Alternative to iTunes for ripping music?
DeeBye,Jan 10 2006, 12:11 AM Wrote:I finally had a chance to sit down and rip a bunch of my old CDs to mp3s.  I used iTunes for this task, because iTunes is amazingly easy to use.

I set it rip as mp3 at 192kbps VBR.  I expected very good quality, but what I ended up with sounds pretty flat compared to other 192kbps VBR rips I've listened to.  I'm pretty disappointed.

So now it looks like I need to find another utility to rip my music.  Suggestions?

CDex. Best program I've used. Works wonders.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

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Alternative to iTunes for ripping music? - by Roland - 01-11-2006, 04:29 AM

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