01-13-2006, 01:05 AM
Yes, holy priests are just about god when it comes to duels/those rare times in pvp when you find someone alone with no one around for miles.
Most classes flat out have no chance, infact the only classes that do stand a chance against a properly geared/played holy priest in my opinion are...
Sword rogue. Adrenaline rush hurts, if they have their pvp trinket or WoTF to break fear while they ss at 2x the normal rate it will definitely be close. Most rogues just don't have a chance due to the stun resist talent and the talent that gives uninterrupted heals after a crit. "Heda" one of stormrage's best dueling priests let me beat on him with my rogue (very well geared). Even with no fears I still couldn't outdps his heals. (Combat specced dagger rogue aka. max damage spec in game currently)
Warriors. This is kind of a crap shoot, if the fears are dealt with then things certainly get interesting. I like arms/fury better than MS for this matchup, most priests just wait for ms timer to get low then fear/heal, arms fury is just painful all around.
Shaman. Yeah
Very well geared hunter. Shadowmeld aimed shot to start off the duel can really hurt, though most priests are smart enough to watch where the hunter SMs and just fear the area, all the same, with MS/arcane shot hunters can really pump out some huge damage fast.
Most classes flat out have no chance, infact the only classes that do stand a chance against a properly geared/played holy priest in my opinion are...
Sword rogue. Adrenaline rush hurts, if they have their pvp trinket or WoTF to break fear while they ss at 2x the normal rate it will definitely be close. Most rogues just don't have a chance due to the stun resist talent and the talent that gives uninterrupted heals after a crit. "Heda" one of stormrage's best dueling priests let me beat on him with my rogue (very well geared). Even with no fears I still couldn't outdps his heals. (Combat specced dagger rogue aka. max damage spec in game currently)
Warriors. This is kind of a crap shoot, if the fears are dealt with then things certainly get interesting. I like arms/fury better than MS for this matchup, most priests just wait for ms timer to get low then fear/heal, arms fury is just painful all around.
Shaman. Yeah
Very well geared hunter. Shadowmeld aimed shot to start off the duel can really hurt, though most priests are smart enough to watch where the hunter SMs and just fear the area, all the same, with MS/arcane shot hunters can really pump out some huge damage fast.
MaxPower#1485 60 SC Barb/32 HC Witch Doctor/22 HC Wizard/17 HC Demon Hunter