GAAAAH! Cannot Complete Quest!
Only vaguely related, but I looked in the .txt file and here are the maps that require quests before you can take portals to them.
  • QF LevelName
    11 Harem Level 1
    11 Harem Level 2
    11 Palace Cellar Level 1
    11 Palace Cellar Level 2
    11 Palace Cellar Level 3
    11 Arcane Sanctuary
    13 Canyon of the Magi
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Tal Rasha's Tomb
    13 Duriel's Lair
    21 Durance of Hate Level 1
    21 Durance of Hate Level 2
    21 Durance of Hate Level 3
    39 The Worldstone Keep Level 1
    39 The Worldstone Keep Level 2
    39 The Worldstone Keep Level 3
    39 Throne of Destruction
    39 The Worldstone Chamber
    40* Moo Moo Farm (26 in classic)<>
    [st]I'm pretty sure these are the quests referred to by the numbers:
    • 11 Tainted Sun
      13 Summoner
      21 Council
      26 Diablo
      39 Ancients
      40 Baal<>
      [st]I'll look and see if I can find anything else.

      In my opinion, all this anti-rush stuff was pointless.

      -- CH

      A Puritan is someone who is deathly afraid that someone, somewhere, is having fun.
Nerfing rushes is one of the best ideas Blizz has ever had. I'm all for it. If peeps are sick of playing the game then switch to another. Nerfing rushes will nerf all those annoying script-kiddies who never do anything but leech, hill, and cow. :P B) :lol:
Hmm... Two thoughts on that.

For the sake of argument, let's say I've just rushed a character. How and why has that diminished your enjoyment of the game? How and why will screwing up my future enjoyment of the game make the game more enjoyable for you?

Do you actually believe that preventing rushing will change "annoying script-kiddies who never do anything but leech, hill, and cow" into the sort of people you'll want to co-op with? I don't think so. In fact, I think it's more likely to screw up my enjoyment of because the little idiots won't be self-segregating themselves into Cow games. So now, I'll be running into them all the time, instead of just when I choose to enter a Cow game to taunt them.

BTW, do you also think that level requirements to enter higher difficulties are a good idea?

-- CH
On the other hand, all those rushed characters will have more time to find great items and runes, so it could adversely affect the trading of the non-rushers.

- Dagni
Well, I can dispell one of the choices there.
I was able to defeat Duriel without ever completing the Summoner quest. Now you cannot do it solo. It would be impossible.
But I was able to do it in a TCP/IP game. I was playing with a friend that was just a few levels above me, but was already in Act 3.
He accidently killed the Summoner and activated the portal. I was able to go through the portal and we went ahead and killed Duriel, because he knew the right Tomb.
I went back later in solo and completed the Summoner quest on my own for exp and mf purposes.
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.

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