12-30-2005, 09:24 PM
Sabra,Dec 30 2005, 01:43 PM Wrote:Why wouldn't a new race for the Alliance have been announced too?General speculation is that they don't have finished models that they are ready to announce with, but it could just be suspense. This is Blizz's response to this rumor, btw.
Quote:Since our official announcement at BlizzCon concerning the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion pack, we've seen a great deal of speculation regarding what race players believe might be available to the Alliance faction. This topic has revealed itself to be both highly debatable and exciting, and we're definitely pleased to see so much interest surrounding this particular future addition to the game.Roughly translated: the gaming mag is just guessing. That said, the blood elves announcement was broken in a virtually identical way. Blizz denied it then, too.
With that being said, we wanted to take this time to remind everyone that we have not provided any information or made any announcements concerning the new Alliance race to any Web sites, magazines, or other media sources. While we don't want to discourage you from continuing your discussions on this matter, we ask that you keep that bit of information in mind. When we're ready to announce the new race, we'll eagerly share as much information as we can with everyone on our community site.
That said, Blizz HAS said that it expects players to be really shocked and surprised about the new alliance. If they pick Worgen or Ogres, that would make sense. If they picked Dranei ... well, lets face it. That's the obvious choice since blood elves were first speculated. Not a person would be surprised if they picked Dranei, I should think, which in this case trends against the choice.