05-12-2003, 03:14 PM
Overall, I agree with your post. However "So, the question really isn't "flawed"." is humbug. If the question had been posed for open discussion, you would be right. The question was posed as a poll with just "Yes" and "No" as answers. The question is too ambiguous, as you pointed out, to admit of just a simple "Yes" or "No" answer.
Had the question been prefaced by an introduction having much of the information you gave, it might have been valid. As it is, it is a complete waste of space and time and does little more than give us an indication of the limitation of the thought process of the poser.
Overall, I agree with your post. However "So, the question really isn't "flawed"." is humbug. If the question had been posed for open discussion, you would be right. The question was posed as a poll with just "Yes" and "No" as answers. The question is too ambiguous, as you pointed out, to admit of just a simple "Yes" or "No" answer.
Had the question been prefaced by an introduction having much of the information you gave, it might have been valid. As it is, it is a complete waste of space and time and does little more than give us an indication of the limitation of the thought process of the poser.
How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?