine about Blood Raven, ID, hock, and WP to the Plains.

Damn those Shaman! Damn their bones! They're really getting annoying! On no fewer than three seperate occassions did I meet five packs of ten Fallen, with a Shaman, in close proximity where the Shaman from the furthest pack can raise a Fallen from the nearest. When will Blizzard recognise that annoying the hell out of people does not equate a greater gameplay challenge? Probably about the same time they fix the MS No-Stun bug in Diablo.

Maybe it's not too late to play Resident Evil 3 before dinner.

But on the whole, the general drops are better even though the boss drops are through the floor. Bishibosh (Also a dumb mute) didn't drop so much as a cracked sash, and a Dark Rogue boss had naught but a Grand Charm (My third of the day) with lousy mods. But the normal monsters were popping rings and amulets and blues and rares all over the shop, and I'm now wearing my third Rare Padded Leather.

Time to shop. Charsi had a two-hander with a 10% chance to cast level 1 Amplify Damage on striking on sale, and if this had been 1.09 I wouldn't have looked at it twice.

But maybe they've fixed it for single?

The answer came halfway through a pack of Dark Spearwomen: YES! Finally! Chance to cast Curse actually WORKS! Heheheheh, all that time I ran through the game with my old Barbarian with a pair of Amp Damage two-handers and wondering why no one was being cursed. It's replay time!

Ooh, is that the time? Food calls, and I was just about to hit 9. My Rogue is loving her new Hunter's with three chipped sapphires, though the monsters ain't, plus I got a few chippies, and lots of Stash space now I don't have to hoarde blues (Say, what is the juve formula? I'll have to find that out.) and the general drops are pretty good, though bosses are only good for experience at the moment.

So that's objectives 2 and 3 accomplished. What about 1? Hmm, on one hand you've got pretty decent difficulty on boss packs, blues for sale, the good drops, monster diversity, and the neato command reporting "players set to 8". On the other, you got even more annoying Shaman, the monster light radii in caves (Which rather defeats the purpose of a dark cave, dontchathink?), the nonsensical and overhyped synergies (Then again, this is a pure Weredruid point of view, other characters will probably benefit. Bastards.) and the awful, awful boss drops. Also, the affix diversity is both a good and a bad thing. Good because it gives a sense of total randomness, and you can never tell what you'll get next, and bad because by now I've usually got a pair of "find xx% extra gold" rings with maybe some MF by now, in fact it's almost guaranteed that one would drop in the Den, this was the first game ever when I haven't found one. The MF doesn't bother me in the slightest, but for a habitual gambler and someone who needs to repair their gear (*Waits for cheers and catcalls from the Sorceress and Amazon corners*) I need the moolah. *Sigh*

Alms for the poor?

Well, here's hoping things pick up later on.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Has anyone noticed that the life bars now MOVE on poison attacks? I took my poison dagger necro out to play a bit, and I could actually PD something, and watch the life bar drop till it died, instead of watching the life bar not move at all, and the monster suddenly keel over.....

Love the variety in Act 5 NM/Hell. I hope the variety only seems to be in act 5 because it's a beta. I expected it all over....

Hmm...walk out in Hell Blood Moor, and run into....Snakes? Slingers? Blood Lords (either type). Hmm. I guess we shall see if the real 1.10 is different.

Although the Fanaticism-enchanted Burning Dead Mage (cold) in the Ancients Way was a shock...or should I say it was chilling? Also, the Carver Shaman in one of the Act 5 caves, complete with Carvers, that, instead of shooting fireballs, was shooting GSpike! Wow! Variety! Like D1, where you never knew exactly what you were going to get.
I you actually max Fire Claws and the 4 synergies plus had plus 10 to skills the fire damage would be pretty wild.

~24 x 330

Thats ~8000 damage as fast as you can swing at the cost of only 4 mana per hit.

Imagine if you paired up with a conviction paladin.
When my barb has a mana leech sword in his left hand, and life leech sword in his right, he leeches normally, i.e. one of each. However, if he leads with the life leecher, he leeches life with BOTH swords, and mana with none - at least, he gets the red leeching animation both times. Can anyone else confirm this?

EDIT: never mind, he's not doing it anymore. Wierd.

EDIT AGAIN: Argh, he's giving the right animation, but I don't think he's actually leeching mana. Help!
Welcome to the Lounge. Hope you brought your portable bomb shelter. - Roland
At some point, Double Swing goes to 0 mana cost. On my test char, that has level 20 skills, it's 0 mana to Double Swing. and, on a new one, it reduces each level, but i haven't played my new one far enough to tell how many points it takes to get to 0.
Since Frenzy gets damage from Double Swing, that's now two reasons for a dual-wielder to dump some points in it in the early game....
DS goes to zero mana at lvl 9. Cool. B)
Welcome to the Lounge. Hope you brought your portable bomb shelter. - Roland
Quote:But that's only two synergies, what about the other two? Well, I believe here that Blizzard got confused over the difference between a synergy and a passive skill. Highlight Werewolf and Werebear and look under the synergies given: LYCANTHROPY! GODDAMN LYCANTHROPY!!!!!, with all the exclamation marks. But, aside from the passive bonuses given by each lovingly assigned point in Lycanthropy, does 'wolf or 'bear gain any additional bonuses, say extra AC, AR, or even a superficial colour change for their fur every level? (Yes, I dream of running around with a bright yellow Werewolf, it sure as hell would amuse the crap out of everyone) No. There is no other benefit, aside from the passive bonus of adding Lycanthropy. Well thank you Blizzard.
OK, they are doing the same thing for necros: Skeletons get bonuses from skeleton mastery and summon resist.
I guess they are reporting passive skills as a sort of "synergy" when really nothing has changed at all.

Quote: Blood Moor, Fallen, everywhere!

I, personally don't mind the fallen. but mabye that's just because I have a bunch of skeletons and a golem to despatch 'em for me. B)

Quote:Oh, and what did I say about the difficulty before? Forget about it. If I was bombing through the Den like a locomotive, then Corpsefire and his pack decided to play the role of the couch on the line. Minion HP is boosted, minion damage is boosted, and there were five of them. Ouch. I even had to run away! Unthinkable! I can't help but feel I disgraced myself somehow. Even though I was drawing one, maybe two away from their pack at a time I was still getting smacked. Hey, thank God a random Fallen had popped a (Actually pretty decent) Rare Padded Leather up on the Moor, or it would have been over a lot sooner.

Still can't find Corpsefire though, and that thought worried me as I was down to two monsters, two Zombies on the screen, and no boss yet. Guess what Blizzard have done kiddies? That's right: Bosses aren't differently coloured no more, at least in the beta. Boy was my face red as I blazed towards the final "Zombie" without paying attention and getting my ass handed back to me thanks to a poisened spectral hit. Then again, bosses don't benefit from having the little light radius in the caves, 'cause no every monster has 'em. Of course, if you want to find Corpsefire in a hurry, here's a hint - He's mute. That's right, his lips are sealed, doesn't so much as grunt. Folks, this is how you can tell this is a beta.

OK, first i like the improved unique packs, now I actually have to worry about all unique monsters instead of the one or two LEBs (the drops are really crappy though).
I dunno whats up with corpsefire, but all other uniques (except a annoying LEB yeti an the outter cloister) were a different color for me.

EDIT: the rejuv formulas are as follows:
3 rejuv --> 1 full rejuv
3 life + 3 mana + 1 chipped gem --> 1 rejuv
3 life + 3 mana + 1 normal gem --> 1 full rejuv
"Hydrogen and stupidity are the two most common things in the universe" - Harlan Ellesen
"I beat you with a stick!" - ChromaticOnion
ChromaticOnion,Jul 5 2003, 04:08 PM Wrote:OK, first i like the improved unique packs, now I actually have to worry about all unique monsters instead of the one or two LEBs (the drops are really crappy though).
I dunno whats up with corpsefire, but all other uniques (except a annoying LEB yeti an the outter cloister) were a different color for me.
I think it's only the superuniques that are the same color as the rest.....the random packs are different....or at least I think that's it so far....
Yeah, my amazon has set gloves of some sort that add 40 to life. A lot of times she won't heal over 600/640 life.
Well, I've benn having much fun playing the beta as a necro.
Here are the major changes that I noticed:
Skeletons are actually WORTH it! As you put points into summon skeleton you get more life, AR, DR and (on some slvls) damage(!). After getting three skeletons at slvl 3 you don't get another untill slvl 6! Interesting.
Ditto with skeleton mages.
Skeleton mastery remains unchanged as far as I can tell, but it is improving skeletons that are NOT a total waste of pionts!
All the golems get synergy. Clay golem adds more AR to your other golems, blood golem adds life, iron golem adds DR and fire golem adds damage.
No synergies in the curses tree and no notable changes there either :(
The poison and bone tree is interesting. Poison dagger, explosion and nova all get synergies from each other. Teeth, bone spear and sprit all get synergies from each other and from bone wall and cage. Bone armor wall and cage all benifit each other.

A few annoyences:
Unique monster drops SUCK! I know we've all heard this before but it is really annoying because the packs are so much harder. More work, less payoff. <_<
Shamans have rather annoying range. It's just a wee bit much to have them raising fallen, carvers, etc. form a screen or so away. (Unique shamans don't get minions to raise though)
Hirelings. The "experience zone" seems quite small and my rouge isn't in it a lot of the time (I'm back from the battle and my rouge is even further) Normally my hirelings lvl keeps up with mine, more or less. Now, however I am lvl 16 and my rouge is only lvl 9! :angry:
Also, I would really like it if I could leave her in town if I fight a particularly hard boss, or at least say something like "DON'T STAND NEXT TO THE LEB YOU MORON!!!"

Regardless of the few annoyances I'm having a lot of fun now that I can actually use a mob of skeletons and not get creamed. :)
Having lots of fun, see you all on the ladder!
"Hydrogen and stupidity are the two most common things in the universe" - Harlan Ellesen
"I beat you with a stick!" - ChromaticOnion
Actually, the unique shamens WiLL raise any other shaman you kill that's in range........

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