02-22-2003, 10:44 PM
Hi all, this is my first post here. I usually hang out on the diabloii.net forums but I have a question that no-one has been able to answer so far :( I am writing a program to read the .d2s game files and I have a rather crude working Windows version for 1.07-1.09 here . However, in attempting an upgrade for Classic based on the info by Jamella, I found that I cannot decode the DWORD data for the magical mods on the items. I have searched high and low and was pointed here. On the old Lurker forums, I saw a post by Nuttzy99 about this same problem but the post had nothing i could work with. I tried looking for the PDF file that contained the source code to Jamella but the site is down and no-one seems to have it. It would appear that Jarulf has this info based on that post so i was wondering if he (or anyone else) could help. Thanks