LoL frenzied axeman
I think the key to playing a frenzy barb is to keep frenzy charged. The basic way to do this is to map Frenzy to the right mouse button and move around the map on click lock allowing your Barb to auto-target monsters that get in his way.

Just for this purpose you might want to pump increased speed a little. It can make the difference between reaching that next monster while the charge is still full and having the charge lapse just as you run smack into a boss pack

I have one who is almost no twink (he got given a rare sword early on but has now out-grown it). It is actually quite easy to find a new monster within 6 seconds as long as you don't get distracted

As for the main skills, it's Frenzy and mastery for AR and damage; BO for safety and party-friendliness, Natural Resistance for, err, not dying

Thrown, Double throw, Taunt, Find potion, Leap attack, Ironskin and Find item are all worthy one pointers. Howl might be useful as a one-pointer if you are keeping close to the monster levels.

One last point about it is that it looks amazing as you whizz through monsters killing everything. Heavily twinked players will pant after you seeing nothing but corpses. Everyone I meet assumes my Barb is twinked to the gills. If this is coop, I'm sure you'll experience this reaction. It is kind of nice in an ego-boost kind of way :D

I would be interested to read how you get on

Messages In This Thread
LoL frenzied axeman - by Count Duckula - 05-12-2003, 04:37 AM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Brista - 05-12-2003, 05:52 AM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Nebuul - 05-12-2003, 08:52 PM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Count Duckula - 05-12-2003, 11:38 PM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Nebuul - 05-13-2003, 10:03 PM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Guest - 05-14-2003, 09:06 PM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Nebuul - 05-15-2003, 05:14 AM
LoL frenzied axeman - by D2Player69 - 05-15-2003, 04:33 PM
LoL frenzied axeman - by SolidWolf - 05-20-2003, 04:55 AM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Kharohz - 05-20-2003, 04:19 PM
LoL frenzied axeman - by Jeunemaitre - 05-20-2003, 05:52 PM

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